Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8

"""Module for tespy network class.

The network is the container for every TESPy simulation. The network class
automatically creates the system of equations describing topology and
parametrization of a specific model and solves it.

This file is part of project TESPy ( It's copyrighted
by the contributors recorded in the version control history of the file,
available from its original location tespy/networks/

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import json
import os
from time import time

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy.linalg import norm
from tabulate import tabulate

from tespy import connections as con
from import fluid_properties as fp
from import helpers as hlp
from import logger
from import ComponentCharacteristicMaps as dc_cm
from import ComponentCharacteristics as dc_cc
from import ComponentProperties as dc_cp
from import FluidComposition as dc_flu
from import GroupedComponentCharacteristics as dc_gcc
from import GroupedComponentProperties as dc_gcp
from import ERR
from import fluid_property_data as fpd

# Only require cupy if Cuda shall be used
    import cupy as cu
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    cu = None

[docs] class Network: r""" Class component is the base class of all TESPy components. Parameters ---------- h_range : list List with minimum and maximum values for enthalpy value range. h_unit : str Specify the unit for enthalpy: 'J / kg', 'kJ / kg', 'MJ / kg'. iterinfo : boolean Print convergence progress to console. m_range : list List with minimum and maximum values for mass flow value range. m_unit : str Specify the unit for mass flow: 'kg / s', 't / h'. p_range : list List with minimum and maximum values for pressure value range. p_unit : str Specify the unit for pressure: 'Pa', 'psi', 'bar', 'MPa'. s_unit : str Specify the unit for specific entropy: 'J / kgK', 'kJ / kgK', 'MJ / kgK'. T_unit : str Specify the unit for temperature: 'K', 'C', 'F', 'R'. v_unit : str Specify the unit for volumetric flow: 'm3 / s', 'm3 / h', 'l / s', 'l / h'. vol_unit : str Specify the unit for specific volume: 'm3 / kg', 'l / kg'. x_unit : str Specify the unit for steam mass fraction: '-', '%'. Note ---- Unit specification is optional: If not specified the SI unit (first element in above lists) will be applied! Range specification is optional, too. The value range is used to stabilize the newton algorithm. For more information see the "getting started" section in the online-documentation. Example ------- Basic example for a setting up a object. Specifying the fluids is mandatory! Unit systems, fluid property range and iterinfo are optional. Standard value for iterinfo is :code:`True`. This will print out convergence progress to the console. You can stop the printouts by setting this property to :code:`False`. >>> from tespy.networks import Network >>> mynetwork = Network(p_unit='bar', T_unit='C') >>> mynetwork.set_attr(p_range=[1, 10]) >>> type(mynetwork) <class ''> >>> mynetwork.set_attr(iterinfo=False) >>> mynetwork.iterinfo False >>> mynetwork.set_attr(iterinfo=True) >>> mynetwork.iterinfo True A simple network consisting of a source, a pipe and a sink. This example shows how the printout parameter can be used. We specify :code:`printout=False` for both connections, the pipe as well as the heat bus. Therefore the :code:`.print_results()` method should not print any results. >>> from tespy.networks import Network >>> from tespy.components import Source, Sink, Pipe >>> from tespy.connections import Connection, Bus >>> nw = Network(T_unit='C', p_unit='bar', v_unit='m3 / s') >>> so = Source('source') >>> si = Sink('sink') >>> p = Pipe('pipe', Q=0, pr=0.95, printout=False) >>> a = Connection(so, 'out1', p, 'in1') >>> b = Connection(p, 'out1', si, 'in1') >>> nw.add_conns(a, b) >>> a.set_attr(fluid={'CH4': 1}, T=30, p=10, m=10, printout=False) >>> b.set_attr(printout=False) >>> b = Bus('heat bus') >>> b.add_comps({'comp': p}) >>> nw.add_busses(b) >>> b.set_attr(printout=False) >>> nw.set_attr(iterinfo=False) >>> nw.solve('design') >>> nw.print_results() """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.set_defaults() self.set_attr(**kwargs) def _serialize(self): return { "m_unit": self.m_unit, "m_range": list(self.m_range), "p_unit": self.p_unit, "p_range": list(self.p_range), "h_unit": self.h_unit, "h_range": list(self.h_range), "T_unit": self.T_unit, "x_unit": self.x_unit, "v_unit": self.v_unit, "s_unit": self.s_unit, }
[docs] def set_defaults(self): """Set default network properties.""" # connection dataframe dtypes={ "object": object, "source": object, "source_id": str, "target": object, "target_id": str } self.conns = pd.DataFrame( columns=list(dtypes.keys()) ).astype(dtypes) self.all_fluids = set() # component dataframe dtypes = { "comp_type": str, "object": object, } self.comps = pd.DataFrame( columns=list(dtypes.keys()) ).astype(dtypes) # user defined function dictionary for fast access self.user_defined_eq = {} # bus dictionary self.busses = {} # results and specification dictionary self.results = {} self.specifications = {} self.specifications['lookup'] = { 'properties': 'prop_specifications', 'chars': 'char_specifications', 'variables': 'var_specifications', 'groups': 'group_specifications' } # in case of a design calculation after an offdesign calculation self.redesign = False self.checked = False self.design_path = None self.iterinfo = True msg = 'Default unit specifications:\n' for prop, data in fpd.items(): # standard unit set self.__dict__.update({prop + '_unit': data['SI_unit']}) msg += data['text'] + ': ' + data['SI_unit'] + '\n' # don't need the last newline logger.debug(msg[:-1]) # generic value range self.m_range_SI = np.array([-1e12, 1e12]) self.p_range_SI = np.array([2e2, 300e5]) self.h_range_SI = np.array([1e3, 7e6]) for prop in ['m', 'p', 'h']: limits = self.get_attr(prop + '_range_SI') msg = ( 'Default ' + fpd[prop]['text'] + ' limits\n' 'min: ' + str(limits[0]) + ' ' + self.get_attr(prop + '_unit') + '\n' 'max: ' + str(limits[1]) + ' ' + self.get_attr(prop + '_unit')) logger.debug(msg)
[docs] def set_attr(self, **kwargs): r""" Set, resets or unsets attributes of a network. Parameters ---------- h_range : list List with minimum and maximum values for enthalpy value range. h_unit : str Specify the unit for enthalpy: 'J / kg', 'kJ / kg', 'MJ / kg'. iterinfo : boolean Print convergence progress to console. m_range : list List with minimum and maximum values for mass flow value range. m_unit : str Specify the unit for mass flow: 'kg / s', 't / h'. p_range : list List with minimum and maximum values for pressure value range. p_unit : str Specify the unit for pressure: 'Pa', 'psi', 'bar', 'MPa'. s_unit : str Specify the unit for specific entropy: 'J / kgK', 'kJ / kgK', 'MJ / kgK'. T_unit : str Specify the unit for temperature: 'K', 'C', 'F', 'R'. v_unit : str Specify the unit for volumetric flow: 'm3 / s', 'm3 / h', 'l / s', 'l / h'. vol_unit : str Specify the unit for specific volume: 'm3 / kg', 'l / kg'. """ # unit sets for prop in fpd.keys(): unit = f'{prop}_unit' if unit in kwargs: if kwargs[unit] in fpd[prop]['units']: self.__dict__.update({unit: kwargs[unit]}) msg = f'Setting {fpd[prop]["text"]} unit: {kwargs[unit]}.' logger.debug(msg) else: keys = ', '.join(fpd[prop]['units'].keys()) msg = f'Allowed units for {fpd[prop]["text"]} are: {keys}' logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) for prop in ['m', 'p', 'h']: if f'{prop}_range' in kwargs: if isinstance(kwargs[f'{prop}_range'], list): self.__dict__.update({ f'{prop}_range_SI': hlp.convert_to_SI( prop, np.array(kwargs[f'{prop}_range']), self.get_attr(f'{prop}_unit') ) }) else: msg = f'Specify the range as list: [{prop}_min, {prop}_max]' logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) limits = self.get_attr(f'{prop}_range_SI') msg = ( f'Setting {fpd[prop]["text"]} limits\n' f'min: {limits[0]} {fpd[prop]["SI_unit"]}\n' f'max: {limits[1]} {fpd[prop]["SI_unit"]}' ) logger.debug(msg) # update non SI value ranges for prop in ['m', 'p', 'h']: self.__dict__.update({ f'{prop}_range': hlp.convert_from_SI( prop, self.get_attr(f'{prop}_range_SI'), self.get_attr(f'{prop}_unit') ) }) self.iterinfo = kwargs.get('iterinfo', self.iterinfo) if not isinstance(self.iterinfo, bool): msg = ('Network parameter iterinfo must be True or False!') logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg)
[docs] def get_attr(self, key): r""" Get the value of a network attribute. Parameters ---------- key : str The attribute you want to retrieve. Returns ------- out : Specified attribute. """ if key in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[key] else: msg = f"Network has no attribute '{key}'." logger.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg)
[docs] def add_subsys(self, *args): r""" Add one or more subsystems to the network. Parameters ---------- c : tespy.components.subsystem.Subsystem The subsystem to be added to the network, subsystem objects si :code:`network.add_subsys(s1, s2, s3, ...)`. """ for subsys in args: for c in subsys.conns.values(): self.add_conns(c)
[docs] def get_conn(self, label): r""" Get Connection via label. Parameters ---------- label : str Label of the Connection object. Returns ------- c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection Connection object with specified label, None if no Connection of the network has this label. """ try: return self.conns.loc[label, 'object'] except KeyError: logger.warning(f"Connection with label {label} not found.") return None
[docs] def get_comp(self, label): r""" Get Component via label. Parameters ---------- label : str Label of the Component object. Returns ------- c : tespy.components.component.Component Component object with specified label, None if no Component of the network has this label. """ try: return self.comps.loc[label, 'object'] except KeyError: logger.warning(f"Component with label {label} not found.") return None
[docs] def add_conns(self, *args): r""" Add one or more connections to the network. Parameters ---------- c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection The connection to be added to the network, connections objects ci :code:`add_conns(c1, c2, c3, ...)`. """ for c in args: if not isinstance(c, con.Connection): msg = ( 'Must provide tespy.connections.connection.Connection ' 'objects as parameters.' ) logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) elif c.label in self.conns.index: msg = ( 'There is already a connection with the label ' f'{c.label}. The connection labels must be unique!' ) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) c.good_starting_values = False self.conns.loc[c.label] = [ c, c.source, c.source_id,, c.target_id ] msg = f'Added connection {c.label} to network.' logger.debug(msg) # set status "checked" to false, if connection is added to network. self.checked = False self._add_comps(*args)
[docs] def del_conns(self, *args): """ Remove one or more connections from the network. Parameters ---------- c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection The connection to be removed from the network, connections objects ci :code:`del_conns(c1, c2, c3, ...)`. """ comps = list({cp for c in args for cp in [c.source,]}) for c in args: self.conns.drop(c.label, inplace=True) if "Connection" in self.results: self.results["Connection"].drop( c.label, inplace=True, errors="ignore" ) msg = f'Deleted connection {c.label} from network.' logger.debug(msg) self._del_comps(comps) # set status "checked" to false, if connection is deleted from network. self.checked = False
[docs] def check_conns(self): r"""Check connections for multiple usage of inlets or outlets.""" dub = self.conns.loc[self.conns.duplicated(["source", "source_id"])] for c in dub['object']: targets = [] mask = ( (self.conns["source"].values == c.source) & (self.conns["source_id"].values == c.source_id) ) for conns in self.conns.loc[mask, "object"]: targets += [f"\"{}\" ({conns.target_id})"] targets = ", ".join(targets) msg = ( f"The source \"{c.source.label}\" ({c.source_id}) is attached " f"to more than one component on the target side: {targets}. " "Please check your network configuration." ) logger.error(msg) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) dub = self.conns.loc[ self.conns.duplicated(['target', 'target_id']) ] for c in dub['object']: sources = [] mask = ( (self.conns["target"].values == & (self.conns["target_id"].values == c.target_id) ) for conns in self.conns.loc[mask, "object"]: sources += [f"\"{conns.source.label}\" ({conns.source_id})"] sources = ", ".join(sources) msg = ( f"The target \"{}\" ({c.target_id}) is attached " f"to more than one component on the source side: {sources}. " "Please check your network configuration." ) logger.error(msg) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg)
def _add_comps(self, *args): r""" Add to network's component DataFrame from added connections. Parameters ---------- c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection The connections, which have been added to the network. The components are extracted from these information. """ # get unique components in new connections comps = list({cp for c in args for cp in [c.source,]}) # add to the dataframe of components for comp in comps: if comp.label in self.comps.index: if self.comps.loc[comp.label, 'object'] == comp: continue else: comp_type = comp.__class__.__name__ other_obj = self.comps.loc[comp.label, "object"] other_comp_type = other_obj.__class__.__name__ msg = ( f"The component with the label {comp.label} of type " f"{comp_type} cannot be added to the network as a " f"different component of type {other_comp_type} with " "the same label has already been added. All " "components must have unique values!" ) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) comp_type = comp.__class__.__name__ self.comps.loc[comp.label, 'comp_type'] = comp_type self.comps.loc[comp.label, 'object'] = comp def _del_comps(self, comps): r""" Delete from network's component DataFrame from deleted connections. For every component it is checked, if it is still part of other connections, which have not been deleted. The component is only removed if it cannot be found int the remaining connections. Parameters ---------- comps : list List of components to potentially be deleted. """ for comp in comps: if ( comp not in self.conns["source"].values and comp not in self.conns["target"].values ): self.comps.drop(comp.label, inplace=True) self.results[comp.__class__.__name__].drop( comp.label, inplace=True, errors="ignore" ) msg = f"Deleted component {comp.label} from network." logger.debug(msg)
[docs] def add_ude(self, *args): r""" Add a user defined function to the network. Parameters ---------- c : The objects to be added to the network, UserDefinedEquation objects ci :code:`add_ude(c1, c2, c3, ...)`. """ for c in args: if not isinstance(c, hlp.UserDefinedEquation): msg = ( 'Must provide ' 'objects as parameters.' ) logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) elif c.label in self.user_defined_eq: msg = ( 'There is already a UserDefinedEquation with the label ' f'{c.label} . The UserDefinedEquation labels must be ' 'unique within a network' ) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.user_defined_eq[c.label] = c msg = f"Added UserDefinedEquation {c.label} to network." logger.debug(msg)
[docs] def del_ude(self, *args): """ Remove a user defined function from the network. Parameters ---------- c : The objects to be deleted from the network, UserDefinedEquation objects ci :code:`del_ude(c1, c2, c3, ...)`. """ for c in args: del self.user_defined_eq[c.label] msg = f"Deleted UserDefinedEquation {c.label} from network." logger.debug(msg)
[docs] def add_busses(self, *args): r""" Add one or more busses to the network. Parameters ---------- b : tespy.connections.bus.Bus The bus to be added to the network, bus objects bi :code:`add_busses(b1, b2, b3, ...)`. """ for b in args: if self.check_busses(b): self.busses[b.label] = b msg = f"Added bus {b.label} to network." logger.debug(msg) self.results[b.label] = pd.DataFrame( columns=[ 'component value', 'bus value', 'efficiency', 'design value' ], dtype='float64' )
[docs] def del_busses(self, *args): r""" Remove one or more busses from the network. Parameters ---------- b : tespy.connections.bus.Bus The bus to be removed from the network, bus objects bi :code:`add_busses(b1, b2, b3, ...)`. """ for b in args: if b in self.busses.values(): del self.busses[b.label] msg = f"Deleted bus {b.label} from network." logger.debug(msg) del self.results[b.label]
def _convergence_check(self): """Check convergence status of a simulation.""" msg = 'Calculation did not converge!' assert (not self.lin_dep) and self.converged, msg
[docs] def check_busses(self, b): r""" Checksthe busses to be added for type, duplicates and identical labels. Parameters ---------- b : tespy.connections.bus.Bus The bus to be checked. """ if isinstance(b, con.Bus): if len(self.busses) > 0: if b in self.busses.values(): msg = f"The network contains the bus {b.label} already." logger.error(msg) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) elif b.label in self.busses: msg = f"The network already has a bus labeld {b.label}." logger.error(msg) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) else: return True else: return True else: msg = 'Only objects of type bus are allowed in *args.' logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg)
[docs] def check_network(self): r"""Check if components are connected properly within the network.""" if len(self.conns) == 0: msg = ( 'No connections have been added to the network, please make ' 'sure to add your connections with the .add_conns() method.' ) logger.error(msg) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) self.check_conns() self.init_components() self.check_components() self.create_massflow_and_fluid_branches() self.create_fluid_wrapper_branches() # network checked self.checked = True msg = 'Networkcheck successful.'
[docs] def create_massflow_and_fluid_branches(self): self.branches = {} mask = self.comps["object"].apply(lambda c: c.is_branch_source()) start_components = self.comps["object"].loc[mask] if len(start_components) == 0: msg = ( "You cannot build a system without at least one CycleCloser or " "a Source and Sink." ) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) for start in start_components: self.branches.update(start.start_branch()) self.massflow_branches = hlp.get_all_subdictionaries(self.branches) self.fluid_branches = {} for branch_name, branch_data in self.branches.items(): subbranches = hlp.get_all_subdictionaries(branch_data["subbranches"]) main = {k: v for k, v in branch_data.items() if k != "subbranches"} self.fluid_branches[branch_name] = [main] + subbranches
[docs] def create_fluid_wrapper_branches(self): self.fluid_wrapper_branches = {} mask = self.comps["comp_type"].isin( ["Source", "CycleCloser", "WaterElectrolyzer", "FuelCell"] ) start_components = self.comps["object"].loc[mask] for start in start_components: self.fluid_wrapper_branches.update(start.start_fluid_wrapper_branch()) merged = self.fluid_wrapper_branches.copy() for branch_name, branch_data in self.fluid_wrapper_branches.items(): if branch_name not in merged: continue for ob_name, ob_data in self.fluid_wrapper_branches.items(): if ob_name != branch_name: common_connections = list( set(branch_data["connections"]) & set(ob_data["connections"]) ) if len(common_connections) > 0 and ob_name in merged: merged[branch_name]["connections"] = list( set(branch_data["connections"] + ob_data["connections"]) ) merged[branch_name]["components"] = list( set(branch_data["components"] + ob_data["components"]) ) del merged[ob_name] break self.fluid_wrapper_branches = merged
[docs] def init_components(self): r"""Set up necessary component information.""" for comp in self.comps["object"]: # get incoming and outgoing connections of a component sources = self.conns[self.conns['source'] == comp] sources = sources['source_id'].sort_values().index.tolist() targets = self.conns[self.conns['target'] == comp] targets = targets['target_id'].sort_values().index.tolist() # save the incoming and outgoing as well as the number of # connections as component attribute comp.inl = self.conns.loc[targets, 'object'].tolist() comp.outl = self.conns.loc[sources, 'object'].tolist() comp.num_i = len(comp.inlets()) comp.num_o = len(comp.outlets()) # set up restults and specification dataframes comp_type = comp.__class__.__name__ if comp_type not in self.results: cols = [ col for col, data in comp.parameters.items() if isinstance(data, dc_cp) ] self.results[comp_type] = pd.DataFrame( columns=cols, dtype='float64') if comp_type not in self.specifications: cols, groups, chars = [], [], [] for col, data in comp.parameters.items(): if isinstance(data, dc_cp): cols += [col] elif isinstance(data, dc_gcp) or isinstance(data, dc_gcc): groups += [col] elif isinstance(data, dc_cc) or isinstance(data, dc_cm): chars += [col] self.specifications[comp_type] = { 'groups': pd.DataFrame(columns=groups, dtype='bool'), 'chars': pd.DataFrame(columns=chars, dtype='object'), 'variables': pd.DataFrame(columns=cols, dtype='bool'), 'properties': pd.DataFrame(columns=cols, dtype='bool') }
[docs] def check_components(self): # count number of incoming and outgoing connections and compare to # expected values for comp in self.comps['object']: counts = (self.conns[['source', 'target']] == comp).sum() if counts["source"] != comp.num_o: msg = ( f"The component {comp.label} is missing " f"{comp.num_o - counts['source']} outgoing connections. " "Make sure all outlets are connected and all connections " "have been added to the network." ) logger.error(msg) # raise an error in case network check is unsuccesful raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) elif counts["target"] != comp.num_i: msg = ( f"The component {comp.label} is missing " f"{comp.num_i - counts['target']} incoming connections. " "Make sure all inlets are connected and all connections " "have been added to the network." ) logger.error(msg) # raise an error in case network check is unsuccesful raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg)
[docs] def initialise(self): r""" Initilialise the network depending on calclation mode. Design - Generic fluid composition and fluid property initialisation. - Starting values from initialisation path if provided. Offdesign - Check offdesign path specification. - Set component and connection design point properties. - Switch from design/offdesign parameter specification. """ # keep track of the number of bus, component and connection equations # as well as number of component variables self.num_bus_eq = 0 self.num_comp_eq = 0 self.num_conn_eq = 0 self.num_vars = 0 self.num_comp_vars = 0 self.num_conn_vars = 0 self.variables_dict = {} # in multiprocessing copies are made of all connections # the mass flow branches and fluid branches hold references to # connections from the original run (where network.checked is False) # The assignment of variable spaces etc. is however made on the # copies of the connections which do not correspond to the mass flow # branches and fluid branches anymore. So the topology simplification # does not actually apply to the copied network, therefore the # branches have to be recreated for this case. We can detect that by # checking whether a network holds a massflow branch with some # connections and compare that with the connection object actually # present in the network first_conn = self.massflow_branches[0]["connections"][0] if self.conns.loc[first_conn.label, "object"] != first_conn: self.create_massflow_and_fluid_branches() self.create_fluid_wrapper_branches() self.propagate_fluid_wrappers() self.presolve_massflow_topology() self.presolve_fluid_topology() self.init_set_properties() if self.mode == 'offdesign': self.redesign = True if self.design_path is None: # must provide design_path msg = "Please provide a design_path for offdesign mode." logger.error(msg) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) # load design case if self.new_design: self.init_offdesign_params() self.init_offdesign() else: # reset any preceding offdesign calculation self.init_design() # generic fluid property initialisation self.init_properties() msg = 'Network initialised.'
[docs] def propagate_fluid_wrappers(self): for branch_data in self.fluid_wrapper_branches.values(): all_connections = [c for c in branch_data["connections"]] any_fluids_set = [] engines = {} back_ends = {} for c in all_connections: for f in c.fluid.is_set: any_fluids_set += [f] if f in c.fluid.engine: engines[f] = c.fluid.engine[f] if f in c.fluid.back_end: back_ends[f] = c.fluid.back_end[f] mixing_rules = [ c.mixing_rule for c in all_connections if c.mixing_rule is not None ] mixing_rule = set(mixing_rules) if len(mixing_rule) > 1: msg = "You have provided more than one mixing rule." raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) elif len(mixing_rule) == 0: mixing_rule = set(["ideal-cond"]) if not any_fluids_set: msg = "You are missing fluid specifications." any_fluids = [f for c in all_connections for f in c.fluid.val] any_fluids0 = [f for c in all_connections for f in c.fluid.val] potential_fluids = set(any_fluids_set + any_fluids + any_fluids0) num_potential_fluids = len(potential_fluids) if num_potential_fluids == 0: msg = ( "The follwing connections of your network are missing any " "kind of fluid composition information:" + ", ".join([c.label for c in all_connections]) + "." ) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) for c in all_connections: c.mixing_rule = list(mixing_rule)[0] c._potential_fluids = potential_fluids if num_potential_fluids == 1: f = list(potential_fluids)[0] c.fluid.val[f] = 1 else: for f in potential_fluids: if (f not in c.fluid.is_set and f not in c.fluid.val and f not in c.fluid.val0): c.fluid.val[f] = 1 / len(potential_fluids) elif f not in c.fluid.is_set and f not in c.fluid.val and f in c.fluid.val0: c.fluid.val[f] = c.fluid.val0[f] for f, engine in engines.items(): c.fluid.engine[f] = engine for f, back_end in back_ends.items(): c.fluid.back_end[f] = back_end c._create_fluid_wrapper()
[docs] def presolve_massflow_topology(self): # mass flow is a single variable in each sub branch # fluid composition is a single variable in each main branch for branch in self.massflow_branches: num_massflow_specs = 0 for c in branch["connections"]: # number of specifications cannot exceed 1 num_massflow_specs += c.m.is_set if c.m.is_set: main_conn = c # self reference is not allowed if c.m_ref.is_set: if c.m_ref.ref.obj in branch["connections"]: msg = ( "You cannot reference a mass flow in the same " f"linear branch. The connection {c.label} " "references the connection " f"{c.m_ref.ref.obj.label}." ) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) if num_massflow_specs == 1: # set every mass flow in branch to the specified value for c in branch["connections"]: # map all connection's mass flow data containers to first # branch element c._m_tmp = c.m c.m = main_conn.m msg = ( "Removing " f"{len(branch['connections']) - num_massflow_specs} " "mass flow variables from system variables." ) logger.debug(msg) elif num_massflow_specs > 1: msg = ( "You cannot specify two or more values for mass flow in " "the same linear branch (starting at " f"{branch['components'][0].label} and ending at " f"{branch['components'][-1].label})." ) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) else: main_conn = branch["connections"][0] for c in branch["connections"][1:]: # map all connection's mass flow data containers to first # branch element c._m_tmp = c.m c.m = main_conn.m
[docs] def presolve_fluid_topology(self): for branch_name, branch in self.fluid_branches.items(): all_connections = [ c for b in branch for c in b["connections"] ] main_conn = all_connections[0] fluid_specs = [f for c in all_connections for f in c.fluid.is_set] if len(fluid_specs) == 0: main_conn._fluid_tmp = dc_flu() main_conn._fluid_tmp.val = main_conn.fluid.val.copy() main_conn._fluid_tmp.is_set = main_conn.fluid.is_set.copy() main_conn._fluid_tmp.is_var = main_conn.fluid.is_var.copy() main_conn._fluid_tmp.wrapper = main_conn.fluid.wrapper.copy() main_conn._fluid_tmp.engine = main_conn.fluid.engine.copy() main_conn._fluid_tmp.back_end = main_conn.fluid.back_end.copy() for c in all_connections[1:]: c._fluid_tmp = c.fluid c.fluid = main_conn.fluid if len(main_conn._potential_fluids) > 1: main_conn.fluid.is_var = {f for f in main_conn.fluid.val} else: main_conn.fluid.val[list(main_conn._potential_fluids)[0]] = 1 elif len(fluid_specs) != len(set(fluid_specs)): msg = ( "The mass fraction of a single fluid cannot be specified " "twice within a branch." ) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) else: fixed_fractions = { f: c.fluid.val[f] for c in all_connections for f in fluid_specs if f in c.fluid.is_set } mass_fraction_sum = sum(fixed_fractions.values()) if mass_fraction_sum > 1 + ERR: msg = "Total mass fractions within a branch cannot exceed 1" raise ValueError(msg) elif mass_fraction_sum < 1 - ERR: # set the fluids with specified mass fraction # remaining fluids are variable, create wrappers for them all_fluids = main_conn.fluid.val.keys() num_remaining_fluids = len(all_fluids) - len(fixed_fractions) if num_remaining_fluids == 1: missing_fluid = list( main_conn.fluid.val.keys() - fixed_fractions.keys() )[0] fixed_fractions[missing_fluid] = 1 - mass_fraction_sum variable = set() else: missing_fluids = ( main_conn.fluid.val.keys() - fixed_fractions.keys() ) variable = {f for f in missing_fluids} else: # fluid mass fraction is 100 %, all other fluids are 0 % all_fluids = main_conn.fluid.val.keys() remaining_fluids = ( main_conn.fluid.val.keys() - fixed_fractions.keys() ) for f in remaining_fluids: fixed_fractions[f] = 0 variable = set() main_conn._fluid_tmp = dc_flu() main_conn._fluid_tmp.val = main_conn.fluid.val.copy() main_conn._fluid_tmp.is_set = main_conn.fluid.is_set.copy() main_conn._fluid_tmp.is_var = main_conn.fluid.is_var.copy() main_conn._fluid_tmp.wrapper = main_conn.fluid.wrapper.copy() main_conn._fluid_tmp.engine = main_conn.fluid.engine.copy() main_conn._fluid_tmp.back_end = main_conn.fluid.back_end.copy() for c in all_connections[1:]: c._fluid_tmp = c.fluid c.fluid = main_conn.fluid main_conn.fluid.val.update(fixed_fractions) main_conn.fluid.is_set = {f for f in fixed_fractions} main_conn.fluid.is_var = variable num_var = len(variable) for f in variable: main_conn.fluid.val[f]: (1 - mass_fraction_sum) / num_var [c.build_fluid_data() for c in all_connections] for fluid in main_conn.fluid.is_var: main_conn.fluid.J_col[fluid] = self.num_conn_vars self.variables_dict[self.num_conn_vars] = { "obj": main_conn, "variable": "fluid", "fluid": fluid } self.num_conn_vars += 1
def _reset_topology_reduction_specifications(self): for c in self.conns["object"]: if hasattr(c, "_m_tmp"): value = c.m.val_SI unit = c.m.unit c.m = c._m_tmp c.m.val_SI = value c.m.unit = unit del c._m_tmp if hasattr(c, "_fluid_tmp"): val = c.fluid.val c.fluid = c._fluid_tmp c.fluid.val = val del c._fluid_tmp
[docs] def init_set_properties(self): """Specification of SI values for user set values.""" self.all_fluids = [] # fluid property values for c in self.conns['object']: self.all_fluids += c.fluid.val.keys() if not self.init_previous: c.good_starting_values = False for key in c.property_data: # read unit specifications prop = key.split("_ref")[0] if "fluid" in key: continue elif key == 'Td_bp': c.get_attr(key).unit = self.get_attr('T_unit') else: c.get_attr(key).unit = self.get_attr(f"{prop}_unit") # set SI value if c.get_attr(key).is_set: if "ref" in key: if prop == 'T': c.get_attr(key).ref.delta_SI = hlp.convert_to_SI( 'Td_bp', c.get_attr(key), c.get_attr(prop).unit ) else: c.get_attr(key).ref.delta_SI = hlp.convert_to_SI( prop, c.get_attr(key), c.get_attr(prop).unit ) else: c.get_attr(key).val_SI = hlp.convert_to_SI( key, c.get_attr(key).val, c.get_attr(key).unit ) if len(self.all_fluids) == 0: msg = ( 'Network has no fluids, please specify a list with fluids on ' 'network creation.' ) logger.error(msg) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) # set up results dataframe for connections # this should be done based on the connections properties = list(fpd.keys()) self.all_fluids = set(self.all_fluids) cols = ( [col for prop in properties for col in [prop, f"{prop}_unit"]] + list(self.all_fluids) ) self.results['Connection'] = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols, dtype='float64') # include column for fluid balance in specs dataframe self.specifications['Connection'] = pd.DataFrame( columns=cols + ['balance'], dtype='bool' ) cols = ["m_ref", "p_ref", "h_ref", "T_ref", "v_ref"] self.specifications['Ref'] = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols, dtype='bool') msg = ( "Updated fluid property SI values and fluid mass fraction for user " "specified connection parameters." ) logger.debug(msg)
def _assign_variable_space(self, c): for key in ["m", "p", "h"]: variable = c.get_attr(key) if not variable.is_set and variable not in self._conn_variables: if not variable._solved: variable.is_var = True variable.J_col = self.num_conn_vars self.variables_dict[self.num_conn_vars] = { "obj": c, "variable": key } self._conn_variables += [variable] self.num_conn_vars += 1 else: variable.is_var = False # reset presolve flag variable._solved = False elif variable.is_set: variable.is_var = False
[docs] def init_design(self): r""" Initialise a design calculation. Offdesign parameters are unset, design parameters are set. If :code:`local_offdesign` is :code:`True` for connections or components, the design point information are read from the .csv-files in the respective :code:`design_path`. In this case, the design values are unset, the offdesign values set. """ # connections self._conn_variables = [] _local_designs = {} for c in self.conns['object']: # read design point information of connections with # local_offdesign activated from their respective design path if c.local_offdesign: if c.design_path is None: msg = ( "The parameter local_offdesign is True for the " f"connection {c.label}, an individual design_path must " "be specified in this case!" ) logger.error(msg) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) # unset design parameters for var in c.get_attr(var).is_set = False # set offdesign parameters for var in c.offdesign: c.get_attr(var).is_set = True # read design point information msg = ( "Reading individual design point information for " f"connection {c.label} from {c.design_path}/connections.csv." ) logger.debug(msg) if c.design_path not in _local_designs: _local_designs[c.design_path] = self.init_read_connections( c.design_path ) df = _local_designs[c.design_path] # write data to connections self.init_conn_design_params(c, df) else: # unset all design values = np.nan = np.nan = np.nan = {} c.new_design = True # switch connections to design mode if self.redesign: for var in c.get_attr(var).is_set = True for var in c.offdesign: c.get_attr(var).is_set = False if not c.fluid.is_var: c.simplify_specifications() self._assign_variable_space(c) c.preprocess() # unset design values for busses, count bus equations and # reindex bus dictionary for b in self.busses.values(): self.busses[b.label] = b self.num_bus_eq += b.P.is_set * 1 b.comps['P_ref'] = np.nan series = pd.Series(dtype='float64') _local_design_paths = {} for cp in self.comps['object']: c = cp.__class__.__name__ # read design point information of components with # local_offdesign activated from their respective design path if cp.local_offdesign: if cp.design_path is not None: # read design point information path = hlp.modify_path_os( f"{cp.design_path}/components/{c}.csv" ) msg = ( f"Reading design point information for component " f"{cp.label} of type {c} from path {path}." ) logger.debug(msg) if path not in _local_design_paths: _local_design_paths[path] = pd.read_csv( path, sep=';', decimal='.', index_col=0 ) data = _local_design_paths[path].loc[cp.label] # write data self.init_comp_design_params(cp, data) # unset design parameters for var in cp.get_attr(var).is_set = False # set offdesign parameters switched = False msg = 'Set component attributes ' for var in cp.offdesign: # set variables provided in .offdesign attribute data = cp.get_attr(var) data.is_set = True # take nominal values from design point if isinstance(data, dc_cp): cp.get_attr(var).val = cp.get_attr(var).design switched = True msg += var + ", " if switched: msg = f"{msg[:-2]} to design value at component {cp.label}." logger.debug(msg) cp.new_design = False else: # switch connections to design mode if self.redesign: for var in cp.get_attr(var).is_set = True for var in cp.offdesign: cp.get_attr(var).is_set = False cp.set_parameters(self.mode, series) # component initialisation cp.preprocess(self.num_conn_vars + self.num_comp_vars) for spec in self.specifications[c].keys(): if len(cp.get_attr(self.specifications['lookup'][spec])) > 0: self.specifications[c][spec].loc[cp.label] = ( cp.get_attr(self.specifications['lookup'][spec])) # count number of component equations and variables i = self.num_conn_vars + self.num_comp_vars for container, name in cp.vars.items(): self.variables_dict[i] = {"obj": container, "variable": name} i += 1 self.num_comp_vars += cp.num_vars self.num_comp_eq += cp.num_eq
[docs] def init_offdesign_params(self): r""" Read design point information from specified :code:`design_path`. If a :code:`design_path` has been specified individually for components or connections, the data will be read from the specified individual path instead. Note ---- The methods :py:meth:`` (components) and the :py:meth:`` (connections) handle the parameter specification. """ # components without any parameters components_with_parameters = [ cp.label for cp in self.comps["object"] if len(cp.parameters) > 0 ] # fetch all components, reindex with label df_comps = self.comps.loc[components_with_parameters].copy() # iter through unique types of components (class names) for c in df_comps['comp_type'].unique(): path = hlp.modify_path_os(f"{self.design_path}/components/{c}.csv") msg = ( f"Reading design point information for components of type {c} " f"from path {path}." ) logger.debug(msg) df = pd.read_csv(path, sep=';', decimal='.', index_col=0) df.index = df.index.astype(str) # iter through all components of this type and set data _individual_design_paths = {} for c_label in df.index: comp = self.comps.loc[c_label, 'object'] # read data of components with individual design_path if comp.design_path is not None: path_c = hlp.modify_path_os( f"{comp.design_path}/components/{c}.csv" ) msg = ( f"Reading design point information for component " f"{comp.label} of type {c} from path {path_c}." ) logger.debug(msg) if path_c not in _individual_design_paths: _individual_design_paths[path_c] = pd.read_csv( path_c, sep=';', decimal='.', index_col=0 ) _individual_design_paths[path_c].index = ( _individual_design_paths[path_c].index.astype(str) ) data = _individual_design_paths[path_c].loc[comp.label] else: data = df.loc[comp.label] # write data to components self.init_comp_design_params(comp, data) msg = 'Done reading design point information for components.' logger.debug(msg) if len(self.busses) > 0: path = hlp.modify_path_os(f"{self.design_path}/busses.json") with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: bus_data = json.load(f) for b in bus_data: for comp, value in bus_data[b].items(): comp = self.get_comp(comp) self.busses[b].comps.loc[comp, "P_ref"] = value # read connection design point information msg = ( "Reading design point information for connections from " f"{self.design_path}/connections.csv." ) logger.debug(msg) df = self.init_read_connections(self.design_path) # iter through connections for c in self.conns['object']: # read data of connections with individual design_path if c.design_path is not None: msg = ( "Reading connection design point information for " f"{c.label} from {c.design_path}/connections.csv." ) logger.debug(msg) df_c = self.init_read_connections(c.design_path) # write data self.init_conn_design_params(c, df_c) else: # write data self.init_conn_design_params(c, df) msg = 'Done reading design point information for connections.' logger.debug(msg)
[docs] def init_comp_design_params(self, component, data): r""" Write design point information to components. Parameters ---------- component : tespy.components.component.Component Write design point information to this component. data : pandas.core.series.Series, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame Design point information. """ # write component design data component.set_parameters(self.mode, data)
[docs] def init_conn_design_params(self, c, df): r""" Write design point information to connections. Parameters ---------- c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection Write design point information to this connection. df : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame Dataframe containing design point information. """ # match connection (source, source_id, target, target_id) on # connection objects of design file df.index = df.index.astype(str) if c.label not in df.index: # no matches in the connections of the network and the design files msg = ( f"Could not find connection '{c.label}' in design case. Please " "make sure no connections have been modified or components " "have been relabeled for your offdesign calculation." ) logger.exception(msg) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) conn = df.loc[c.label] for var in fpd.keys(): c.get_attr(var).design = hlp.convert_to_SI( var, conn[var], conn[f"{var}_unit"] ) = / for fluid in c.fluid.val:[fluid] = conn[fluid]
[docs] def init_conn_params_from_path(self, c, df): r""" Write parameter information from init_path to connections. Parameters ---------- c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection Write init path information to this connection. df : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame Dataframe containing init path information. """ # match connection (source, source_id, target, target_id) on # connection objects of design file df.index = df.index.astype(str) if c.label not in df.index: # no matches in the connections of the network and the design files msg = f"Could not find connection {c.label} in init path file." logger.debug(msg) return conn = df.loc[c.label] for prop in ['m', 'p', 'h']: data = c.get_attr(prop) data.val0 = conn[prop] data.unit = conn[prop + '_unit'] for fluid in c.fluid.is_var: c.fluid.val[fluid] = conn[fluid] c.fluid.val0[fluid] = c.fluid.val[fluid] c.good_starting_values = True
[docs] def init_offdesign(self): r""" Switch components and connections from design to offdesign mode. Note ---- **components** All parameters stated in the component's attribute :code:`` will be unset and all parameters stated in the component's attribute :code:`cp.offdesign` will be set instead. Additionally, all component parameters specified as variables are unset and the values from design point are set. **connections** All parameters given in the connection's attribute :code:`` will be unset and all parameters stated in the connections's attribute :code:`cp.offdesign` will be set instead. This does also affect referenced values! """ self._conn_variables = [] for c in self.conns['object']: if not c.local_design: # switch connections to offdesign mode for var in param = c.get_attr(var) param.is_set = False param.is_var = True if f"{var}_ref" in c.property_data: c.get_attr(f"{var}_ref").is_set = False for var in c.offdesign: param = c.get_attr(var) param.is_set = True param.is_var = False param.val_SI = c.new_design = False if not c.fluid.is_var: c.simplify_specifications() self._assign_variable_space(c) c.preprocess() msg = 'Switched connections from design to offdesign.' logger.debug(msg) for cp in self.comps['object']: if not cp.local_design: # unset variables provided in .design attribute for var in cp.get_attr(var).is_set = False switched = False msg = 'Set component attributes ' for var in cp.offdesign: # set variables provided in .offdesign attribute data = cp.get_attr(var) data.is_set = True # take nominal values from design point if isinstance(data, dc_cp): cp.get_attr(var).val = cp.get_attr(var).design switched = True msg += var + ', ' if switched: msg = (msg[:-2] + ' to design value at component ' + cp.label + '.') logger.debug(msg) # start component initialisation cp.preprocess(self.num_conn_vars + self.num_comp_vars) ct = cp.__class__.__name__ for spec in self.specifications[ct].keys(): if len(cp.get_attr(self.specifications['lookup'][spec])) > 0: self.specifications[ct][spec].loc[cp.label] = ( cp.get_attr(self.specifications['lookup'][spec])) i = self.num_conn_vars + self.num_comp_vars for container, name in cp.vars.items(): self.variables_dict[i] = {"obj": container, "variable": name} i += 1 cp.new_design = False self.num_comp_vars += cp.num_vars self.num_comp_eq += cp.num_eq msg = 'Switched components from design to offdesign.' logger.debug(msg) # count bus equations and reindex bus dictionary for b in self.busses.values(): self.busses[b.label] = b self.num_bus_eq += b.P.is_set * 1
[docs] def init_properties(self): """ Initialise the fluid properties on every connection of the network. - Set generic starting values for mass flow, enthalpy and pressure if not user specified, read from :code:`ìnit_path` or available from previous calculation. - For generic starting values precalculate enthalpy value at points of given temperature, vapor mass fraction, temperature difference to boiling point or fluid state. """ if self.init_path is not None: df = self.init_read_connections(self.init_path) # improved starting values for referenced connections, # specified vapour content values, temperature values as well as # subccooling/overheating and state specification for c in self.conns['object']: c.build_fluid_data() if self.init_path is not None: self.init_conn_params_from_path(c, df) if sum(c.fluid.val.values()) == 0: msg = ( 'The starting value for the fluid composition of the ' 'connection ' + c.label + ' is empty. This might lead to ' 'issues in the initialisation and solving process as ' 'fluid property functions can not be called. Make sure ' 'you specified a fluid composition in all parts of the ' 'network.') logger.warning(msg) for key in ['m', 'p', 'h']: if c.get_attr(key).is_var: if not c.good_starting_values: self.init_val0(c, key) c.get_attr(key).val_SI = hlp.convert_to_SI( key, c.get_attr(key).val0, c.get_attr(key).unit ) self.init_count_connections_parameters(c) for c in self.conns['object']: if not c.good_starting_values: if self.specifications["Ref"].loc[c.label].any(): for key in self.specifications["Ref"].columns: prop = key.split("_ref")[0] if c.get_attr(key).is_set and not c.get_attr(prop).is_set: c.get_attr(prop).val_SI = ( c.get_attr(key).ref.obj.get_attr(prop).val_SI * c.get_attr(key).ref.factor + c.get_attr(key).ref.delta_SI ) self.init_precalc_properties(c) # starting values for specified subcooling/overheating # and state specification. These should be recalculated even with # good starting values, for example, when one exchanges enthalpy # with boiling point temperature difference. if (c.Td_bp.is_set or c.state.is_set) and c.h.is_var: if ((c.Td_bp.val_SI > 0 and c.Td_bp.is_set) or (c.state.val == 'g' and c.state.is_set)): h = fp.h_mix_pQ(c.p.val_SI, 1, c.fluid_data) if c.h.val_SI < h: c.h.val_SI = h * 1.001 elif ((c.Td_bp.val_SI < 0 and c.Td_bp.is_set) or (c.state.val == 'l' and c.state.is_set)): h = fp.h_mix_pQ(c.p.val_SI, 0, c.fluid_data) if c.h.val_SI > h: c.h.val_SI = h * 0.999 msg = 'Generic fluid property specification complete.' logger.debug(msg)
[docs] def init_count_connections_parameters(self, c): """ Count the number of parameters set on a connection. Parameters ---------- c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection Connection count parameters of. """ # variables 0 to 9: fluid properties local_vars = list(fpd.keys()) row = [c.get_attr(var).is_set for var in local_vars] # write information to specifaction dataframe self.specifications['Connection'].loc[c.label, local_vars] = row row = [c.get_attr(var).is_set for var in self.specifications['Ref'].columns] # write refrenced value information to specifaction dataframe self.specifications['Ref'].loc[c.label] = row # variables 9 to last but one: fluid mass fractions fluids = list(self.all_fluids) row = [True if f in c.fluid.is_set else False for f in fluids] self.specifications['Connection'].loc[c.label, fluids] = row # last one: fluid balance specification self.specifications['Connection'].loc[ c.label, 'balance'] = c.fluid_balance.is_set # get number of equations self.num_conn_eq += c.num_eq
[docs] def init_precalc_properties(self, c): """ Precalculate enthalpy values for connections. Precalculation is performed only if temperature, vapor mass fraction, temperature difference to boiling point or phase is specified. Parameters ---------- c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection Connection to precalculate values for. """ # starting values for specified vapour content or temperature if c.h.is_var: if c.x.is_set: try: c.h.val_SI = fp.h_mix_pQ(c.p.val_SI, c.x.val_SI, c.fluid_data, c.mixing_rule) except ValueError: pass if c.T.is_set: try: c.h.val_SI = fp.h_mix_pT(c.p.val_SI, c.T.val_SI, c.fluid_data, c.mixing_rule) except ValueError: pass
[docs] def init_val0(self, c, key): r""" Set starting values for fluid properties. The component classes provide generic starting values for their inlets and outlets. Parameters ---------- c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection Connection to initialise. """ if np.isnan(c.get_attr(key).val0): # starting value for mass flow is random between 1 and 2 kg/s # (should be generated based on some hash maybe?) if key == 'm': c.get_attr(key).val0 = np.random.random() + 1 # generic starting values for pressure and enthalpy else: # retrieve starting values from component information val_s = c.source.initialise_source(c, key) val_t =, key) if val_s == 0 and val_t == 0: if key == 'p': c.get_attr(key).val0 = 1e5 elif key == 'h': c.get_attr(key).val0 = 1e6 elif val_s == 0: c.get_attr(key).val0 = val_t elif val_t == 0: c.get_attr(key).val0 = val_s else: c.get_attr(key).val0 = (val_s + val_t) / 2 # change value according to specified unit system c.get_attr(key).val0 = hlp.convert_from_SI( key, c.get_attr(key).val0, self.get_attr(key + '_unit') )
[docs] @staticmethod def init_read_connections(base_path): r""" Read connection information from base_path. Parameters ---------- base_path : str Path to network information. """ path = hlp.modify_path_os(base_path + '/connections.csv') df = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0, delimiter=';', decimal='.') return df
[docs] def solve(self, mode, init_path=None, design_path=None, max_iter=50, min_iter=4, init_only=False, init_previous=True, use_cuda=False, print_results=True, prepare_fast_lane=False): r""" Solve the network. - Check network consistency. - Initialise calculation and preprocessing. - Perform actual calculation. - Postprocessing. It is possible to check programatically, if a network was solved successfully with the `.converged` property. Parameters ---------- mode : str Choose from 'design' and 'offdesign'. init_path : str Path to the folder, where your network was saved to, e.g. saving to :code:`'myplant/tests')` would require loading from :code:`init_path='myplant/tests'`. design_path : str Path to the folder, where your network's design case was saved to, e.g. saving to :code:`'myplant/tests')` would require loading from :code:`design_path='myplant/tests'`. max_iter : int Maximum number of iterations before calculation stops, default: 50. min_iter : int Minimum number of iterations before calculation stops, default: 4. init_only : boolean Perform initialisation only, default: :code:`False`. init_previous : boolean Initialise the calculation with values from the previous calculation, default: :code:`True`. use_cuda : boolean Use cuda instead of numpy for matrix inversion, default: :code:`False`. Note ---- For more information on the solution process have a look at the online documentation at in the section "TESPy modules". """ ## to own function self.new_design = False if self.design_path == design_path and design_path is not None: for c in self.conns['object']: if c.new_design: self.new_design = True break if not self.new_design: for cp in self.comps['object']: if cp.new_design: self.new_design = True break else: self.new_design = True self.converged = False self.init_path = init_path self.design_path = design_path self.max_iter = max_iter self.min_iter = min_iter self.init_previous = init_previous self.iter = 0 self.use_cuda = use_cuda if self.use_cuda and cu is None: msg = ( 'Specifying use_cuda=True requires cupy to be installed on ' 'your machine. Numpy will be used instead.' ) logger.warning(msg) self.use_cuda = False if mode not in ['offdesign', 'design']: msg = 'Mode must be "design" or "offdesign".' logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: self.mode = mode if not self.checked: self.check_network() msg = ( "Solver properties:\n" f" - mode: {self.mode}\n" f" - init_path: {self.init_path}\n" f" - design_path: {self.design_path}\n" f" - min_iter: {self.min_iter}\n" f" - max_iter: {self.max_iter}\n" f" - init_path: {self.init_path}" ) logger.debug(msg) msg = ( "Network information:\n" f" - Number of components: {len(self.comps)}\n" f" - Number of connections: {len(self.conns)}\n" f" - Number of busses: {len(self.busses)}" ) logger.debug(msg) self.initialise() if init_only: self._reset_topology_reduction_specifications() return msg = 'Starting solver.' self.solve_determination() self.solve_loop(print_results=print_results) if not prepare_fast_lane: self._reset_topology_reduction_specifications() if self.lin_dep: msg = ( 'Singularity in jacobian matrix, calculation aborted! Make ' 'sure your network does not have any linear dependencies in ' 'the parametrisation. Other reasons might be\n-> given ' 'temperature with given pressure in two phase region, try ' 'setting enthalpy instead or provide accurate starting value ' 'for pressure.\n-> given logarithmic temperature differences ' 'or kA-values for heat exchangers, \n-> support better ' 'starting values.\n-> bad starting value for fuel mass flow ' 'of combustion chamber, provide small (near to zero, but not ' 'zero) starting value.' ) logger.error(msg) return self.postprocessing() if not self.progress: msg = ( 'The solver does not seem to make any progress, aborting ' 'calculation. Residual value is ' '{:.2e}'.format(norm(self.residual)) + '. This frequently ' 'happens, if the solver pushes the fluid properties out of ' 'their feasible range.' ) logger.warning(msg) return msg = 'Calculation complete.' return
[docs] def solve_loop(self, print_results=True): r"""Loop of the newton algorithm.""" # parameter definitions self.residual_history = np.array([]) self.residual = np.zeros([self.num_vars]) self.increment = np.ones([self.num_vars]) self.jacobian = np.zeros((self.num_vars, self.num_vars)) self.start_time = time() self.progress = True if self.iterinfo: self.iterinfo_head(print_results) for self.iter in range(self.max_iter): self.increment_filter = np.absolute(self.increment) < ERR ** 2 self.solve_control() self.residual_history = np.append( self.residual_history, norm(self.residual) ) if self.iterinfo: self.iterinfo_body(print_results) if ( (self.iter >= self.min_iter - 1 and (self.residual_history[-2:] < ERR ** 0.5).all()) or self.lin_dep ): self.converged = not self.lin_dep break if self.iter > 40: if ( all( self.residual_history[(self.iter - 3):] >= self.residual_history[-3] * 0.95 ) and self.residual_history[-1] >= self.residual_history[-2] * 0.95 ): self.progress = False break self.end_time = time() if self.iterinfo: self.iterinfo_tail(print_results) if self.iter == self.max_iter - 1: msg = ( f"Reached maximum iteration count ({self.max_iter})), " "calculation stopped. Residual value is " "{:.2e}".format(norm(self.residual)) ) logger.warning(msg) return
[docs] def solve_determination(self): r"""Check, if the number of supplied parameters is sufficient.""" # number of user defined functions self.num_ude_eq = len(self.user_defined_eq) for func in self.user_defined_eq.values(): # remap connection objects func.conns = [ self.conns.loc[c.label, 'object'] for c in func.conns ] # remap jacobian func.jacobian = {} # total number of variables self.num_vars = ( self.num_conn_vars + self.num_comp_vars ) msg = f'Number of connection equations: {self.num_conn_eq}.' logger.debug(msg) msg = f'Number of bus equations: {self.num_bus_eq}.' logger.debug(msg) msg = f'Number of component equations: {self.num_comp_eq}.' logger.debug(msg) msg = f'Number of user defined equations: {self.num_ude_eq}.' logger.debug(msg) msg = f'Total number of variables: {self.num_vars}.' logger.debug(msg) msg = f'Number of component variables: {self.num_comp_vars}.' logger.debug(msg) msg = f"Number of connection variables: {self.num_conn_vars}." logger.debug(msg) n = ( self.num_comp_eq + self.num_conn_eq + self.num_bus_eq + self.num_ude_eq ) if n > self.num_vars: msg = ( f"You have provided too many parameters: {self.num_vars} " f"required, {n} supplied. Aborting calculation!" ) logger.error(msg) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) elif n < self.num_vars: msg = ( f"You have not provided enough parameters: {self.num_vars} " f"required, {n} supplied. Aborting calculation!" ) logger.error(msg) raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg)
[docs] def iterinfo_head(self, print_results=True): """Print head of convergence progress.""" # Start with defining the format here self.iterinfo_fmt = ' {iter:5s} | {residual:10s} | {progress:10s} ' self.iterinfo_fmt += '| {massflow:10s} | {pressure:10s} | {enthalpy:10s} ' self.iterinfo_fmt += '| {fluid:10s} | {component:10s} ' # Use the format to create the first logging entry msg = self.iterinfo_fmt.format( iter='iter', residual='residual', progress='progress', massflow='massflow', pressure='pressure', enthalpy='enthalpy', fluid='fluid', component='component' ) logger.progress(0, msg) msg2 = '-' * 7 + '+------------' * 7 logger.progress(0, msg2) if print_results: print('\n' + msg + '\n' + msg2) return
[docs] def iterinfo_body(self, print_results=True): """Print convergence progress.""" m = [k for k, v in self.variables_dict.items() if v["variable"] == "m"] p = [k for k, v in self.variables_dict.items() if v["variable"] == "h"] p = [k for k, v in self.variables_dict.items() if v["variable"] == "p"] h = [k for k, v in self.variables_dict.items() if v["variable"] == "h"] fl = [k for k, v in self.variables_dict.items() if v["variable"] == "fluid"] cp = [k for k in self.variables_dict if k not in m + p + h + fl] iter_str = str(self.iter + 1) residual_norm = norm(self.residual) residual = 'NaN' progress = 'NaN' massflow = 'NaN' pressure = 'NaN' enthalpy = 'NaN' fluid = 'NaN' component = 'NaN' progress_val = -1 if not np.isnan(residual_norm): residual = '{:.2e}'.format(residual_norm) if not self.lin_dep: massflow = '{:.2e}'.format(norm(self.increment[m])) pressure = '{:.2e}'.format(norm(self.increment[p])) enthalpy = '{:.2e}'.format(norm(self.increment[h])) fluid = '{:.2e}'.format(norm(self.increment[fl])) component = '{:.2e}'.format(norm(self.increment[cp])) # This should not be hardcoded here. if residual_norm > np.finfo(float).eps * 100: progress_min = np.log(ERR) progress_max = np.log(ERR ** 0.5) * -1 progress_val = np.log(max(residual_norm, ERR)) * -1 # Scale to 0-1 progres_scaled = ( (progress_val - progress_min) / (progress_max - progress_min) ) progress_val = max(0, min(1, progres_scaled)) # Scale to 100% progress_val = int(progress_val * 100) else: progress_val = 100 progress = '{:d} %'.format(progress_val) msg = self.iterinfo_fmt.format( iter=iter_str, residual=residual, progress=progress, massflow=massflow, pressure=pressure, enthalpy=enthalpy, fluid=fluid, component=component ) logger.progress(progress_val, msg) if print_results: print(msg) return
[docs] def iterinfo_tail(self, print_results=True): """Print tail of convergence progress.""" num_iter = self.iter + 1 clc_time = self.end_time - self.start_time num_ips = num_iter / clc_time if clc_time > 1e-10 else np.Inf msg = '-' * 7 + '+------------' * 7 logger.progress(100, msg) msg = ( "Total iterations: {0:d}, Calculation time: {1:.2f} s, " "Iterations per second: {2:.2f}" ).format(num_iter, clc_time, num_ips) logger.debug(msg) if print_results: print(msg) return
[docs] def matrix_inversion(self): """Invert matrix of derivatives and caluclate increment.""" self.lin_dep = True try: # Let the matrix inversion be computed by the GPU if use_cuda in # is true. if self.use_cuda: self.increment = cu.asnumpy( cu.linalg.inv(cu.asarray(self.jacobian)), -cu.asarray(self.residual))) else: self.increment = np.linalg.inv( self.jacobian).dot(-self.residual) self.lin_dep = False except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: self.increment = self.residual * 0
[docs] def update_variables(self): # add the increment for data in self.variables_dict.values(): if data["variable"] in ["m", "h"]: container = data["obj"].get_attr(data["variable"]) container.val_SI += self.increment[container.J_col] elif data["variable"] == "p": container = data["obj"].p increment = self.increment[container.J_col] relax = max(1, -2 * increment / container.val_SI) container.val_SI += increment / relax elif data["variable"] == "fluid": container = data["obj"].fluid container.val[data["fluid"]] += self.increment[ container.J_col[data["fluid"]] ] if container.val[data["fluid"]] < ERR : container.val[data["fluid"]] = 0 elif container.val[data["fluid"]] > 1 - ERR : container.val[data["fluid"]] = 1 else: # add increment data["obj"].val += self.increment[data["obj"].J_col] # keep value within specified value range if data["obj"].val < data["obj"].min_val: data["obj"].val = data["obj"].min_val elif data["obj"].val > data["obj"].max_val: data["obj"].val = data["obj"].max_val
[docs] def check_variable_bounds(self): for c in self.conns['object']: # check the fluid properties for physical ranges if len(c.fluid.is_var) > 0: total_mass_fractions = sum(c.fluid.val.values()) for fluid in c.fluid.is_var: c.fluid.val[fluid] /= total_mass_fractions c.build_fluid_data() self.check_connection_properties(c) # second property check for first three iterations without an init_file if self.iter < 3: for cp in self.comps['object']: cp.convergence_check() for c in self.conns['object']: self.check_connection_properties(c)
[docs] def solve_control(self): r""" Control iteration step of the newton algorithm. - Calculate the residual value for each equation - Calculate the jacobian matrix - Calculate new values for variables - Restrict fluid properties to value ranges - Check component parameters for consistency """ self.solve_components() self.solve_busses() self.solve_connections() self.solve_user_defined_eq() self.matrix_inversion() # check for linear dependency if self.lin_dep: return self.update_variables() self.check_variable_bounds()
[docs] def check_connection_properties(self, c): r""" Check for invalid fluid property values. Parameters ---------- c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection Connection to check fluid properties. """ fl = fp.single_fluid(c.fluid_data) # pure fluid if fl is not None: # pressure if c.p.is_var: c.check_pressure_bounds(fl) # enthalpy if c.h.is_var: c.check_enthalpy_bounds(fl) # two-phase related if (c.Td_bp.is_set or c.state.is_set) and self.iter < 3: c.check_two_phase_bounds(fl) # mixture elif self.iter < 4 and not c.good_starting_values: # pressure if c.p.is_var: if c.p.val_SI <= self.p_range_SI[0]: c.p.val_SI = self.p_range_SI[0] logger.debug(c._property_range_message('p')) elif c.p.val_SI >= self.p_range_SI[1]: c.p.val_SI = self.p_range_SI[1] logger.debug(c._property_range_message('p')) # enthalpy if c.h.is_var: if c.h.val_SI < self.h_range_SI[0]: c.h.val_SI = self.h_range_SI[0] logger.debug(c._property_range_message('h')) elif c.h.val_SI > self.h_range_SI[1]: c.h.val_SI = self.h_range_SI[1] logger.debug(c._property_range_message('h')) # temperature if c.T.is_set: c.check_temperature_bounds() # mass flow if c.m.val_SI <= self.m_range_SI[0] and c.m.is_var: c.m.val_SI = self.m_range_SI[0] logger.debug(c._property_range_message('m')) elif c.m.val_SI >= self.m_range_SI[1] and c.m.is_var: c.m.val_SI = self.m_range_SI[1] logger.debug(c._property_range_message('m'))
[docs] def solve_components(self): r""" Calculate the residual and derivatives of component equations. """ # fetch component equation residuals and component partial derivatives sum_eq = 0 for cp in self.comps['object']: cp.solve(self.increment_filter) self.residual[sum_eq:sum_eq + cp.num_eq] = cp.residual if len(cp.jacobian) > 0: rows = [k[0] + sum_eq for k in cp.jacobian] columns = [k[1] for k in cp.jacobian] data = list(cp.jacobian.values()) self.jacobian[rows, columns] = data sum_eq += cp.num_eq += 1
[docs] def solve_connections(self): r""" Calculate the residual and derivatives of connection equations. """ sum_eq = self.num_comp_eq for c in self.conns['object']: c.solve(self.increment_filter) self.residual[sum_eq:sum_eq + c.num_eq] = c.residual if len(c.jacobian) > 0: rows = [k[0] + sum_eq for k in c.jacobian] columns = [k[1] for k in c.jacobian] data = list(c.jacobian.values()) self.jacobian[rows, columns] = data sum_eq += c.num_eq += 1
[docs] def solve_user_defined_eq(self): """ Calculate the residual and jacobian of user defined equations. """ sum_eq = self.num_comp_eq + self.num_conn_eq + self.num_bus_eq for ude in self.user_defined_eq.values(): ude.solve() self.residual[sum_eq] = ude.residual if len(ude.jacobian) > 0: columns = [k for k in ude.jacobian] data = list(ude.jacobian.values()) self.jacobian[sum_eq, columns] = data sum_eq += 1
[docs] def solve_busses(self): r""" Calculate the equations and the partial derivatives for the busses. """ sum_eq = self.num_comp_eq + self.num_conn_eq for bus in self.busses.values(): if bus.P.is_set: bus.solve() self.residual[sum_eq] = bus.residual if len(bus.jacobian) > 0: columns = [k for k in bus.jacobian] data = list(bus.jacobian.values()) self.jacobian[sum_eq, columns] = data bus.clear_jacobian() sum_eq += 1
[docs] def postprocessing(self): r"""Calculate connection, bus and component parameters.""" self.process_connections() self.process_components() self.process_busses() msg = 'Postprocessing complete.'
[docs] def process_connections(self): """Process the Connection results.""" for c in self.conns['object']: c.good_starting_values = True c.calc_results() self.results['Connection'].loc[c.label] = ( [ _ for key in fpd.keys() for _ in [c.get_attr(key).val, c.get_attr(key).unit] ] + [ c.fluid.val[fluid] if fluid in c.fluid.val else np.nan for fluid in self.all_fluids ] )
[docs] def process_components(self): """Process the component results.""" # components for cp in self.comps['object']: cp.calc_parameters() cp.check_parameter_bounds() key = cp.__class__.__name__ for param in self.results[key].columns: p = cp.get_attr(param) if (p.func is not None or (p.func is None and p.is_set) or p.is_result): self.results[key].loc[cp.label, param] = p.val else: self.results[key].loc[cp.label, param] = np.nan
[docs] def process_busses(self): """Process the bus results.""" # busses for b in self.busses.values(): for cp in b.comps.index: # get components bus func value bus_val = cp.calc_bus_value(b) eff = cp.calc_bus_efficiency(b) cmp_val = cp.bus_func(b.comps.loc[cp]) b.comps.loc[cp, 'char'].get_domain_errors( cp.calc_bus_expr(b), cp.label) # save as reference value if self.mode == 'design': if b.comps.loc[cp, 'base'] == 'component': design_value = cmp_val else: design_value = bus_val b.comps.loc[cp, 'P_ref'] = design_value else: design_value = b.comps.loc[cp, 'P_ref'] result = [cmp_val, bus_val, eff, design_value] self.results[b.label].loc[cp.label] = result b.P.val = self.results[b.label]['bus value'].sum()
[docs] def print_results(self, colored=True, colors=None, print_results=True): r"""Print the calculations results to prompt.""" # Define colors for highlighting values in result table if colors is None: colors = {} result = "" coloring = { 'end': '\033[0m', 'set': '\033[94m', 'err': '\033[31m', 'var': '\033[32m' } coloring.update(colors) if not hasattr(self, 'results'): msg = ( 'It is not possible to print the results of a network, that ' 'has never been solved successfully. Results DataFrames are ' 'only available after a full simulation run is performed.') raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg) for cp in self.comps['comp_type'].unique(): df = self.results[cp].copy() # are there any parameters to print? if df.size > 0: cols = df.columns if len(cols) > 0: for col in cols: df[col] = df.apply( self.print_components, axis=1, args=(col, colored, coloring)) df.dropna(how='all', inplace=True) if len(df) > 0: # printout with tabulate result += f"\n##### RESULTS ({cp}) #####\n" result += ( tabulate( df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql', floatfmt='.2e' ) ) # connection properties df = self.results['Connection'].loc[:, ['m', 'p', 'h', 'T']].copy() df = df.astype(str) for c in df.index: if not self.get_conn(c).printout: df.drop([c], axis=0, inplace=True) elif colored: conn = self.get_conn(c) for col in df.columns: if conn.get_attr(col).is_set: df.loc[c, col] = ( coloring['set'] + str(conn.get_attr(col).val) + coloring['end']) if len(df) > 0: result += ('\n##### RESULTS (Connection) #####\n') result += ( tabulate(df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql', floatfmt='.3e') ) for b in self.busses.values(): if b.printout: df = self.results[b.label].loc[ :, ['component value', 'bus value', 'efficiency'] ].copy() df.loc['total'] = df.sum() df.loc['total', 'efficiency'] = np.nan if colored: df["bus value"] = df["bus value"].astype(str) if b.P.is_set: df.loc['total', 'bus value'] = ( coloring['set'] + str(df.loc['total', 'bus value']) + coloring['end'] ) result += f"\n##### RESULTS (Bus: {b.label}) #####\n" result += ( tabulate( df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql', floatfmt='.3e' ) ) if len(str(result)) > 0: logger.result(result) if print_results: print(result) return
[docs] def print_components(self, c, *args): """ Get the print values for the component data. Parameters ---------- c : pandas.core.series.Series Series containing the component data. param : str Component parameter to print. colored : bool Color the printout. coloring : dict Coloring information for colored printout. Returns ---------- value : str String representation of the value to print. """ param, colored, coloring = args comp = self.get_comp( if comp.printout: # select parameter from results DataFrame val = c[param] if not colored: return str(val) # else part if (val < comp.get_attr(param).min_val - ERR or val > comp.get_attr(param).max_val + ERR ): return f"{coloring['err']} {val} {coloring['end']}" if comp.get_attr(args[0]).is_var: return f"{coloring['var']} {val} {coloring['end']}" if comp.get_attr(args[0]).is_set: return f"{coloring['set']} {val} {coloring['end']}" return str(val) else: return np.nan
[docs] def export(self, path): """Export the network structure and parametrization.""" path, path_comps = self._modify_export_paths(path) self.export_network(path) self.export_connections(path) self.export_components(path_comps) self.export_busses(path)
[docs] def save(self, path, **kwargs): r""" Save the results to results files. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path for the results. Note ---- Results will be saved to path. The results contain: - network.json (network information) - connections.csv (connection information) - folder components containing .csv files for busses and characteristics as well as .csv files for all types of components within your network. """ path, path_comps = self._modify_export_paths(path) # save relevant design point information self.save_connections(path) self.save_components(path_comps) self.save_busses(path)
def _modify_export_paths(self, path): if path[-1] != '/' and path[-1] != '\\': path += '/' path = hlp.modify_path_os(path) logger.debug('Saving network to path %s.', path) # creat path, if non existent if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) # create path for component folder if non existent path_comps = hlp.modify_path_os(path + 'components/') if not os.path.exists(path_comps): os.makedirs(path_comps) return path, path_comps
[docs] def export_network(self, fn): r""" Save basic network configuration. Parameters ---------- fn : str Path/filename for the network configuration file. """ with open(fn + 'network.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(self._serialize(), f, indent=4) logger.debug('Network information saved to %s.', fn)
[docs] def save_connections(self, fn): r""" Save the connection properties. Parameters ---------- fn : str Path/filename for the file. """ self.results["Connection"].to_csv( fn + "connections.csv", sep=';', decimal='.', index=True, na_rep='nan' ) logger.debug('Connection information saved to %s.', fn)
[docs] def save_components(self, path): r""" Save the component properties. Parameters ---------- path : str Path/filename for the file. """ for c in self.comps['comp_type'].unique(): fn = path + c + '.csv' self.results[c].to_csv(fn, sep=';', decimal='.', index=True, na_rep='nan') logger.debug('Component information (%s) saved to %s.', c, fn)
[docs] def save_busses(self, fn): r""" Save the bus properties. Parameters ---------- fn : str Path/filename for the file. """ if len(self.busses) > 0: bus_data = {} for label, bus in self.busses.items(): bus_data[label] = self.results[label]["design value"].to_dict() fn = fn + 'busses.json' with open(fn, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(bus_data, f, indent=4) logger.debug('Bus information saved to %s.', fn)
[docs] def export_connections(self, fn): connections = {} for c in self.conns["object"]: connections.update(c._serialize()) fn = fn + "connections.json" with open(fn, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(connections, f, indent=4) logger.debug('Connection information exported to %s.', fn)
[docs] def export_components(self, fn): for c in self.comps["comp_type"].unique(): components = {} for cp in self.comps.loc[self.comps["comp_type"] == c, "object"]: components.update(cp._serialize()) fname = f"{fn}{c}.json" with open(fname, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(components, f, indent=4) logger.debug('Component information exported to %s.', fname)
[docs] def export_busses(self, fn): if len(self.busses) > 0: busses = {} for bus in self.busses.values(): busses.update(bus._serialize()) fn = fn + 'busses.json' with open(fn, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(busses, f, indent=4) logger.debug('Bus information exported to %s.', fn)