
In this part we give an introduction on the TESPy characteristics implementation. There two different types of characteristics available in TESPy: lines (CharLine) and maps (CharMap). The default characteristics available are to be found in the module documentation.

Characteristic lines#

The characteristic lines use linear interpolation in order to determine the y-value given a x-value as input, where x is between the lower boundary \(x_0\) and the upper boundary \(x_1\). \(y_0\) and \(y_1\) are the corresponding y-values.

\[y = y_0 + \frac{x-x_0}{x_1-x_0} \cdot \left(y_1-y_0 \right)\]

It is possible to specify an extrapolate parameter. If the value is False (default state) and the x-value is above the maximum or below the minimum value of the characteristic line the y-value corresponding to the maximum/minimum value is returned instead. If the extrapolate is True linear extrapolation is performed using the two lowermost or uppermost value pairs respectively.

Characteristic maps#

The characteristic maps use linear interpolation as well. First step is interpolation on the x-dimension similar to the characteristic line functionality. As the y and z data are two-dimensional, each row of the data corresponds to one x value. Thus, the result of the first step is a vector for each dimension (y and z).

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\vec{y} = \vec{y_0} + \frac{x-x_0}{x_1-x_0} \cdot \left(\vec{y_1}- \vec{y_0} \right)\\\vec{z} = \vec{z_0} + \frac{x-x_0}{x_1-x_0} \cdot \left(\vec{z_1}- \vec{z_0} \right)\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Using the y value as second input dimension the corresponding z values are calculated, again using linear interpolation.

\[z = z_0 + \frac{y-y_0}{y_1-y_0} \cdot \left(z_1-z_0 \right)\]


Using compressors map functions \(\vec{y}\) and \(\vec{z}\) are manipulated with by the value of the inlet guide vane angle. Also see the corresponding methods tespy.components.turbomachinery.compressor.Compressor.char_map_eta_s_func and tespy.components.turbomachinery.compressor.Compressor.char_map_pr_func in the API documentation.

Import your own characteristics#

It is possible to import your own characteristic lines or maps instead of writing the x, y (and z) data into your python script, for example:

from import CharLine
from import load_custom_char
from import CharMap

gen_char = load_custom_char('generator', CharLine)
gen_char = load_custom_char('custom_map', CharMap)

For the imports to work in the way shown, navigate to your .tespy folder in your HOME directory HOME/.tespy. Create a folder named data, if it does not exist. In this folder, you can place two json-files for your characteristics.

  • char_lines.json

  • char_maps.json

Your custom definitions of characteristic lines go into the char_lines.json and your characteristic map definitions go into the char_maps.json document.

The char_lines.json should have names for identification of the characteristic lines on the first level. On the second level the x and y data are assigned to the name of the characteristic line. The x and y data must be stated as lists.

    "name_of_char_line": {
        "x": [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2],
        "y": [0.8, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1.2]
    "name_of_2nd_char_line": {
        "x": [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2],
        "y": [2, 1.1, 1, 1.2, 1.7]
    "name_of_last_char_line": {
        "x": [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2],
        "y": [0.8, 0.95, 1, 0.95, 0.8]

The char_maps.json should also have names for identification of the characteristic lines on the first level. On the second level we additionally need z data. The x data are a list of values, the y and z data are arrays with a list of values for each dimension of the x data. The example below has 3 x values, thus the y and z data must contain 3 sets of values.

    "name_of_char_map": {
        "x": [0.971, 1, 1.029],
        "y": [[0.93, 0.943, 0.953, 0.961, 0.962, 0.963],
              [0.987, 0.995, 1.0, 1.002, 1.005, 1.005],
              [1.02, 1.023, 1.026,1.028, 1.03, 1.032]],
        "z": [[0.982, 0.939, 0.895, 0.851, 0.806, 0.762],
               [1.102, 1.052, 1.0, 0.951, 0.9, 0.85],
               [1.213, 1.149, 1.085, 1.022, 0.958, 0.894]]