.. _tespy_development_how_label: How can I contribute? ===================== You will find the most important information concerning the development process in the following sections. If you have any further questions feel free to contact us, we are looking forward to hearing from you! Install the developer version ----------------------------- It is recommenden to use `virtual environments `_ for the development process. Fork the repository and clone your forked tespy GitHub repository and install development requirements with pip. .. code:: bash git clone https://github.com/YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME/tespy.git cd tespy pip install -e .[dev] In order to stay in sync with the oemof/tespy base repository, add the link to the oemof/tespy repository as remote to your local copy of tespy. We will call the link "upstream". Fetch branches available and after that, you can pull changes from a specific branch of the oemof/tespy repository (branch "dev" in the example below). .. code:: bash git remote add upstream https://github.com/oemof/tespy.git git fetch upstream git pull upstream dev --rebase Use the :code:`--rebase` command to avoid merge commits for every upstream pull. If you want to make changes to tespy, checkout a new branch from your local dev branch. Make your changes, commit them and create a PR on the oemof/tespy dev branch. Collaboration with pull requests -------------------------------- To collaborate use the pull request functionality of GitHub as described here: https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/ How to create a pull request ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fork the oemof repository to your own GitHub account. * Change, add or remove code. * Commit your changes. * Create a pull request and describe what you will do and why. Please use the pull request template we offer. It will be shown to you when you click on "New pull request". * Wait for approval. .. _coding_requirements_label: Generally the following steps are required when changing, adding or removing code ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Read the :ref:`style_guidlines_label` and :ref:`naming_conventions_label` and follow them * Add new tests according to what you have done * Add/change the documentation (new feature, API changes ...) * Add a What's New entry and your name to the list of contributors * Check if all :ref:`tests_label` still work. .. _tests_label: Tests ----- The tests in TESPy are split up in two different parts: * doc-tests (also used as examples for classes and methods/functions) * software tests (defined in the tests folder). The tests contain code examples that expect a certain outcome. If the outcome is as expected a test will pass, if the outcome is different, the test will fail. You can run the tests locally by navigating into your local GitHub clone. The command :code:`check` tests PEP guidelines, the command :code:`docs` tests building the documentation, and the command :code:`py3X` runs the software tests in the selected Python version. .. code:: bash python -m tox -e docs python -m tox -e check python -m tox -e py36 python -m tox -e py37 python -m tox -e py38 If you want to have a look at the documentation build on your local machine use the following command from the local tespy clone: .. code:: bash python -m sphinx docs/ path/to/html_output Additionally, all tests will run automatically when you push changes to a branch that has a pull request opened. If you have further questions regarding the tests, we are looking forward to your inquiry. .. _style_guidlines_label: Issue-Management ---------------- A good way for communication with the developer group are issues. If you find a bug, want to contribute an enhancement or have a question on a specific problem in development you want to discuss, please create an issue: * describing your point accurately * using the list of category tags * addressing other developers If you want to address other developers you can use @name-of-developer, or use e.g. @tespy to address a team. `Here `__ you can find an overview over existing teams on different subjects and their members. Look at the existing issues to get an idea on the usage of issues. Style guidelines ---------------- We mostly follow standard guidelines instead of developing own rules. So if anything is not defined in this section, search for a `PEP rule `_ and follow it. Docstrings ^^^^^^^^^^ We decided to use the style of the numpydoc docstrings. See the following link for more information `numpy docstrings `_. Code commenting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Code comments are block and inline comments in the source code. They can help to understand he code and should be utilized "as much as necessary, as little as possible". When writing comments follow the `PEP 0008 style guide `_. PEP8 (Python Style Guide) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * We adhere to `PEP8 `_ for any code produced in the framework. * We use pylint to check your code. Pylint is integrated in many IDEs and Editors. `Check here `_ or ask the maintainer of your IDE or Editor * Some IDEs have pep8 checkers, which are very helpful, especially for python beginners. .. _naming_conventions_label: Naming Conventions ------------------ * We use plural in the code for modules if there is possibly more than one child class (e.g. :code:`import heat_exchangers` AND NOT :code:`import heat_exchanger`). If there are arrays in the code that contain multiple elements they have to be named in plural. * Please, follow the naming conventions of `pylint `_ * Use talking names * Variables/Objects: Name it after the data they describe (power\_line, wind\_speed) * Functions/Method: Name it after what they do: **use verbs** (get\_wind\_speed, set\_parameter) Using git --------- Branching model ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ So far we adhere mostly to the git branching model by `Vincent Driessen `_. Differences are: * instead of the name ``origin/develop`` we call the branch ``origin/dev``. * feature branches are named like ``features/*`` * release branches are named like ``releases/*`` Commit message ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Use this nice little `commit tutorial `_ to learn how to write a nice commit message. Documentation ---------------- The general implementation-independent documentation such as installation guide, flow charts, and mathematical models is done via ReStructuredText (rst). The files can be found in the folder *docs*. For further information on restructured text see: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/rst.html.