Source code for tespy.components.heat_exchangers.condenser

# -*- coding: utf-8

"""Module of class Condenser.

This file is part of project TESPy ( It's copyrighted
by the contributors recorded in the version control history of the file,
available from its original location

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import math

import numpy as np

from tespy.components.component import component_registry
from tespy.components.heat_exchangers.base import HeatExchanger
from import SimpleDataContainer as dc_simple
from import generate_latex_eq
from import dh_mix_dpQ
from import h_mix_pQ
from import convert_from_SI

[docs] @component_registry class Condenser(HeatExchanger): r""" A Condenser cools a fluid until it is in liquid state. The condensing fluid is cooled by the cold side fluid. The fluid on the hot side of the condenser must be pure. Subcooling is available. **Mandatory Equations** - :py:meth:`tespy.components.component.Component.fluid_func` - :py:meth:`tespy.components.component.Component.mass_flow_func` - :py:meth:`tespy.components.heat_exchangers.base.HeatExchanger.energy_balance_func` - condensate outlet state, function can be disabled by specifying :code:`set_attr(subcooling=True)` :py:meth:`tespy.components.heat_exchangers.condenser.Condenser.subcooling_func` **Optional Equations** - :py:meth:`tespy.components.heat_exchangers.base.HeatExchanger.energy_balance_hot_func` - :py:meth:`tespy.components.heat_exchangers.condenser.Condenser.kA_func` - :py:meth:`tespy.components.heat_exchangers.condenser.Condenser.kA_char_func` - :py:meth:`tespy.components.heat_exchangers.condenser.Condenser.ttd_u_func` - :py:meth:`tespy.components.heat_exchangers.base.HeatExchanger.ttd_l_func` - :py:meth:`tespy.components.heat_exchangers.base.HeatExchanger.ttd_min_func` - :py:meth:`tespy.components.heat_exchangers.base.HeatExchanger.eff_cold_func` - :py:meth:`tespy.components.heat_exchangers.base.HeatExchanger.eff_hot_func` - :py:meth:`tespy.components.heat_exchangers.base.HeatExchanger.eff_max_func` - hot side :py:meth:`tespy.components.component.Component.pr_func` - cold side :py:meth:`tespy.components.component.Component.pr_func` - hot side :py:meth:`tespy.components.component.Component.zeta_func` - cold side :py:meth:`tespy.components.component.Component.zeta_func` - hot side :py:meth:`tespy.components.component.Component.dp_func` - cold side :py:meth:`tespy.components.component.Component.dp_func` Inlets/Outlets - in1, in2 (index 1: hot side, index 2: cold side) - out1, out2 (index 1: hot side, index 2: cold side) Image .. image:: /api/_images/Condenser.svg :alt: flowsheet of the condenser :align: center :class: only-light .. image:: /api/_images/Condenser_darkmode.svg :alt: flowsheet of the condenser :align: center :class: only-dark Parameters ---------- label : str The label of the component. design : list List containing design parameters (stated as String). offdesign : list List containing offdesign parameters (stated as String). design_path : str Path to the components design case. local_offdesign : boolean Treat this component in offdesign mode in a design calculation. local_design : boolean Treat this component in design mode in an offdesign calculation. char_warnings : boolean Ignore warnings on default characteristics usage for this component. printout : boolean Include this component in the network's results printout. Q : float, dict Heat transfer, :math:`Q/\text{W}`. pr1 : float, dict, :code:`"var"` Outlet to inlet pressure ratio at hot side, :math:`pr/1`. pr2 : float, dict, :code:`"var"` Outlet to inlet pressure ratio at cold side, :math:`pr/1`. dp1 : float, dict, :code:`"var"` Inlet to outlet pressure delta at hot side, :math:`dp/\text{Pa}`. dp2 : float, dict, :code:`"var"` Inlet to outlet pressure delta at cold side, :math:`dp/\text{Pa}`. zeta1 : float, dict, :code:`"var"` Geometry independent friction coefficient at hot side, :math:`\frac{\zeta}{D^4}/\frac{1}{\text{m}^4}`. zeta2 : float, dict, :code:`"var"` Geometry independent friction coefficient at cold side, :math:`\frac{\zeta}{D^4}/\frac{1}{\text{m}^4}`. ttd_l : float, dict Lower terminal temperature difference :math:`ttd_\mathrm{l}/\text{K}`. ttd_u : float, dict Upper terminal temperature difference (referring to saturation temprature of condensing fluid) :math:`ttd_\mathrm{u}/\text{K}`. ttd_min : float, dict Minumum terminal temperature difference :math:`ttd_\mathrm{min}/\text{K}`. eff_cold : float, dict Cold side heat exchanger effectiveness :math:`eff_\text{cold}/\text{1}`. eff_hot : float, dict Hot side heat exchanger effectiveness :math:`eff_\text{hot}/\text{1}`. eff_max : float, dict Max value of hot and cold side heat exchanger effectiveness values :math:`eff_\text{max}/\text{1}`. kA : float, dict Area independent heat transfer coefficient, :math:`kA/\frac{\text{W}}{\text{K}}`. kA_char : Area independent heat transfer coefficient characteristic. kA_char1 :, dict Characteristic line for hot side heat transfer coefficient. kA_char2 :, dict Characteristic line for cold side heat transfer coefficient. subcooling : boolean Enable/disable subcooling, default value: disabled. Note ---- The condenser has an additional equation for enthalpy at hot side outlet: The fluid leaves the component in saturated liquid state. If subcooling is activated, it possible to specify the enthalpy at the outgoing connection manually. It has different calculation method for given heat transfer coefficient and upper terminal temperature dierence: These parameters refer to the **condensing** temperature, even if the fluid on the hot side enters the component in superheated state. Example ------- Air is used to condensate water in a condenser. 1 kg/s waste steam is chilled with a terminal temperature difference of 15 K. >>> from tespy.components import Sink, Source, Condenser >>> from tespy.connections import Connection >>> from tespy.networks import Network >>> from import T_sat_p >>> import shutil >>> nw = Network(T_unit='C', p_unit='bar', h_unit='kJ / kg', ... m_range=[0.01, 1000], iterinfo=False) >>> amb_in = Source('ambient air inlet') >>> amb_out = Sink('air outlet') >>> waste_steam = Source('waste steam') >>> c = Sink('condensate sink') >>> cond = Condenser('condenser') >>> cond.component() 'condenser' >>> amb_he = Connection(amb_in, 'out1', cond, 'in2') >>> he_amb = Connection(cond, 'out2', amb_out, 'in1') >>> ws_he = Connection(waste_steam, 'out1', cond, 'in1') >>> he_c = Connection(cond, 'out1', c, 'in1') >>> nw.add_conns(amb_he, he_amb, ws_he, he_c) The air flow can not be controlled, thus is constant in offdesign operation. If the waste steam mass flow or the ambient air temperature change, the outlet temperature of the air will change, too. >>> cond.set_attr(pr1=0.98, pr2=0.999, ttd_u=15, design=['pr2', 'ttd_u'], ... offdesign=['zeta2', 'kA_char']) >>> ws_he.set_attr(fluid={'water': 1}, h=2700, m=1) >>> amb_he.set_attr(fluid={'air': 1}, T=20, offdesign=['v']) >>> he_amb.set_attr(p=1, T=40, design=['T']) >>> nw.solve('design') >>>'tmp') >>> round(amb_he.v.val, 2) 103.17 >>> round(ws_he.T.val - he_amb.T.val, 1) 66.9 >>> round(ws_he.calc_T_sat() - 273.15 - he_amb.T.val, 1) 15.0 >>> ws_he.set_attr(m=0.7) >>> amb_he.set_attr(T=30) >>> nw.solve('offdesign', design_path='tmp') >>> round(ws_he.T.val - he_amb.T.val, 1) 62.5 >>> round(ws_he.calc_T_sat() - 273.15 - he_amb.T.val, 1) 11.3 It is possible to activate subcooling. The difference to boiling point temperature is specified to 5 K. >>> cond.set_attr(subcooling=True) >>> he_c.set_attr(Td_bp=-5) >>> nw.solve('offdesign', design_path='tmp') >>> round(ws_he.T.val - he_amb.T.val, 1) 62.5 >>> round(ws_he.calc_T_sat() - 273.15 - he_amb.T.val, 1) 13.4 >>> shutil.rmtree('./tmp', ignore_errors=True) """
[docs] @staticmethod def component(): return 'condenser'
[docs] def get_parameters(self): params = super().get_parameters() params.update({ 'subcooling': dc_simple( val=False, num_eq=1, latex=self.subcooling_func_doc, deriv=self.subcooling_deriv, func=self.subcooling_func) }) return params
[docs] def preprocess(self, num_nw_vars): # if subcooling is True, outlet state method must not be calculated self.subcooling.is_set = not self.subcooling.val super().preprocess(num_nw_vars)
[docs] def subcooling_func(self): r""" Equation for hot side outlet state. Returns ------- residual : float Residual value of equation. .. math:: 0=h_{out,1} -h\left(p_{out,1}, x=0 \right) Note ---- This equation is applied in case subcooling is False! """ o = self.outl[0] return o.h.val_SI - h_mix_pQ(o.p.val_SI, 0, o.fluid_data)
[docs] def subcooling_func_doc(self, label): r""" Equation for hot side outlet state. Parameters ---------- label : str Label for equation. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code of equations applied. """ latex = r'0=h_\mathrm{out,1} -h\left(p_\mathrm{out,1}, x=0 \right)' return generate_latex_eq(self, latex, label)
[docs] def subcooling_deriv(self, increment_filter, k): """ Calculate partial derivates of subcooling function. Parameters ---------- increment_filter : ndarray Matrix for filtering non-changing variables. k : int Position of derivatives in Jacobian matrix (k-th equation). """ o = self.outl[0] if self.is_variable(o.p): self.jacobian[k, o.p.J_col] = -dh_mix_dpQ(o.p.val_SI, 0, o.fluid_data) if self.is_variable(o.h): self.jacobian[k, o.h.J_col] = 1
[docs] def calculate_td_log(self): i1 = self.inl[0] i2 = self.inl[1] o1 = self.outl[0] o2 = self.outl[1] T_i1 = i1.calc_T_sat() T_i2 = i2.calc_T() T_o1 = o1.calc_T() T_o2 = o2.calc_T() if T_i1 <= T_o2 and not i1.T.is_set: T_i1 = T_o2 + 0.5 if T_i1 <= T_o2 and not o2.T.is_set: T_o2 = T_i1 - 0.5 if T_o1 <= T_i2 and not o1.T.is_set: T_o1 = T_i2 + 1 if T_o1 <= T_i2 and not i2.T.is_set: T_i2 = T_o1 - 1 ttd_u = T_i1 - T_o2 ttd_l = T_o1 - T_i2 if ttd_u == ttd_l: td_log = ttd_l else: td_log = (ttd_l - ttd_u) / math.log((ttd_l) / (ttd_u)) return td_log
[docs] def kA_func_doc(self, label): r""" Calculate heat transfer from heat transfer coefficient. Parameters ---------- label : str Label for equation. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code of equations applied. """ latex = ( r'0 = \dot{m}_\mathrm{in,1} \cdot \left( h_\mathrm{out,1} - ' r'h_\mathrm{in,1}\right)+ kA \cdot \frac{T_\mathrm{out,1} - ' r'T_\mathrm{in,2} -T_\mathrm{sat}\left( p_\mathrm{in,1}\right)' r'+ T_\mathrm{out,2}}' r'{\ln{\frac{T_\mathrm{out,1} - T_\mathrm{in,2}}' r'{T_\mathrm{sat}\left( p_\mathrm{in,1}\right) -' r'T_\mathrm{out,2}}}}' ) return generate_latex_eq(self, latex, label)
[docs] def kA_char_func(self): r""" Calculate heat transfer from heat transfer coefficient characteristic. Returns ------- residual : float Residual value of equation. .. math:: 0 = \dot{m}_{in,1} \cdot \left( h_{out,1} - h_{in,1}\right) + kA_{design} \cdot f_{kA} \cdot \frac{T_{out,1} - T_{in,2} - T_{sat} \left(p_{in,1}\right) + T_{out,2}} {\ln{\frac{T_{out,1} - T_{in,2}} {T_{sat} \left(p_{in,1}\right) - T_{out,2}}}} f_{kA} = \frac{2}{\frac{1}{f_1 \left( expr_1\right)} + \frac{1}{f_2 \left( expr_2\right)}} Note ---- For standard functions f\ :subscript:`1` \ and f\ :subscript:`2` \ see module :py:mod:``. """ return super().kA_char_func()
[docs] def kA_char_func_doc(self, label): r""" Calculate heat transfer from heat transfer coefficient characteristic. Parameters ---------- label : str Label for equation. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code of equations applied. """ latex = ( r'\begin{split}' + '\n' r'0 = & \dot{m}_\mathrm{in,1} \cdot \left( h_\mathrm{out,1} - ' r'h_\mathrm{in,1}\right)\\' + '\n' r'&+kA_\mathrm{design} \cdot ' r'f_\mathrm{kA} \cdot \frac{T_\mathrm{out,1} - T_\mathrm{in,2}' r' - T_\mathrm{sat}\left( p_\mathrm{in,1}\right) +' r'T_\mathrm{out,2}}{\ln{\frac{T_\mathrm{out,1}-' r'T_\mathrm{in,2}}{T_\mathrm{sat}\left( p_\mathrm{in,1}\right)' r'- T_\mathrm{out,2}}}}\\' + '\n' r'f_\mathrm{kA}=&\frac{2}{\frac{1}{f\left(X_1\right)}+' r'\frac{1}{f\left(X_2\right)}}\\' + '\n' r'\end{split}' ) return generate_latex_eq(self, latex, label)
[docs] def ttd_u_func(self): r""" Equation for upper terminal temperature difference. Returns ------- residual : float Residual value of equation. .. math:: 0 = ttd_{u} - T_{sat} \left(p_{in,1}\right) + T_{out,2} Note ---- The upper terminal temperature difference ttd_u refers to boiling temperature at hot side inlet. """ i = self.inl[0] o = self.outl[1] T_i1 = i.calc_T_sat() T_o2 = o.calc_T() return self.ttd_u.val - T_i1 + T_o2
[docs] def ttd_u_func_doc(self, label): r""" Equation for upper terminal temperature difference. Parameters ---------- label : str Label for equation. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code of equations applied. """ latex = ( r'0=ttd_\mathrm{u}-T_\mathrm{sat}\left(p_\mathrm{in,1}\right)' r' + T_\mathrm{out,2}') return generate_latex_eq(self, latex, label)
[docs] def calc_parameters(self): r"""Postprocessing parameter calculation.""" self.Q.val = self.inl[0].m.val_SI * ( self.outl[0].h.val_SI - self.inl[0].h.val_SI ) self.ttd_u.val = self.inl[0].calc_T_sat() - self.outl[1].T.val_SI self.ttd_l.val = self.outl[0].T.val_SI - self.inl[1].T.val_SI self.ttd_min.val = min(self.ttd_u.val, self.ttd_min.val) # pr and zeta for i in range(2): self.get_attr(f'pr{i + 1}').val = ( self.outl[i].p.val_SI / self.inl[i].p.val_SI ) self.get_attr(f'zeta{i + 1}').val = self.calc_zeta( self.inl[i], self.outl[i] ) self.get_attr(f'dp{i + 1}').val_SI = ( self.inl[i].p.val_SI - self.outl[i].p.val_SI) self.get_attr(f'dp{i + 1}').val = convert_from_SI( 'p', self.get_attr(f'dp{i + 1}').val_SI, self.inl[i].p.unit ) # kA and logarithmic temperature difference if self.ttd_u.val < 0 or self.ttd_l.val < 0: self.td_log.val = np.nan elif self.ttd_l.val == self.ttd_u.val: self.td_log.val = self.ttd_l.val else: self.td_log.val = ( (self.ttd_l.val - self.ttd_u.val) / math.log(self.ttd_l.val / self.ttd_u.val) ) self.kA.val = -self.Q.val / self.td_log.val # heat exchanger efficiencies try: self.eff_hot.val = ( (self.outl[0].h.val_SI - self.inl[0].h.val_SI) / self.calc_dh_max_hot() ) except ValueError: self.eff_hot.val = np.nan msg = ( "Cannot calculate heat exchanger hot side effectiveness " "because cold side inlet temperature is out of bounds for hot " "side fluid." ) logger.warning(msg) try: self.eff_cold.val = ( (self.outl[1].h.val_SI - self.inl[1].h.val_SI) / self.calc_dh_max_cold() ) except ValueError: self.eff_cold.val = np.nan msg = ( "Cannot calculate heat exchanger cold side effectiveness " "because hot side inlet temperature is out of bounds for cold " "side fluid." ) logger.warning(msg) self.eff_max.val = max(self.eff_hot.val, self.eff_cold.val)