# -*- coding: utf-8
"""Module for thermodynamic analyses.
The analyses module provides thermodynamic analysis tools for your simulation.
Different analysis classes are available:
- :py:class:`tespy.tools.analyses.ExergyAnalysis`
This file is part of project TESPy (github.com/oemof/tespy). It's copyrighted
by the contributors recorded in the version control history of the file,
available from its original location tespy/tools/analyses.py
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tabulate import tabulate
from tespy.tools import helpers as hlp
from tespy.tools import logger
from tespy.tools.fluid_properties import single_fluid
from tespy.tools.global_vars import ERR
from tespy.tools.global_vars import combustion_gases
idx = pd.IndexSlice
def categorize_fluids(conn):
fluid = single_fluid(conn.fluid_data)
if fluid is None:
cat = "non-combustion-gas"
for f, x in conn.fluid.val.items():
if x > ERR :
if hlp.fluidalias_in_list(f, combustion_gases):
cat = "combustion-gas"
except RuntimeError:
# CoolProp cannot call aliases on incompressibles
is_incompressible = False
is_combustion_gas = hlp.fluidalias_in_list(fluid, combustion_gases)
except RuntimeError:
# CoolProp cannot call aliases on incompressibles
is_incompressible = True
is_combustion_gas = False
if is_combustion_gas:
cat = "combustion-gas"
elif is_incompressible:
cat = "incompressible"
cat = "two-phase-fluid"
return cat
class ExergyAnalysis:
r"""Class for exergy analysis of TESPy models."""
exergy_cats = ["chemical", "physical", "massless"]
def __init__(self, network, E_F, E_P, E_L=[], internal_busses=[]):
E_F : list
List containing busses which represent fuel exergy input of the
network, e.g. heat exchangers of the steam generator.
E_P : list
List containing busses which represent exergy production of the
network, e.g. the motors and generators of a power plant.
E_L : list
Optional: List containing busses which represent exergy loss
streams of the network to the ambient, e.g. flue gases of a gas
internal_busses : list
Optional: List containing internal busses that represent exergy
transfer within your network but neither exergy production or
exergy fuel, e.g. a steam turbine driven feed water pump. The
conversion factors of the bus are applied to calculate exergy
destruction which is allocated to the respective components.
The nomenclature of the variables used in the exergy analysis is
according to :cite:`Tsatsaronis2007`.
The analysis is carried out by the
:py:meth:`tespy.tools.analyses.ExergyAnalysis.analyse` method. Given
the ambient state (pressure and temperature), it will
- Calculate the values of physical exergy on all connections
- Calculate exergy balance for all components. The individual exergy
balance methods are documented in the API-documentation of the
respective components.
- Components for which no exergy balance has yet been implemented,
:code:`nan` (not defined) is assigned for fuel and product
exergy as well as exergy destruction and exergetic efficiency.
- Dissipative components do not have product exergy (:code:`nan`) per
- Calculate exergy balances for busses passed to ExergyAnalysis class
- Calculate network fuel exergy, product exergy as well as exergy loss
from data provided by the busses passed to the instance.
- Calculate network exergetic efficiency.
- Calculate exergy destruction ratios for components.
- :math:`y_\mathrm{D}` compare the rate of exergy destruction in a
component to the exergy rate of the fuel provided to the overall
- :math:`y^*_\mathrm{D}` compare the component exergy destruction
rate to the total exergy destruction rate within the system.
.. math::
\dot{E}_{\mathrm{D},comp} = \dot{E}_{\mathrm{F},comp} - \dot{E}_{\mathrm{P},comp}
\;& \\
\varepsilon_{\mathrm{comp}} =
\frac{\dot{E}_{\mathrm{P},comp}}{\dot{E}_{\mathrm{F},comp}} \;& \\
\dot{E}_{\mathrm{D}} = \sum_{comp} \dot{E}_{\mathrm{D},comp} \;&
\forall comp \in \text{ network components}\\
\dot{E}_{\mathrm{P}} = \sum_{comp} \dot{E}_{\mathrm{P},comp} \;&
\forall comp \in
\text{ components of busses in E\_P if 'base': 'component'}\\
\dot{E}_{\mathrm{P}} = \dot{E}_{\mathrm{P}} - \sum_{comp} \dot{E}_{\mathrm{F},comp}
\;& \forall comp \in
\text{ components of busses in E\_P if 'base': 'bus'}\\
\dot{E}_{\mathrm{F}} = \sum_{comp} \dot{E}_{\mathrm{F},comp} \;&
\forall comp \in
\text{ components of busses in E\_F if 'base': 'bus'}\\
\dot{E}_{\mathrm{F}} = \dot{E}_{\mathrm{F}} - \sum_{comp} \dot{E}_{\mathrm{P},comp}
\;& \forall comp \in
\text{ components of busses in E\_F if 'base': 'component'}\\
\dot{E}_{\mathrm{L}} = \sum_{comp} \dot{E}_{\mathrm{D},comp} \;&
\forall comp \in
\text{ sinks of network components if parameter exergy='loss'}
The exergy balance of the network must be closed, meaning fuel exergy
minus product exergy, exergy destruction and exergy losses must be
zero (:math:`\Delta \dot{E}_\text{max}=0.001`). If the balance is violated a
warning message is prompted.
.. math::
|\dot{E}_{\text{F}} - \dot{E}_{\text{P}} - \dot{E}_{\text{L}} - \dot{E}_{\text{D}}| \leq
\Delta \dot{E}_\text{max}\\
\varepsilon = \frac{\dot{E}_{\text{P}}}{\dot{E}_{\text{F}}}
y_{\text{D},comp} =
y^*_{\text{D},comp} =
In this example a simple clausius rankine cycle is set up and an
exergy analysis is performed after simulation of the power plant.
Start by defining ambient state and genereral network setup.
>>> from tespy.components import (CycleCloser, SimpleHeatExchanger,
... Merge, Splitter, Valve, Compressor, Pump, Turbine)
>>> from tespy.connections import Bus
>>> from tespy.connections import Connection
>>> from tespy.networks import Network
>>> from tespy.tools import ExergyAnalysis
>>> Tamb = 20
>>> pamb = 1
>>> nw = Network()
>>> nw.set_attr(p_unit='bar', T_unit='C', h_unit='kJ / kg',
... iterinfo=False)
In order to show all functionalities available we use a feed water pump
that is not driven electrically by a motor but instead internally by
an own steam turbine. Therefore we split up the live steam from the
steam generator and merge the streams after both steam turbines. For
simplicity the steam generator and the condenser are modeled as simple
heat exchangers.
>>> cycle_close = CycleCloser('cycle closer')
>>> splitter1 = Splitter('splitter 1')
>>> merge1 = Merge('merge 1')
>>> turb = Turbine('turbine')
>>> fwp_turb = Turbine('feed water pump turbine')
>>> condenser = SimpleHeatExchanger('condenser')
>>> fwp = Pump('pump')
>>> steam_generator = SimpleHeatExchanger('steam generator')
>>> fs_in = Connection(cycle_close, 'out1', splitter1, 'in1')
>>> fs_fwpt = Connection(splitter1, 'out1', fwp_turb, 'in1')
>>> fs_t = Connection(splitter1, 'out2', turb, 'in1')
>>> fwpt_ws = Connection(fwp_turb, 'out1', merge1, 'in1')
>>> t_ws = Connection(turb, 'out1', merge1, 'in2')
>>> ws = Connection(merge1, 'out1', condenser, 'in1')
>>> cond = Connection(condenser, 'out1', fwp, 'in1')
>>> fw = Connection(fwp, 'out1', steam_generator, 'in1')
>>> fs_out = Connection(steam_generator, 'out1', cycle_close, 'in1')
>>> nw.add_conns(fs_in, fs_fwpt, fs_t, fwpt_ws, t_ws, ws, cond,
... fw, fs_out)
Next step is to set up the busses to later pass them according to the
convetions in the list below:
- E_F for fuel exergy
- E_P for product exergy
- internal_busses for internal energy transport
- E_L for exergy loss streams to the ambient (sources and sinks go
here, in case you use e.g. flue gases or air input)
The first bus is for output power, which is only represented by the
main steam turbine. The efficiency is set to 0.97. This bus will
represent the product exergy.
>>> power = Bus('power_output')
>>> power.add_comps({'comp': turb, 'char': 0.97})
The second bus is for driving the feed water pump. The total power of
this bus is specified to be 0 in order to make sure, the power genrated
by the secondary steam turbine is transferred to the feed water pump.
For mechanical efficiency we choose 0.985 for both components, but
we need to make sure, the :code:`'base'` of the feed water pump is
:code:`'bus'` as the energy from the turbine drives the feed water
>>> fwp_power = Bus('feed water pump power', P=0)
>>> fwp_power.add_comps(
... {'comp': fwp_turb, 'char': 0.985},
... {'comp': fwp, 'char': 0.985, 'base': 'bus'})
The fuel exergy is the exergy input into the network which is
represented by the heat input bus. Here again, as we have an energy
input from outside of the network, the :code:`'base'` keyword must be
specified to :code:`'bus'`.
>>> heat = Bus('heat_input')
>>> heat.add_comps({'comp': steam_generator, 'base': 'bus'})
>>> nw.add_busses(power, fwp_power, heat)
After setting up the busses, we specify the parameters for components
and connections and start the simulation.
>>> turb.set_attr(eta_s=0.9)
>>> fwp_turb.set_attr(eta_s=0.87)
>>> condenser.set_attr(pr=0.98)
>>> fwp.set_attr(eta_s=0.75)
>>> steam_generator.set_attr(pr=0.89)
>>> fs_in.set_attr(m=10, p=120, T=600, fluid={'water': 1})
>>> cond.set_attr(T=Tamb + 3, x=0)
>>> nw.solve('design')
To evaluate the exergy balance of the network, we create an instance of
class :py:class:`tespy.tools.analyses.ExergyAnalysis`
passing the network to analyse as well as the respective busses. To run
the analysis, the ambient state is passed subsequently. The results of
the analysis can be printed using the
:py:meth:`tespy.tools.analyses.ExergyAnalysis.print_results` method.
The exergy balance should be closed, if you set up your network
analysis correctly. If not, an error is prompted.
>>> ean = ExergyAnalysis(network=nw, E_F=[heat], E_P=[power],
... internal_busses=[fwp_power])
>>> ean.analyse(pamb=pamb, Tamb=Tamb)
>>> abs(round(ean.network_data['E_F'] - ean.network_data['E_P'] -
... ean.network_data['E_L'] - ean.network_data['E_D'], 3))
>>> ();ean.print_results();() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
The exergy data of the passed busses, the network's components and
connections as well as the network itself are stored as dataframes and
therefore accessible for further investigation.
>>> busses = ean.bus_data
>>> components = ean.component_data
>>> connections = ean.connection_data
>>> network = ean.network_data
Additionally, if you defined component groups for your components, the
exergy data of these groups are accumulated and saved in an own
DataFrame. Please note, that the exergy destruction values of the
busses are allocated to the component groups in this case.
>>> groups = ean.group_data
Lastly, the tool offers an automatically generated data input for the
sankey plotting functionalities of the plotly library to create a
Grassmann diagram of your network. For more information on the usage
of the functionality look up the corresponding method documentation:
The method returns a dictionary containting the links for the sankey
as well as a list of the nodes.
>>> links, nodes = ean.generate_plotly_sankey_input()
if len(E_F) == 0:
msg = ('Missing fuel exergy E_F of network.')
raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg)
if len(E_P) == 0:
msg = ('Missing product exergy E_P of network.')
raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg)
self.nw = network
self.E_F = E_F
self.E_P = E_P
self.E_L = E_L
self.internal_busses = internal_busses
bus_labels = [b.label for b in internal_busses + E_F + E_P + E_L]
key_exergy_labels = ['E_P', 'E_F', 'E_D', 'E_L']
self.reserved_fkt_groups = key_exergy_labels + bus_labels
if len(set(bus_labels).intersection(key_exergy_labels)) > 0:
msg = (
"None of your busses may have the label '"
+ "', '".join(key_exergy_labels) + "' when performing the "
+ "exergy analysis."
raise ValueError(msg)
def analyse(self, pamb, Tamb, Chem_Ex=None):
"""Run the exergy analysis.
pamb : float
Ambient pressure value for analysis, provide value in network's
pressure unit.
Tamb : float
Ambient temperature value for analysis, provide value in network's
temperature unit.
pamb_SI = hlp.convert_to_SI('p', pamb, self.nw.p_unit)
Tamb_SI = hlp.convert_to_SI('T', Tamb, self.nw.T_unit)
# reset data
dtypes = {
"E_F": float,
"E_P": float,
"E_D": float,
"epsilon": float,
"group": str
self.component_data = pd.DataFrame(
self.bus_data = self.component_data.copy()
self.bus_data["base"] = np.nan
self.bus_data["base"] = self.bus_data["base"].astype(str)
conn_exergy_data_cols = ['e_PH', 'e_T', 'e_M', 'E_PH', 'E_T', 'E_M']
if Chem_Ex is not None:
conn_exergy_data_cols += ['e_CH', 'E_CH']
self.connection_data = pd.DataFrame(
self.network_data = pd.Series(
index=['E_F', 'E_P', 'E_D', 'E_L'], dtype='float64'
self.network_data[:] = 0
# physical exergy of connections
for conn in self.nw.conns['object']:
conn.get_physical_exergy(pamb_SI, Tamb_SI)
conn.get_chemical_exergy(pamb_SI, Tamb_SI, Chem_Ex)
conn_exergy_data = [
conn.ex_physical, conn.ex_therm, conn.ex_mech,
conn.Ex_physical, conn.Ex_therm, conn.Ex_mech
if Chem_Ex is not None:
conn_exergy_data += [conn.ex_chemical, conn.Ex_chemical]
self.connection_data.loc[conn.label] = conn_exergy_data
# todo: überprüfen der sankey data + massless exergy
self.sankey_data = {}
sankey_columns_dtypes = {
'chemical': float,
'physical': float,
'massless': float
for label in self.reserved_fkt_groups:
self.sankey_data[label] = pd.DataFrame(
levels=[[], []],
names=["target_group", "category"],
codes=[[], []]
# exergy balance of components
for cp in self.nw.comps['object']:
# save component information
self.component_data.loc[cp.label] = [
cp.E_F, cp.E_P, cp.E_D, cp.epsilon, cp.fkt_group
if cp.fkt_group in self.reserved_fkt_groups:
msg = (
'The labels ' + ', '.join(self.reserved_fkt_groups) + ' '
'cannot be used by components (if no group was assigned) '
'or component groups in the exergy analysis. Found '
'component/group with name ' + cp.fkt_group + '.'
raise ValueError(msg)
elif cp.fkt_group not in self.sankey_data:
self.sankey_data[cp.fkt_group] = pd.DataFrame(
levels=[[], []],
names=["target_group", "category"],
codes=[[], []]
# create a table that includes exergy destruction attributed to the
# components
bus_based = self.bus_data[self.bus_data['base'] == 'bus'].index
component_based = self.bus_data[
self.bus_data['base'] == 'component'
# add aggregated components with respective buses data
self.aggregation_data = self.component_data.copy()
# E_D is sum of both E_D
self.aggregation_data.loc[self.bus_data.index, 'E_D'] = (
self.component_data.loc[self.bus_data.index, 'E_D'] +
# E_F for bus based components is higher by E_D of bus
self.aggregation_data.loc[bus_based, 'E_F'] += (
self.bus_data.loc[bus_based, 'E_D']
# E_P of component based components is lower by E_D of bus
self.aggregation_data.loc[component_based, 'E_P'] -= (
self.bus_data.loc[component_based, 'E_D']
# calculate network results
self.network_data.loc['E_D'] = (
self.component_data['E_D'].sum() + self.bus_data['E_D'].sum())
self.network_data.loc['E_F'] = abs(self.network_data.loc['E_F'])
self.network_data.loc['E_P'] = abs(self.network_data.loc['E_P'])
self.network_data.loc['epsilon'] = (
self.network_data.loc['E_P'] / self.network_data.loc['E_F']
# calculate exergy destruction ratios for components/busses
E_F = self.network_data.loc['E_F']
E_D = self.network_data.loc['E_D']
for d in [self.component_data, self.bus_data, self.aggregation_data]:
d['y_Dk'] = d['E_D'] / E_F
d['y*_Dk'] = d['E_D'] / E_D
d['epsilon'] = d['E_P'] / d['E_F']
residual = abs(
self.network_data.loc['E_F'] - self.network_data.loc['E_P'] -
self.network_data.loc['E_D'] - self.network_data.loc['E_L']
if residual >= ERR ** 0.5:
msg = (
'The exergy balance of your network is not closed (residual '
'value is ' + str(round(residual, 6)) + ', but should be '
'smaller than ' + str(ERR ** 0.5) + '), you should check the '
'component and network exergy data and check, if network is '
'properly setup for the exergy analysis.')
def evaluate_busses(self, cp):
"""Evaluate the exergy balances of busses.
cp : tespy.components.component.Component
Component to analyse the bus exergy balance of.
cp_on_num_busses = 0
for b in self.E_F + self.E_P + self.internal_busses + self.E_L:
if cp in b.comps.index:
if cp_on_num_busses > 0:
msg = (
'The component ' + cp.label + ' is on multiple '
'busses in the exergy analysis. Make sure that no '
'component is connected to more than one of the '
'busses passed to the exergy_analysis method.')
raise hlp.TESPyNetworkError(msg)
# todo: E_bus als dict mit den versch. werten
if b.comps.loc[cp, 'base'] == 'bus':
E_bus = sum(e for e in cp.E_bus.values() if e)
self.bus_data.loc[cp.label, 'E_P'] = E_bus
bus_efficiency = cp.calc_bus_efficiency(b)
E_F = E_bus / bus_efficiency
self.bus_data.loc[cp.label, 'E_F'] = E_F
if b in self.E_F:
self.network_data.loc['E_F'] += E_F
elif b in self.E_P:
self.network_data.loc['E_P'] -= E_F
elif b in self.E_L:
self.network_data.loc['E_L'] -= E_F
for key, value in cp.E_bus.items():
if value == 0:
if key != "massless":
# this should be a source
category = categorize_fluids(cp.outl[0])
category = "work"
if (cp.fkt_group, category) not in self.sankey_data[b.label].index:
self.sankey_data[b.label].loc[(cp.fkt_group, category), :] = 0
self.sankey_data[b.label].loc[(cp.fkt_group, category), key] += value / bus_efficiency
E_bus = sum(e for e in cp.E_bus.values() if e)
bus_efficiency = cp.calc_bus_efficiency(b)
E_P = E_bus * bus_efficiency
self.bus_data.loc[cp.label, 'E_P'] = E_P
self.bus_data.loc[cp.label, 'E_F'] = E_bus
if b in self.E_F:
self.network_data.loc['E_F'] -= E_P
elif b in self.E_P:
self.network_data.loc['E_P'] += E_P
elif b in self.E_L:
self.network_data.loc['E_L'] += E_P
for key, value in cp.E_bus.items():
if value == 0:
if key != "massless":
# this should be a sink
category = categorize_fluids(cp.inl[0])
category = "work"
if (b.label, category) not in self.sankey_data[cp.fkt_group].index:
self.sankey_data[cp.fkt_group].loc[(b.label, category), :] = 0
self.sankey_data[cp.fkt_group].loc[(b.label, category), key] += value * bus_efficiency
self.bus_data.loc[cp.label, 'base'] = b.comps.loc[cp, 'base']
self.bus_data.loc[cp.label, 'group'] = cp.fkt_group
cp_on_num_busses += 1
self.bus_data['E_D'] = self.bus_data['E_F'] - self.bus_data['E_P']
def create_group_data(self):
"""Collect the component group exergy data."""
for group in self.sankey_data.keys():
E_D = self.aggregation_data[
self.aggregation_data['group'] == group
self.sankey_data[group].loc[('E_D', "E_D"), :] = [0., 0., E_D]
# establish connections for fuel exergy via bus balance
for b in self.E_F:
input_value = self.calculate_group_input_value(b.label)
self.sankey_data['E_F'].loc[(b.label, "E_F"), self.exergy_cats] = (
self.sankey_data[b.label].loc[:, self.exergy_cats].sum()
- input_value.sum()
# establish connections for product exergy via bus balance
for b in self.E_P:
input_value = self.calculate_group_input_value(b.label)
self.sankey_data[b.label].loc[('E_P', "E_P"), self.exergy_cats] = (
- self.sankey_data[b.label].loc[:, self.exergy_cats].sum()
# establish connections for exergy loss via bus balance
for b in self.E_L:
input_value = self.calculate_group_input_value(b.label)
self.sankey_data[b.label].loc[('E_L', 'E_L'), self.exergy_cats] = (
- self.sankey_data[b.label].loc[:, self.exergy_cats].sum()
for fkt_group, data in self.sankey_data.items():
mask = self.component_data['group'] == fkt_group
comps = self.component_data.loc[mask].index
for comp in comps:
comp_obj = self.nw.get_comp(comp)
sources = self.nw.conns[self.nw.conns['source'] == comp_obj]
for conn in sources['object']:
if conn.target.label not in comps:
target_group = self.component_data.loc[conn.target.label, 'group']
target_value_chemical = (
if hasattr(conn, "Ex_chemical") else 0.
target_value_physical = conn.Ex_physical
cat = categorize_fluids(conn)
if (target_group, cat) in data.index:
(target_group, cat), 'physical'] += target_value_physical
(target_group, cat), 'chemical'] += target_value_chemical
self.sankey_data[fkt_group].loc[(target_group, cat), :] = [
target_value_chemical, target_value_physical, 0
# create overview of component groups
self.group_data = pd.DataFrame(
columns=['E_in', 'E_out', 'E_D'], dtype='float64'
for fkt_group in self.component_data['group'].unique():
self.group_data.loc[fkt_group, 'E_in'] = (
self.group_data.loc[fkt_group, 'E_D'] = (
self.sankey_data[fkt_group].loc[idx['E_D', :], self.exergy_cats].sum().sum()
# calculate missing values
self.group_data['E_out'] = (
self.group_data['E_in'] - self.group_data['E_D'])
self.group_data['y_Dk'] = (
self.group_data['E_D'] / self.network_data.loc['E_F'])
self.group_data['y*_Dk'] = (
self.group_data['E_D'] / self.network_data.loc['E_D'])
# ToDo: Transform this into a test
# assert self.group_data['E_D'].sum() == self.network_data["E_D"]
def remove_transit_groups(self, group_data):
"""Remove transit only component groups from sankey display.
Method is recursively called if a group was removed from display to
catch cases, where multiple groups are attached in line without
any streams leaving the line.
group_data : dict
Dictionary containing the modified component group data.
for fkt_group in group_data.copy().keys():
if fkt_group in self.reserved_fkt_groups:
source_groups = self.single_group_input(fkt_group, group_data)
if len(source_groups) == 1 and len(group_data[fkt_group].index.get_level_values("target_group").unique()) == 1:
source_group = source_groups[0]
group_data[source_group] = group_data[source_group].add(group_data[fkt_group], fill_value=0)
to_drop = group_data[source_group].index.get_level_values("target_group") == fkt_group
group_data[source_group] = group_data[source_group].loc[~to_drop]
del group_data[fkt_group]
# recursive call in case multiple components are attached in
# a line without any conversion
# exit to stop further iterations inside the groups
# remove groups without any connection
elif len(source_groups) == 0 and len(group_data[fkt_group]) == 0:
del group_data[fkt_group]
def print_results(
self, sort_desc=True,
busses=True, components=True, connections=True, groups=True,
network=True, aggregation=True):
r"""Print the results of the exergy analysis to prompt.
- The results are sorted beginning with the component having the
biggest exergy destruction by default.
- Components with an exergy destruction smaller than 1000 W is not
printed to prompt by default.
sort_des : boolean
Sort the component results descending by exergy destruction.
busses : boolean
Print bus results, default value :code:`True`.
components : boolean
Print component results, default value :code:`True`.
connections : boolean
Print connection results, default value :code:`True`.
network : boolean
Print network results, default value :code:`True`.
aggregation : boolean
Print aggregated component results, default value :code:`True`.
if connections:
print('##### RESULTS: Connection specific physical exergy and ' +
'chemical exergy #####')
self.connection_data, headers='keys',
tablefmt='psql', floatfmt='.3e'))
if components:
df = self.component_data.copy()
df = df.loc[:, df.columns != 'group']
if sort_desc:
df.sort_values(by=['E_D'], ascending=False, inplace=True)
print('##### RESULTS: Component exergy analysis #####')
df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql', floatfmt='.3e'))
if busses:
df = self.bus_data.copy()
df = df.loc[:, (df.columns != 'group') & (df.columns != 'base')]
if sort_desc:
df.sort_values(by=['E_D'], ascending=False, inplace=True)
print('##### RESULTS: Bus exergy analysis #####')
df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql', floatfmt='.3e'))
if aggregation:
df = self.aggregation_data.copy()
df = df.loc[:, df.columns != 'group']
if sort_desc:
df.sort_values(by=['E_D'], ascending=False, inplace=True)
print('##### RESULTS: Aggregation of components and busses #####')
df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql', floatfmt='.3e'))
if network:
print('##### RESULTS: Network exergy analysis #####')
headers='keys', tablefmt='psql', floatfmt='.3e',
if groups:
df = self.group_data.copy()
if sort_desc:
df.sort_values(by=['E_D'], ascending=False, inplace=True)
print('##### RESULTS: Functional groups exergy flows #####')
df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql', floatfmt='.3e'))