# -*- coding: utf-8
"""Module of class Valve.
This file is part of project TESPy (github.com/oemof/tespy). It's copyrighted
by the contributors recorded in the version control history of the file,
available from its original location tespy/components/piping.py
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import numpy as np
from tespy.components.component import Component
from tespy.components.component import component_registry
from tespy.tools import logger
from tespy.tools.data_containers import ComponentCharacteristics as dc_cc
from tespy.tools.data_containers import ComponentProperties as dc_cp
from tespy.tools.document_models import generate_latex_eq
class Valve(Component):
The Valve throttles a fluid without changing enthalpy.
**Mandatory Equations**
- :py:meth:`tespy.components.component.Component.fluid_func`
- :py:meth:`tespy.components.component.Component.mass_flow_func`
**Optional Equations**
- :py:meth:`tespy.components.component.Component.pr_func`
- :py:meth:`tespy.components.component.Component.zeta_func`
- :py:meth:`tespy.components.piping.valve.Valve.dp_char_func`
- in1
- out1
.. image:: /api/_images/Valve.svg
:alt: flowsheet of the valve
:align: center
:class: only-light
.. image:: /api/_images/Valve_darkmode.svg
:alt: flowsheet of the valve
:align: center
:class: only-dark
label : str
The label of the component.
design : list
List containing design parameters (stated as String).
offdesign : list
List containing offdesign parameters (stated as String).
design_path : str
Path to the components design case.
local_offdesign : boolean
Treat this component in offdesign mode in a design calculation.
local_design : boolean
Treat this component in design mode in an offdesign calculation.
char_warnings : boolean
Ignore warnings on default characteristics usage for this component.
printout : boolean
Include this component in the network's results printout.
pr : float, dict, :code:`"var"`
Outlet to inlet pressure ratio, :math:`pr/1`
zeta : float, dict, :code:`"var"`
Geometry independent friction coefficient,
dp_char : tespy.tools.characteristics.CharLine, dict
Characteristic line for difference pressure to mass flow.
A mass flow of 1 kg/s methane is throttled from 80 bar to 15 bar in a
valve. The inlet temperature is at 50 °C. It is possible to determine the
outlet temperature as the throttling does not change enthalpy.
>>> from tespy.components import Sink, Source, Valve
>>> from tespy.connections import Connection
>>> from tespy.networks import Network
>>> import shutil
>>> nw = Network(p_unit='bar', T_unit='C', iterinfo=False)
>>> so = Source('source')
>>> si = Sink('sink')
>>> v = Valve('valve')
>>> v.component()
>>> so_v = Connection(so, 'out1', v, 'in1')
>>> v_si = Connection(v, 'out1', si, 'in1')
>>> nw.add_conns(so_v, v_si)
>>> v.set_attr(offdesign=['zeta'])
>>> so_v.set_attr(fluid={'CH4': 1}, m=1, T=50, p=80, design=['m'])
>>> v_si.set_attr(p=15)
>>> nw.solve('design')
>>> nw.save('tmp')
>>> round(v_si.T.val, 1)
>>> round(v.pr.val, 3)
The simulation determined the area independent zeta value
:math:`\frac{\zeta}{D^4}`. This zeta remains constant if the cross
sectional area of the valve opening does not change. Using the zeta value
we can determine the pressure ratio at a different feed pressure.
>>> so_v.set_attr(p=70)
>>> nw.solve('offdesign', design_path='tmp')
>>> round(so_v.m.val, 1)
>>> round(v_si.T.val, 1)
>>> shutil.rmtree('./tmp', ignore_errors=True)
def component():
return 'valve'
def get_parameters(self):
return {
'pr': dc_cp(
min_val=1e-4, max_val=1, num_eq=1,
deriv=self.pr_deriv, func=self.pr_func,
func_params={'pr': 'pr'}, latex=self.pr_func_doc),
'zeta': dc_cp(
min_val=0, max_val=1e15, num_eq=1,
deriv=self.zeta_deriv, func=self.zeta_func,
func_params={'zeta': 'zeta'}, latex=self.zeta_func_doc),
'dp_char': dc_cc(
param='m', num_eq=1,
deriv=self.dp_char_deriv, func=self.dp_char_func,
char_params={'type': 'abs'}, latex=self.dp_char_func_doc)
def get_mandatory_constraints(self):
return {
'enthalpy_equality_constraints': {
'func': self.enthalpy_equality_func,
'deriv': self.enthalpy_equality_deriv,
'constant_deriv': True,
'latex': self.enthalpy_equality_func_doc,
'num_eq': 1}
def inlets():
return ['in1']
def outlets():
return ['out1']
def dp_char_func(self):
Equation for characteristic line of difference pressure to mass flow.
residual : ndarray
Residual value of equation.
.. math::
0=p_\mathrm{in}-p_\mathrm{out}-f\left( expr \right)
p = self.dp_char.param
expr = self.get_char_expr(p, **self.dp_char.char_params)
if not expr:
msg = ('Please choose a valid parameter, you want to link the '
'pressure drop to at component ' + self.label + '.')
raise ValueError(msg)
return (
self.inl[0].p.val_SI - self.outl[0].p.val_SI -
def dp_char_func_doc(self, label):
Equation for characteristic line of difference pressure to mass flow.
label : str
Label for equation.
latex : str
LaTeX code of equations applied.
p = self.dp_char.param
expr = self.get_char_expr_doc(p, **self.dp_char.char_params)
if not expr:
msg = ('Please choose a valid parameter, you want to link the '
'pressure drop to at component ' + self.label + '.')
raise ValueError(msg)
latex = (
r'0=p_\mathrm{in}-p_\mathrm{out}-f\left(' + expr +
return generate_latex_eq(self, latex, label)
def dp_char_deriv(self, increment_filter, k):
Calculate partial derivatives of difference pressure characteristic.
increment_filter : ndarray
Matrix for filtering non-changing variables.
k : int
Position of derivatives in Jacobian matrix (k-th equation).
f = self.dp_char_func
i = self.inl[0]
o = self.outl[0]
if self.is_variable(i.m, increment_filter):
self.jacobian[k, i.m.J_col] = self.numeric_deriv(f, 'm', i)
if self.dp_char.param == 'v':
if self.is_variable(i.p, increment_filter):
self.jacobian[k, i.p.J_col] = self.numeric_deriv(
self.dp_char_func, 'p', i
if self.is_variable(i.h, increment_filter):
self.jacobian[k, i.h.J_col] = self.numeric_deriv(
self.dp_char_func, 'h', i
if self.is_variable(i.p, increment_filter):
self.jacobian[k, i.p.J_col] = 1
if self.is_variable(o.p):
self.jacobian[k, o.p.J_col] = -1
def initialise_source(self, c, key):
Return a starting value for pressure and enthalpy at outlet.
c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection
Connection to perform initialisation on.
key : str
Fluid property to retrieve.
val : float
Starting value for pressure/enthalpy in SI units.
.. math::
val = \begin{cases}
4 \cdot 10^5 & \text{key = 'p'}\\
5 \cdot 10^5 & \text{key = 'h'}
if key == 'p':
return 4e5
elif key == 'h':
return 5e5
def initialise_target(self, c, key):
Return a starting value for pressure and enthalpy at inlet.
c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection
Connection to perform initialisation on.
key : str
Fluid property to retrieve.
val : float
Starting value for pressure/enthalpy in SI units.
.. math::
val = \begin{cases}
5 \cdot 10^5 & \text{key = 'p'}\\
5 \cdot 10^5 & \text{key = 'h'}
if key == 'p':
return 5e5
elif key == 'h':
return 5e5
def calc_parameters(self):
r"""Postprocessing parameter calculation."""
i = self.inl[0]
o = self.outl[0]
self.pr.val = o.p.val_SI / i.p.val_SI
self.zeta.val = self.calc_zeta(i, o)
def entropy_balance(self):
Calculate entropy balance of a valve.
The entropy balance makes the follwing parameter available:
.. math::
\text{S\_irr}=\dot{m} \cdot \left(s_\mathrm{out}-s_\mathrm{in}
self.S_irr = self.inl[0].m.val_SI * (
self.outl[0].s.val_SI - self.inl[0].s.val_SI
def exergy_balance(self, T0):
Calculate exergy balance of a valve.
T0 : float
Ambient temperature T0 / K.
.. math::
\dot{E}_\mathrm{P} =
\text{not defined (nan)} & T_\mathrm{in}, T_\mathrm{out} \geq T_0\\
& T_\mathrm{in} > T_0 \geq T_\mathrm{out}\\
\dot{E}_\mathrm{out}^\mathrm{T} - \dot{E}_\mathrm{in}^\mathrm{T}
& T_0 \geq T_\mathrm{in}, T_\mathrm{out}\\
\dot{E}_\mathrm{F} =
\dot{E}_\mathrm{in}^\mathrm{PH} - \dot{E}_\mathrm{out}^\mathrm{PH}
& T_\mathrm{in}, T_\mathrm{out} \geq T_0\\
\dot{E}_\mathrm{in}^\mathrm{T} + \dot{E}_\mathrm{in}^\mathrm{M}-
& T_\mathrm{in} > T_0 \geq T_\mathrm{out}\\
\dot{E}_\mathrm{in}^\mathrm{M} - \dot{E}_\mathrm{out}^\mathrm{M}
& T_0 \geq T_\mathrm{in}, T_\mathrm{out}\\
if self.inl[0].T.val_SI > T0 and self.outl[0].T.val_SI > T0:
self.E_P = np.nan
self.E_F = self.inl[0].Ex_physical - self.outl[0].Ex_physical
elif self.outl[0].T.val_SI <= T0 and self.inl[0].T.val_SI > T0:
self.E_P = self.outl[0].Ex_therm
self.E_F = self.inl[0].Ex_therm + (
self.inl[0].Ex_mech - self.outl[0].Ex_mech)
elif self.inl[0].T.val_SI <= T0 and self.outl[0].T.val_SI <= T0:
self.E_P = self.outl[0].Ex_therm - self.inl[0].Ex_therm
self.E_F = self.inl[0].Ex_mech - self.outl[0].Ex_mech
msg = ('Exergy balance of a valve, where outlet temperature is '
'larger than inlet temperature is not implmented.')
self.E_P = np.nan
self.E_F = np.nan
self.E_bus = {
"chemical": np.nan, "physical": np.nan, "massless": np.nan
if np.isnan(self.E_P):
self.E_D = self.E_F
self.E_D = self.E_F - self.E_P
self.epsilon = self._calc_epsilon()
def get_plotting_data(self):
"""Generate a dictionary containing FluProDia plotting information.
data : dict
A nested dictionary containing the keywords required by the
:code:`calc_individual_isoline` method of the
:code:`FluidPropertyDiagram` class. First level keys are the
connection index ('in1' -> 'out1', therefore :code:`1` etc.).
return {
1: {
'isoline_property': 'h',
'isoline_value': self.inl[0].h.val,
'isoline_value_end': self.outl[0].h.val,
'starting_point_property': 'v',
'starting_point_value': self.inl[0].vol.val,
'ending_point_property': 'v',
'ending_point_value': self.outl[0].vol.val