# -*- coding: utf-8
"""Module for helper functions used by several other modules.
This file is part of project TESPy (github.com/oemof/tespy). It's copyrighted
by the contributors recorded in the version control history of the file,
available from its original location tespy/tools/helpers.py
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import json
import os
from collections.abc import Mapping
from copy import deepcopy
import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP
from tespy import __datapath__
from tespy.tools import logger
from tespy.tools.global_vars import ERR
from tespy.tools.global_vars import fluid_property_data
def get_all_subdictionaries(data):
subdictionaries = []
for value in data.values():
if len(value["subbranches"]) == 0:
{k: v for k, v in value.items() if k != "subbranches"}
{k: v for k, v in value.items() if k != "subbranches"}
return subdictionaries
def get_chem_ex_lib(name):
"""Return a new dictionary by merging two dictionaries recursively."""
path = os.path.join(__datapath__, "ChemEx", f"{name}.json")
with open(path, "r") as f:
return json.load(f)
def fluidalias_in_list(fluid, fluid_list):
aliases = [alias.replace(' ', '') for alias in CP.get_aliases(fluid)]
return any(alias in fluid_list for alias in aliases)
def merge_dicts(dict1, dict2):
"""Return a new dictionary by merging two dictionaries recursively."""
result = deepcopy(dict1)
for key, value in dict2.items():
if isinstance(value, Mapping):
result[key] = merge_dicts(result.get(key, {}), value)
result[key] = deepcopy(dict2[key])
return result
class TESPyNetworkError(Exception):
"""Custom message for network related errors."""
class TESPyConnectionError(Exception):
"""Custom message for connection related errors."""
class TESPyComponentError(Exception):
"""Custom message for component related errors."""
def convert_to_SI(property, value, unit):
Convert a value to its SI value.
property : str
Fluid property to convert.
value : float
Value to convert.
unit : str
Unit of the value.
SI_value : float
Specified fluid property in SI value.
if property == 'T':
converters = fluid_property_data['T']['units'][unit]
return (value + converters[0]) * converters[1]
return value * fluid_property_data[property]['units'][unit]
def convert_from_SI(property, SI_value, unit):
Get a value in the network's unit system from SI value.
property : str
Fluid property to convert.
SI_value : float
SI value to convert.
unit : str
Unit of the value.
value : float
Specified fluid property value in network's unit system.
if property == 'T':
converters = fluid_property_data['T']['units'][unit]
return SI_value / converters[1] - converters[0]
return SI_value / fluid_property_data[property]['units'][unit]
def latex_unit(unit):
Convert unit to LaTeX.
unit : str
Value of unit for input, e.g. :code:`m3 / kg`.
unit : str
Value of unit for output, e.g. :code:`$\unitfrac{m3}{kg}$`.
if '/' in unit:
numerator = unit.split('/')[0].replace(' ', '')
denominator = unit.split('/')[1].replace(' ', '')
return r'$\unitfrac[]{' + numerator + '}{' + denominator + '}$'
if unit == 'C' or unit == 'F':
unit = r'^\circ ' + unit
return r'$\unit[]{' + unit + '}$'
class UserDefinedEquation:
def __init__(self, label, func, deriv, conns, params={},
A UserDefinedEquation allows use of generic user specified equations.
label : str
Label of the user defined function.
func : function
Equation to evaluate.
deriv : function
Partial derivatives of the equation.
conns : list
List of connections used by the function.
params : dict
Dictionary containing keyword arguments required by the function
and/or derivative.
latex : dict
Dictionary holding LaTeX string of the equation as well as
CharLine and CharMap instances applied in the equation for the
automatic model documentation module.
Consider a pipeline transporting hot water with measurement data on
temperature reduction in the pipeline as function of volumetric flow.
First, we set up the TESPy model. Additionally, we will import the
:py:class:`tespy.tools.helpers.UserDefinedEquation` class as well as
some fluid property functions. We specify fluid property information
for the inflow and assume that no pressure losses occur in the
>>> from tespy.components import Source, Sink, Pipe
>>> from tespy.networks import Network
>>> from tespy.connections import Connection
>>> from tespy.tools import UserDefinedEquation
>>> from tespy.tools import CharLine
>>> from tespy.tools.fluid_properties import T_mix_ph, v_mix_ph
>>> nw = Network(p_unit='bar', T_unit='C')
>>> nw.set_attr(iterinfo=False)
>>> so = Source('source')
>>> si = Sink('sink')
>>> pipeline = Pipe('pipeline')
>>> inflow = Connection(so, 'out1', pipeline, 'in1')
>>> outflow = Connection(pipeline, 'out1', si, 'in1')
>>> nw.add_conns(inflow, outflow)
>>> inflow.set_attr(T=120, p=10, v=1, fluid={'water': 1})
>>> pipeline.set_attr(pr=1)
Let's assume, the temperature reduction is measured from inflow and
outflow temperature. The mathematical description of the relation
we want the model to follow therefore is:
.. math::
0 = T_{in} - T_{out} + f \left( \dot{m}_{in} \cdot v_{in} \right)
We can define a function, describing exactly that relation using a
:py:class:`tespy.tools.characteristics.CharLine` object with volumetric
flow as input values and temperature drop as output values. The
function should look like this:
>>> def myfunc(ude):
... char = ude.params['char']
... return (
... ude.conns[0].calc_T() - ude.conns[1].calc_T()
... - char.evaluate(
... ude.conns[0].m.val_SI *
... ude.conns[0].calc_vol()
... )
... )
The function does only take one parameter, we name it :code:`ude` in
this case. This parameter will hold all relevant information you pass
to your UserDefinedEquation later, i.e. a list of the connections
(:code:`.conns`) required by the UserDefinedEquation as well as
a dictionary of arbitrary parameters required for your function
(:code:`.params`). The index of the :code:`.conns` indicates the
position of the connection in the list of connections required for the
UserDefinedEquation (see below).
On top of the equation the solver requires its derivatives with respect
to all relevant primary variables of the network, which are mass flow
pressure, enthalpy and fluid composition. In this case, the derivatives
to the mass flow, pressure and enthalpy of the inflow as well as the
derivatives to the pressure and enthalpy of the outflow will be
required. You have to define a function placing the derivatives in the
Jacobian matrix. The Jacobian is a dictionary containing tuples as keys
with the derivative as their value. The tuples indicate the equation
number (always 0 for user defined equations, since there is only a
single equation) and the position of the variable in the system matrix.
The position of the variables is stored in the :code:`J_col` attribute.
Before calculating and placing a result in the Jacobian, you have to
make sure, that the variable you want to calculate the partial
derivative for is actually a variable. For example, in case you
specified a value for the mass flow, it will not be part of the
variables' space, since it has a constant value, and thus, no derivate
needs to be calculated. You can use the :code:`is_var` keyword to check,
whether a mass flow, pressure or enthalpy is actually variable.
We can calculate the derivatives numerically, if an easy analytical
solution is not available. Simply use the :code:`numeric_deriv` method
passing the variable ('m', 'p', 'h', 'fluid') as well as the
>>> def myjacobian(ude):
... c0 = ude.conns[0]
... c1 = ude.conns[1]
... if c0.m.is_var:
... ude.jacobian[c0.m.J_col] = ude.numeric_deriv('m', c0)
... if c0.p.is_var:
... ude.jacobian[c0.p.J_col] = ude.numeric_deriv('p', c0)
... if c0.h.is_var:
... ude.jacobian[c0.h.J_col] = ude.numeric_deriv('h', c0)
... if c1.p.is_var:
... ude.jacobian[c1.p.J_col] = ude.numeric_deriv('p', c1)
... if c1.h.is_var:
... ude.jacobian[c1.h.J_col] = ude.numeric_deriv('h', c1)
After that, we only need to th specify the characteristic line we want
out temperature drop to follow as well as create the
UserDefinedEquation instance and add it to the network. Its equation
is automatically applied. We apply extrapolation for the characteristic
line as it helps with convergence, in case a paramter
>>> char = CharLine(
... x=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
... y=[17, 12, 9, 6.5, 4.5, 3, 2, 1.5, 1.25, 1.125, 1.1, 1.05],
... extrapolate=True)
>>> my_ude = UserDefinedEquation(
... 'myudelabel', myfunc, myjacobian, [inflow, outflow],
... params={'char': char})
>>> nw.add_ude(my_ude)
>>> nw.solve('design')
Clearly the result is obvious here as the volumetric flow is exactly
at one of the supporting points.
>>> round(inflow.T.val - outflow.T.val, 3)
So now, let's say, we want to calculate the volumetric flow necessary
to at least maintain a specific temperature at the outflow.
>>> inflow.set_attr(v=None)
>>> outflow.set_attr(T=110)
>>> nw.solve('design')
>>> round(inflow.v.val, 3)
Or calculate volumetric flow and/or temperature drop corresponding to a
specified heat loss.
>>> outflow.set_attr(T=None)
>>> pipeline.set_attr(Q=-5e6)
>>> nw.solve('design')
>>> round(inflow.v.val, 3)
if isinstance(label, str):
self.label = label
msg = 'Label of UserDefinedEquation object must be of type String.'
raise TypeError(msg)
if isinstance(conns, list):
self.conns = conns
msg = (
'Parameter conns must be a list of '
'tespy.connections.connection.Connection objects.')
raise TypeError(msg)
self.func = func
self.deriv = deriv
if isinstance(params, dict):
self.params = params
msg = 'The parameter params must be passed as dictionary.'
raise TypeError(msg)
self.latex = {
'equation': r'\text{equation string not available}',
'lines': [],
'maps': []
if isinstance(latex, dict):
msg = 'The parameter latex must be passed as dictionary.'
raise TypeError(msg)
def solve(self):
self.residual = self.func(self)
def numeric_deriv(self, dx, conn):
Calculate partial derivative of the user defined function to dx.
For details see :py:func:`tespy.tools.helpers._numeric_deriv`
return _numeric_deriv(self, self.func, dx, conn, ude=self)
def _numeric_deriv(obj, func, dx, conn=None, **kwargs):
Calculate partial derivative of the function func to dx.
obj : object
Instance, which provides the equation to calculate the derivative for.
func : function
Function :math:`f` to calculate the partial derivative for.
dx : str
Partial derivative.
conn : tespy.connections.connection.Connection
Connection to calculate the numeric derivative for.
deriv : float/list
Partial derivative(s) of the function :math:`f` to variable(s)
.. math::
\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} = \frac{f(x + d) + f(x - d)}{2 d}
if conn is None:
d = obj.get_attr(dx).d
exp = 0
obj.get_attr(dx).val += d
exp += func(**kwargs)
obj.get_attr(dx).val -= 2 * d
exp -= func(**kwargs)
deriv = exp / (2 * d)
obj.get_attr(dx).val += d
elif dx in conn.fluid.is_var:
d = 1e-5
val = conn.fluid.val[dx]
if conn.fluid.val[dx] + d <= 1:
conn.fluid.val[dx] += d
conn.fluid.val[dx] = 1
exp = func(**kwargs)
if conn.fluid.val[dx] - 2 * d >= 0:
conn.fluid.val[dx] -= 2 * d
conn.fluid.val[dx] = 0
exp -= func(**kwargs)
conn.fluid.val[dx] = val
deriv = exp / (2 * d)
elif dx in ['m', 'p', 'h']:
if dx == 'm':
d = 1e-4
d = 1e-1
conn.get_attr(dx).val_SI += d
exp = func(**kwargs)
conn.get_attr(dx).val_SI -= 2 * d
exp -= func(**kwargs)
deriv = exp / (2 * d)
conn.get_attr(dx).val_SI += d
msg = (
"Your variable specification for the numerical derivative "
"calculation seems to be wrong. It has to be a fluid name, m, "
"p, h or the name of a component variable."
raise ValueError(msg)
return deriv
def bus_char_evaluation(component_value, char_func, reference_value, bus_value, **kwargs):
Calculate the value of a bus.
comp_value : float
Value of the energy transfer at the component.
reference_value : float
Value of the bus in reference state.
char_func : tespy.tools.characteristics.char_line
Characteristic function of the bus.
residual : float
Residual of the equation.
.. math::
residual = \dot{E}_\mathrm{bus} - \frac{\dot{E}_\mathrm{component}}
return bus_value - component_value / char_func.evaluate(
bus_value / reference_value
def bus_char_derivative(component_value, char_func, reference_value, bus_value, **kwargs):
"""Calculate derivative for bus char evaluation."""
d = 1e-3
return (1 - (
1 / char_func.evaluate((bus_value + d) / reference_value) -
1 / char_func.evaluate((bus_value - d) / reference_value)
) / (2 * d))
def newton_with_kwargs(
derivative, target_value, val0=300, valmin=70, valmax=3000, max_iter=10,
tol_rel=ERR, tol_abs=ERR ** 2, tol_mode="rel", **function_kwargs
# start newton loop
iteration = 0
expr = True
x = val0
parameter = function_kwargs["parameter"]
function = function_kwargs["function"]
relax = 1
if tol_mode == "rel" and abs(target_value) <= 2 * tol_rel:
tol_mode = "abs"
while expr:
# calculate function residual and new value
function_kwargs[parameter] = x
residual = target_value - function(**function_kwargs)
x += residual / derivative(**function_kwargs) * relax
# check for value ranges
if x < valmin:
x = valmin
if x > valmax:
x = valmax
iteration += 1
# relaxation to help convergence in case of jumping
if iteration == 5:
relax = 0.75
max_iter = 12
if iteration > max_iter:
msg = (
'The Newton algorithm was not able to find a feasible value '
f'for function {function}. Current value with x={x} is '
f'{function(**function_kwargs)}, target value is '
f'{target_value}, residual is {residual} after {iteration} '
if tol_mode == 'abs' or target_value == 0:
expr = abs(residual) >= tol_abs
elif tol_mode == 'rel':
expr = abs(residual / target_value) >= tol_rel
expr = abs(residual / target_value) >= tol_rel or abs(residual) >= tol_abs
return x
def central_difference(function=None, parameter=None, delta=None, **kwargs):
upper = kwargs.copy()
upper[parameter] += delta
lower = kwargs
lower[parameter] -= delta
return (function(**upper) - function(**lower)) / (2 * delta)
def get_basic_path():
Return the basic tespy path and creates it if necessary.
The basic path is the '.tespy' folder in the $HOME directory.
basicpath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.tespy')
if not os.path.isdir(basicpath):
return basicpath
def extend_basic_path(subfolder):
Return a path based on the basic tespy path and creates it if necessary.
The subfolder is the name of the path extension.
extended_path = os.path.join(get_basic_path(), subfolder)
if not os.path.isdir(extended_path):
return extended_path