In this section we will introduce you to the details of component parametrisation and component characteristics. At the end of the section we show you how to create custom components.
List of components¶
More information on the components can be gathered from the code documentation. We have linked the base class containing a figure and basic information as well as the equations.
Diabatic combustion chamber
(Advanced version of combustion chamber, featuring heat losses and pressure drop)
Heat exchangers
List of custom components¶
Here we list the components integrated in the customs module.
Evaporator for two-phase geothermal organic rankine cycle
Component parametrisation¶
All parameters of components are objects of a DataContainer
class. The
data container for component parameters is called
, ComponentCharacteristics
for component
characteristics, and ComponentCharacteristicMaps
for characteristic
maps. The main purpose of having a data container for the parameters (instead
of pure numbers), is added flexibility for the user. There are different ways
for you to specify and access component parameters.
Component parameters¶
The example shows different ways to specify the heat transfer coefficient of an evaporator and how to unset the parameter again.
>>> from tespy.components import HeatExchanger
>>> from import ComponentProperties as dc_cp
>>> import numpy as np
>>> he = HeatExchanger('evaporator')
>>> # specify the value
>>> he.set_attr(kA=1e5)
>>> # specify via dictionary
>>> he.set_attr(kA={'val': 1e5, 'is_set': True})
>>> # set data container parameters
>>> he.kA.set_attr(val=1e5, is_set=True)
>>> he.kA.is_set
>>> # possibilities to unset a value
>>> he.set_attr(kA=np.nan)
>>> he.set_attr(kA=None)
>>> he.kA.set_attr(is_set=False)
>>> he.kA.is_set
Grouped parameters¶
Grouped parameters are used whenever a component property depends on multiple parameters. For instance, the pressure loss calculation via Darcy-Weissbach requires information about the length, diameter and roughness of the pipe. The solver will prompt a warning, if you do not specify all parameters required by a parameter group. If parameters of the group are missing, the equation will not be implemented by the solver.
>>> from tespy.components import Pipe, Source, Sink
>>> from tespy.networks import Network
>>> from tespy.connections import Connection
>>> nw = Network(T_unit='C', p_unit='bar')
>>> so = Source('source')
>>> si = Sink('sink')
>>> my_pipe = Pipe('pipe')
>>> c1 = Connection(so, 'out1', my_pipe, 'in1')
>>> c2 = Connection(my_pipe, 'out1', si, 'in1')
>>> nw.add_conns(c1, c2)
>>> c1.set_attr(fluid={"CH4": 1}, m=1, p=10, T=25)
>>> c2.set_attr(p0=10, T=25)
>>> # specify grouped parameters
>>> my_pipe.set_attr(D=0.1, L=20, ks=0.00005)
>>> nw.solve('design', init_only=True)
>>> my_pipe.darcy_group.is_set
>>> # the solver will not apply an equation, since the information of the
>>> # pipe's length is now missing (by removing it as follows).
>>> c2.set_attr(p=10)
>>> my_pipe.set_attr(L=None)
>>> nw.solve('design', init_only=True)
>>> my_pipe.darcy_group.is_set
There are several components using parameter groups:
heat_exchanger_simple and pipe
Custom variables¶
It is possible to use component parameters as variables of your system of
equations. In the component parameter list, if a parameter can be a string, it
is possible to specify this parameter as custom variable. For example, given
the pressure ratio pr
, length L
and roughness ks
of a
pipe you may want to calculate the pipe’s diameter D
required to
achieve the specified pressure ratio. In this case you need to specify the
diameter the following way.
>>> # make diameter variable of system
>>> my_pipe.set_attr(pr=0.98, L=100, ks=0.00002, D='var')
>>> c2.set_attr(p=None)
>>> nw.solve("design", init_only=True)
>>> my_pipe.darcy_group.is_set
>>> # a second way of specifying this is similar to the
>>> # way used in the component parameters section
>>> # val will be used as starting value
>>> my_pipe.darcy_group.is_set = False
>>> my_pipe.set_attr(pr=0.98, L=100, ks=0.00002)
>>> my_pipe.set_attr(D={'val': 0.2, 'is_set': True, 'is_var': True})
>>> nw.solve("design", init_only=True)
>>> my_pipe.darcy_group.is_set
It is also possible to set value boundaries for you custom variable. You can do this, if you expect the result to be within a specific range. But beware: This might result in a non converging simulation, if the actual value is out of your specified range.
>>> # data container specification with identical result,
>>> # benefit: specification of bounds will increase stability
>>> my_pipe.set_attr(D={
... 'val': 0.2, 'is_set': True, 'is_var': True,
... 'min_val': 0.1, 'max_val': 0.3}
... )
>>> round(my_pipe.D.max_val, 1)
Component characteristics¶
Several components integrate parameters using a characteristic function. These parameters come with default characteristics. The default characteristics available can be found in the module. Of course, it is possible to specify your own characteristic functions.
There are two different characteristics specifications
The characteristic function can be an auxiliary parameter of a different
component property. This is the case for kA_char1
and kA_char2
of heat exchangers as well as the characteristics of a
combustion engine: tiP_char
, Q1_char
, Q2_char
and Qloss_char
For all other components, the characteristic function is an individual parameter of the component.
What does this mean?
For the auxiliary functionality the main parameter, e.g. kA_char
of a heat exchanger must be set .kA_char.is_set=True
For the other functionality the characteristics parameter must be
set e.g. .eta_s_char.is_set=True
For example, kA_char
specification for heat exchangers:
>>> from tespy.components import HeatExchanger
>>> from import load_default_char as ldc
>>> from import CharLine
>>> nw = Network(T_unit="C", p_unit="bar", iterinfo=False)
>>> he = HeatExchanger('evaporator')
>>> cond = Source('condensate')
>>> steam = Sink('steam')
>>> gas_hot = Source('air inlet')
>>> gas_cold = Sink('air outlet')
>>> c1 = Connection(cond, "out1", he, "in2")
>>> c2 = Connection(he, "out2", steam, "in1")
>>> c3 = Connection(gas_hot, "out1", he, "in1")
>>> c4 = Connection(he, "out1", gas_cold, "in1")
>>> nw.add_conns(c1, c2, c3, c4)
>>> c1.set_attr(fluid={'water': 1}, m=10, p=10, x=0)
>>> c2.set_attr(p=10, x=1)
>>> c3.set_attr(fluid={'air': 1}, T=250, p=1)
>>> c4.set_attr(T=200, p=1)
>>> nw.solve("design")
>>> round(he.kA.val)
>>> # the characteristic function is made for offdesign calculation.
>>> he.set_attr(kA_char={'is_set': True})
>>> c4.set_attr(T=None)
>>> nw.solve("offdesign", design_path="design_case")
>>> # since we did not change any property, the offdesign case yields the
>>> # same value as the design kA value
>>> round(he.kA.val)
>>> c1.set_attr(m=9)
>>> # use a characteristic line from the defaults: specify the component, the
>>> # parameter and the name of the characteristic function. Also, specify,
>>> # what type of characteristic function you want to use.
>>> kA_char1 = ldc('heat exchanger', 'kA_char1', 'DEFAULT', CharLine)
>>> kA_char2 = ldc('heat exchanger', 'kA_char2', 'EVAPORATING FLUID', CharLine)
>>> he.set_attr(kA_char2=kA_char2)
>>> nw.solve("offdesign", design_path="design_case")
>>> round(he.kA.val)
>>> # specification of a data container yields the same result. It is
>>> # additionally possible to specify the characteristics parameter, e.g.
>>> # mass flow for kA_char1 (identical to default case) and volumetric
>>> # flow for kA_char2
>>> he.set_attr(
... kA_char1={'char_func': kA_char1, 'param': 'm'},
... kA_char2={'char_func': kA_char2, 'param': 'v'}
... )
>>> nw.solve("offdesign", design_path="design_case")
>>> round(he.kA.val)
>>> # or use custom values for the characteristic line e.g. kA vs volumetric
>>> # flow
>>> x = np.array([0, 0.5, 1, 2])
>>> y = np.array([0, 0.8, 1, 1.2])
>>> kA_char2 = CharLine(x, y)
>>> he.set_attr(kA_char2={'char_func': kA_char2, 'param': 'v'})
>>> nw.solve("offdesign", design_path="design_case")
>>> round(he.kA.val)
Full working example for eta_s_char
specification of a turbine.
>>> from tespy.components import Sink, Source, Turbine
>>> from tespy.connections import Connection
>>> from tespy.networks import Network
>>> from import CharLine
>>> import numpy as np
>>> nw = Network(p_unit='bar', T_unit='C', h_unit='kJ / kg', iterinfo=False)
>>> si = Sink('sink')
>>> so = Source('source')
>>> t = Turbine('turbine')
>>> inc = Connection(so, 'out1', t, 'in1')
>>> outg = Connection(t, 'out1', si, 'in1')
>>> nw.add_conns(inc, outg)
>>> # design value specification, cone law and eta_s characteristic as
>>> # offdesign parameters
>>> eta_s_design = 0.855
>>> t.set_attr(eta_s=eta_s_design, design=['eta_s'], offdesign=['eta_s_char','cone'])
>>> # Characteristics x as m/m_design and y as eta_s(m)/eta_s_design
>>> # make sure to cross the 1/1 point (design point) to yield the same
>>> # output in the design state of the system
>>> line = CharLine(
... x=[0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1, 1.1],
... y=np.array([0.6, 0.65, 0.75, 0.82, 0.85, 0.855, 0.79]) / eta_s_design
... )
>>> # default parameter for x is m / m_design
>>> t.set_attr(eta_s_char={'char_func': line})
>>> inc.set_attr(fluid={'water': 1}, m=10, T=550, p=110, design=['p'])
>>> outg.set_attr(p=0.5)
>>> nw.solve('design')
>>> # change mass flow value, e.g. 3 kg/s and run offdesign calculation
>>> inc.set_attr(m=3)
>>> nw.solve('offdesign', design_path='tmp')
>>> # isentropic efficiency should be at 0.65
>>> round(t.eta_s.val, 2)
>>> # alternatively, we can specify the volumetric flow v / v_design for
>>> # the x lookup
>>> t.set_attr(eta_s_char={'param': 'v'})
>>> nw.solve('offdesign', design_path='tmp')
>>> round(t.eta_s.val, 2)
Instead of writing your custom characteristic line information directly into
your Python script, TESPy provides a second method of implementation: It is
possible to store your data in the HOME/.tespy/data
folder and import
from there. For additional information on formatting and usage, look into
this part.
from import load_custom_char as lcc
eta_s_char = dc_cc(func=lcc('my_custom_char', CharLine), is_set=True)
It is possible to allow value extrapolation at the lower and upper limit of the
value range at the creation of characteristic lines. Set the extrapolation
parameter to True
# use custom specification parameters
>>> x = np.array([0, 0.5, 1, 2])
>>> y = np.array([0, 0.8, 1, 1.2])
>>> kA_char1 = CharLine(x, y, extrapolate=True)
>>> kA_char1.extrapolate
>>> # set extrapolation to True for existing lines, e.g.
>>> he.kA_char1.char_func.extrapolate = True
>>> he.kA_char1.char_func.extrapolate
Characteristics are available for the following components and parameters:
combustion engine
: thermal input vs. power ratio.Q1_char
: heat output 1 vs. power ratio.Q2_char
: heat output 2 vs. power ratio.Qloss_char
: heat loss vs. power ratio.
: pressure ratio vs. non-dimensional mass flow.char_map
: isentropic efficiency vs. non-dimensional mass flow.eta_s_char
: isentropic efficiency.
heat exchangers:
kA1_char, kA2_char
: heat transfer coefficient.
: isentropic efficiency.flow_char
: absolute pressure change.
simple heat exchangers
: heat transfer coefficient.
: isentropic efficiency.
: absolute pressure change.
water electrolyzer
: efficiency vs. load ratio.
For more information on how the characteristic functions work click here.
Extend components with new equations¶
You can easily add custom equations to the existing components. In order to do this, you need to implement four changes to the desired component class:
modify the
method.add a method, that returns the result of your equation.
add a method, that places the partial derivatives in the Jacobian matrix of your component.
add a method, that returns the LaTeX code of your equation for the automatic documentation feature.
In the get_parameters(self)
method, add an entry for your new equation.
If the equation uses a single parameter, use the ComponentProperties
type DataContainer (or the ComponentCharacteristics
type in case you
only apply a characteristic curve). If your equations requires multiple
parameters, add these parameters as ComponentProperties
respectively and add a
type DataContainer holding the information,
e.g. like the hydro_group
parameter of the
class shown below.
# [...]
'D': dc_cp(min_val=1e-2, max_val=2, d=1e-4),
'L': dc_cp(min_val=1e-1, d=1e-3),
'ks': dc_cp(val=1e-4, min_val=1e-7, max_val=1e-3, d=1e-8),
'hydro_group': dc_gcp(
elements=['L', 'ks', 'D'], num_eq=1,
func=self.hydro_group_func, deriv=self.hydro_group_deriv),
# [...]
, func
and deriv
are pointing to the method that
should be applied for the corresponding purpose. For more information on
defining the equations, derivatives and the LaTeX equation you will find the
information in the next section on custom components.
Custom components¶
You can add own components. The class should inherit from the
class or its
children. In order to do that, you can use the customs module or create a
python file in your working directory and import the base class for your
custom component. Now create a class for your component and at least add the
following methods.
The starting lines of your file should look like this:
from tespy.components.component import Component
from import ComponentCharacteristics as dc_cc
from import ComponentProperties as dc_cp
class MyCustomComponent(Component):
This is a custom component.
You can add your documentation here. From this part, it should be clear
for the user, which parameters are available, which mandatory equations
are applied and which optional equations can be applied using the
component parameters.
def component(self):
return 'name of your component'
Mandatory Constraints¶
The get_mandatory_constraints()
method must return a dictionary
containing the information for the mandatory constraints of your component.
The corresponding equations are applied independently of the user
specification. Every key of the mandatory constraints represents one set of
equations. It holds another dictionary with information on
the equations,
the number of equations for this constraint,
the derivatives,
whether the derivatives are constant values or not (
) andthe LaTeX code for the model documentation.
For example, the mandatory equations of a valve look are the following:
The corresponding method looks like this. The equations, derivatives and LaTeX string generation are individual methods you need to define (see next sections).
def get_mandatory_constraints(self):
return {
'enthalpy_equality_constraints': {
'func': self.enthalpy_equality_func,
'deriv': self.enthalpy_equality_deriv,
'constant_deriv': True,
'latex': self.enthalpy_equality_func_doc,
'num_eq': 1}
: Method to be applied (returns residual value of equation).deriv
: Partial derivatives of equation to primary variables.latex
: Method returning the LaTeX string of the equation.
The get_parameters()
method must return a dictionary with the attributes
you want to use for your component. The keys represent the attributes and the
respective values the type of data container used for this attribute. By using
the data container attributes, it is possible to add defaults. Defaults for
characteristic lines or characteristic maps are loaded automatically by the
component initialisation method of class
. For more information on the
default characteristics consider this
The structure is very similar to the mandatory constraints, using DataContainers instead of dictionaries, e.g. for the Valve:
def get_parameters(self):
return {
'pr': dc_cp(
min_val=1e-4, max_val=1, num_eq=1,
deriv=self.pr_deriv, func=self.pr_func,
func_params={'pr': 'pr'}, latex=self.pr_func_doc),
'zeta': dc_cp(
min_val=0, max_val=1e15, num_eq=1,
deriv=self.zeta_deriv, func=self.zeta_func,
func_params={'zeta': 'zeta'}, latex=self.zeta_func_doc),
'dp_char': dc_cc(
param='m', num_eq=1,
deriv=self.dp_char_deriv, func=self.dp_char_func,
char_params={'type': 'abs'}, latex=self.dp_char_func_doc)
Inlets and outlets¶
and outlets(self)
respectively must return a list
of strings. The list may look like this:
def inlets(self):
return ['in1', 'in2']
def outlets(self):
return ['out1', 'out2']
The number of inlets and outlets might even be generic, e.g. if you have added
an attribute 'num_in'
your code could look like this:
def inlets(self):
if self.num_in.is_set:
return ['in' + str(i + 1) for i in range(self.num_in.val)]
# default number is 2
return ['in1', 'in2']
Defining equations and derivatives¶
Every equation required by the mandatory constraints and in the variables of the component must be individual methods returning the residual value of the equation applied. This logic accounts for the derivatives and the LaTeX equation, too. The Valve’s dp_char parameter methods are the following.
def dp_char_func(self):
Equation for characteristic line of difference pressure to mass flow.
residual : ndarray
Residual value of equation.
.. math::
0=p_\mathrm{in}-p_\mathrm{out}-f\left( expr \right)
p = self.dp_char.param
expr = self.get_char_expr(p, **self.dp_char.char_params)
if not expr:
msg = ('Please choose a valid parameter, you want to link the '
'pressure drop to at component ' + self.label + '.')
raise ValueError(msg)
return (
self.inl[0].p.val_SI - self.outl[0].p.val_SI -
def dp_char_func_doc(self, label):
Equation for characteristic line of difference pressure to mass flow.
label : str
Label for equation.
latex : str
LaTeX code of equations applied.
p = self.dp_char.param
expr = self.get_char_expr_doc(p, **self.dp_char.char_params)
if not expr:
msg = ('Please choose a valid parameter, you want to link the '
'pressure drop to at component ' + self.label + '.')
raise ValueError(msg)
latex = (
r'0=p_\mathrm{in}-p_\mathrm{out}-f\left(' + expr +
return generate_latex_eq(self, latex, label)
def dp_char_deriv(self, increment_filter, k):
Calculate partial derivatives of difference pressure characteristic.
increment_filter : ndarray
Matrix for filtering non-changing variables.
k : int
Position of derivatives in Jacobian matrix (k-th equation).
f = self.dp_char_func
i = self.inl[0]
o = self.outl[0]
if self.is_variable(i.m, increment_filter):
self.jacobian[k, i.m.J_col] = self.numeric_deriv(f, 'm', i)
if self.dp_char.param == 'v':
if self.is_variable(i.p, increment_filter):
self.jacobian[k, i.p.J_col] = self.numeric_deriv(
self.dp_char_func, 'p', i
if self.is_variable(i.h, increment_filter):
self.jacobian[k, i.h.J_col] = self.numeric_deriv(
self.dp_char_func, 'h', i
if self.is_variable(i.p, increment_filter):
self.jacobian[k, i.p.J_col] = 1
if self.is_variable(o.p):
self.jacobian[k, o.p.J_col] = -1
For the Jacobian, the partial derivatives to all variables of the network are required. This means, that you have to calculate the partial derivatives to mass flow, pressure, enthalpy and all fluids in the fluid vector on each connection affecting the equation defined before. To check, whether these are actually variable (e.g. not user specified or presolved), you can use the is_variable method. You have to then assign the result of the derivative to the correct location in the Jacobian. The row is the k-th equation and the column is given in the J_col attribute of the variable.
The derivatives can be calculated analytically (preferred if possible) or
numerically by using the inbuilt method
, where
is the function you want to calculate the derivatives for.dx
is the variable you want to calculate the derivative to.conn
is the connection you want to calculate the derivative for.kwargs
are additional keyword arguments required for the function.
LaTeX documentation¶
Finally, add a method that returns the equation as LaTeX string for the
automatic model documentation feature. Simple write the equation and return
it with the
which automatically generates a LaTeX equation environment and labels the
equation, so you can reference it later. Therefore, the latex generation
methods needs the label as parameter.
Need assistance?¶
You are very welcome to submit an issue on our GitHub!
Component Groups: Subsystems¶
Subsystems are an easy way to add frequently used component groups such as a drum with evaporator or a preheater with desuperheater to your system. In this section you will learn how to create a subsystem and implement it in your work. The subsystems are highly customizable and thus a very powerful tool, if you require using specific component groups frequently. We provide an example, of how to create a simple subsystem and use it in a simulation.
Custom subsystems¶
Create a .py
file in your working-directory. This file contains the
class definition of your subsystem and at minimum two methods:
: Method to create the components of your subsystem and save them in theSubsystem.comps
attribute (dictionary).create_conns
: Method to create the connections of your subsystem and save them in theSubsystem.conns
attribute (dictionary).
All other functionalities are inherited by the parent class of the
Create the subsystem¶
We create a subsystem for the usage of a waste heat steam generator. The subsystem is built up of a superheater, an evaporator, a drum and an economizer as seen in the figure below.
Figure: Topology of the waste heat steam generator¶
Figure: Topology of the waste heat steam generator¶
Create a file, e.g.
and add the following lines:
Imports of the necessary classes from tespy.
Class definition of the subsystem (inheriting from subsystem class).
Methods for component and connection creation. Both, components and connections, are stored in a dictionary for easy access by their respective label.
>>> from tespy.components import Subsystem, HeatExchanger, Drum
>>> from tespy.connections import Connection
>>> class WasteHeatSteamGenerator(Subsystem):
... """Class documentation"""
... def create_comps(self):
... """Create the subsystem's components."""
... self.comps['eco'] = HeatExchanger(f'{self.label}_economizer')
... self.comps['eva'] = HeatExchanger(f'{self.label}_evaporator')
... self.comps['sup'] = HeatExchanger(f'{self.label}_superheater')
... self.comps['drum'] = Drum(f'{self.label}_drum')
... def create_conns(self):
... """Define the subsystem's connections."""
... self.conns['eco_dr'] = Connection(
... self.comps['eco'], 'out2', self.comps['drum'], 'in1')
... self.conns['dr_eva'] = Connection(
... self.comps['drum'], 'out1', self.comps['eva'], 'in2')
... self.conns['eva_dr'] = Connection(
... self.comps['eva'], 'out2', self.comps['drum'], 'in2')
... self.conns['dr_sup'] = Connection(
... self.comps['drum'], 'out2', self.comps['sup'], 'in2')
... self.conns['sup_eva'] = Connection(
... self.comps['sup'], 'out1', self.comps['eva'], 'in1')
... self.conns['eva_eco'] = Connection(
... self.comps['eva'], 'out1', self.comps['eco'], 'in1')
Please note, that you should label your components (and connections) with unitque names, otherwise you can only use the subsystem once per model. In this case, it is achieved by adding the subsystem label to all of the component labels.
Make use of your subsystem¶
We create a network and use the subsystem we just created along with the different tespy classes required.
>>> from tespy.networks import Network
>>> from tespy.components import Source, Sink
>>> from tespy.connections import Connection
>>> import numpy as np
>>> # %% network definition
>>> nw = Network(p_unit='bar', T_unit='C', iterinfo=False)
>>> # %% component definition
>>> feed_water = Source('feed water inlet')
>>> steam = Sink('live steam outlet')
>>> waste_heat = Source('waste heat inlet')
>>> chimney = Sink('waste heat chimney')
>>> sg = WasteHeatSteamGenerator('waste heat steam generator')
>>> # %% connection definition
>>> fw_sg = Connection(feed_water, 'out1', sg.comps['eco'], 'in2')
>>> sg_ls = Connection(sg.comps['sup'], 'out2', steam, 'in1')
>>> fg_sg = Connection(waste_heat, 'out1', sg.comps['sup'], 'in1')
>>> sg_ch = Connection(sg.comps['eco'], 'out1', chimney, 'in1')
>>> nw.add_conns(fw_sg, sg_ls, fg_sg, sg_ch)
>>> nw.add_subsys(sg)
>>> # %% connection parameters
>>> fw_sg.set_attr(fluid={'water': 1}, T=25)
>>> fg_sg.set_attr(fluid={'air': 1}, T=650, m=100)
>>> sg_ls.set_attr(p=130)
>>> sg_ch.set_attr(p=1)
>>> sg.conns['eva_dr'].set_attr(x=0.6)
>>> # %% component parameters
>>> sg.comps['eco'].set_attr(
... pr1=0.999, pr2=0.97, design=['pr1', 'pr2', 'ttd_u'],
... offdesign=['zeta1', 'zeta2', 'kA_char']
... )
>>> sg.comps['eva'].set_attr(
... pr1=0.999, ttd_l=20, design=['pr1', 'ttd_l'],
... offdesign=['zeta1', 'kA_char']
... )
>>> sg.comps['sup'].set_attr(
... pr1=0.999, pr2=0.99, ttd_u=50, design=['pr1', 'pr2', 'ttd_u'],
... offdesign=['zeta1', 'zeta2', 'kA_char']
... )
>>> sg.conns['eco_dr'].set_attr(Td_bp=-5, design=['Td_bp'])
>>> # %% solve
>>> # solve design case
>>> nw.solve('design')
>>> # offdesign test
>>> nw.solve('offdesign', design_path='tmp')
Add more flexibility¶
If you want to add even more flexibility, you might need to manipulate the
method of your custom subsystem class. Usually, you do not
need to override this method. However, if you need additional parameters, e.g.
in order to alter the subsystem’s topology or specify additional information,
take a look at the tespy.components.subsystem.Subsystem
class and
add your code between the label declaration and the components and connection
creation in the __init__
For example, if you want a variable number of inlets and outlets because you
have a variable number of components groups within your subsystem, you may
introduce an attribute which is set on initialisation and lets you create and
parameterize components and connections generically. This might be very
interesting for district heating systems, turbines with several sections of
equal topology, etc.. For a good start, you can have a look at the
of the district heating network in the