.. _tespy_examples_label: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Example Applications ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On this page we collect example applications of TESPy. If you want to add your example here, please open an issue on GitHub and let us know. The source code of the application should be accessible freely, so other users can learn from your project. .. card:: **Dashboard for the exploration of various heat pump designs** ^^^ .. image:: /_static/images/examples/heatpumps.png :align: center :alt: Heatpumps Dashboard :class: only-light :target: https://github.com/jfreissmann/heatpumps .. image:: /_static/images/examples/heatpumps_darkmode.png :align: center :alt: Heatpumps Dashboard :class: only-dark :target: https://github.com/jfreissmann/heatpumps The streamlit dashboard *heatpumps* provides users with powerful tools for both design and part load simulation of a comprehensive library of heat pump topologies. Furthermore, TESPy's integration of CoolProp facilitates the use of a wide range of refrigerants. The exploration of simulation results is supported by fluprodia's state diagrams as well as the TESPy built-in exergy analysis feature. An assessment of the economic attractiveness of different heat pump setups is enabled through a component-based cost estimation. +++ Title: heatpumps Authors: Jonas Freißmann, Malte Fritz Reference: :cite:`Fritz2024` .. card:: **Coupled Porous Media Storage and Power Plant Simulation** ^^^ .. image:: /_static/images/examples/PM_CAES_graphical-abstract.svg :align: center :alt: Overall setup of a porous media compressed air energy storage in the energy system :class: only-light :target: https://github.com/fgasa/Integrated_CASE_Assessment .. image:: /_static/images/examples/PM_CAES_graphical-abstract_darkmode.svg :align: center :alt: Overall setup of a porous media compressed air energy storage in the energy system :class: only-dark :target: https://github.com/fgasa/Integrated_CASE_Assessment A porous media energy storage is coupled with a power plant simulation. Yearly operation of different power plant and storage setups is optimized within different energy system scenarios in a first step by transferring information from the complex system to a mixed-integer linear formulation. The optimized storage dispatch is then passed to the coupled simulation to find actual mass flow rates as well as pressure subsurface distribution. +++ Title: Integration of geological compressed air energy storage into future energy supply systems dominated by renewable power sources Authors: Firdovsi Gasanzade, Francesco Witte, Ilja Tuschy, Sebastian Bauer Reference: :cite:`Gasanzade2023` .. card:: **Parametric Optimization of an Organic Rankine Cycle** ^^^ .. image:: /_static/images/examples/ORC_parametric_flowsheet.svg :align: center :alt: Flowsheet and Ts-diagram of the ORC plant :class: only-light :target: https://github.com/fwitte/ORCSimulator .. image:: /_static/images/examples/ORC_parametric_flowsheet_darkmode.svg :align: center :alt: Flowsheet and Ts-diagram of the ORC plant :class: only-dark :target: https://github.com/fwitte/ORCSimulator An ORC power plant using two-phase geothermal sources is designed, and an optimization is carried out. The plant's performance is investigated for six different working fluids. Gross and net power output are optimized. The open source library pygmo :cite:`Biscani2020` is applied in combination with TESPy for the first time, setting the foundation for the optimization API of TESPy (:py:class:`tespy.tools.optimization.OptimizationProblem`). +++ Title: Parametric optimization and comparative study of an organic Rankine cycle power plant for two-phase geothermal sources Authors: Chaofan Chen, Francesco Witte, Ilja Tuschy, Olaf Kolditz, Haibing Shao Reference: :cite:`Chen2022` .. card:: **Combined Heat and Power Organic Rankine Cycle** ^^^ .. image:: /_static/images/examples/GRC_flowsheet.svg :align: center :alt: Development of the Electrical Power Output of the ORC for a District with 2 MW Peak Heat Load :class: only-light :target: https://github.com/fwitte/chp_orc .. image:: /_static/images/examples/GRC_flowsheet_darkmode.svg :align: center :alt: Development of the Electrical Power Output of the ORC for a District with 2 MW Peak Heat Load :class: only-dark :target: https://github.com/fwitte/chp_orc Starting from well production information for a geothermal energy reservoir over a lifetime of 40 years, the development of the electrical power output of an ORC is monitored within different designs of the plant. The geothermal heat source is exploited to provide heat to a district heating system and the residual heat is used to operate the orc cycle. +++ Title: Computational Modeling of Organic Rankine Cycle Combined Heat and Power for Sedimentary Geothermal Exploitation Authors: Nicholas Fry, Jessica Eagle-Bluestone, Francesco Witte Reference: :cite:`Fry2022`