# -*- coding: utf-8
"""Module for helper functions used by several other modules.
This file is part of project TESPy (github.com/oemof/tespy). It's copyrighted
by the contributors recorded in the version control history of the file,
available from its original location tespy/tools/document_models.py
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import sys
from datetime import date
import CoolProp as CP
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tespy.tools import helpers as hlp
from tespy.tools.data_containers import ComponentCharacteristicMaps as dc_cm
from tespy.tools.data_containers import ComponentCharacteristics as dc_cc
from tespy.tools.data_containers import ComponentProperties as dc_cp
from tespy.tools.global_vars import fluid_property_data as fpd
from tespy.tools.logger import check_git_branch
from tespy.tools.logger import check_version
def document_model(nw, path='report', filename='report.tex', fmt={}):
"""Generate LaTeX documentation for a TESPy model.
- The documentation is stored at path/filename
- Generated figures are stored at path/figures/
nw : tespy.networks.network.Network
Network instance to document.
path : str
Folder for the documentation, default :code:`report`.
filename : str
Desired filename for the LaTeX document, default :code:`report.tex`.
fmt : dict
Dictionary for formatting the report, for sample see respective
section in online documentation.
# prepare filestructure
fig_path = os.path.join(path, "figures")
# create paths, if non existent
os.makedirs(fig_path, exist_ok=True)
rpt = set_defaults(nw)
rpt = hlp.merge_dicts(rpt, fmt)
rpt['path'] = path
latex = document_software_info(rpt)
latex += document_connections(nw, rpt)
latex += document_ude(nw, rpt['path'])
latex += document_components(nw, rpt)
latex += document_busses(nw, rpt)
if rpt['latex_body']:
latex += r'\end{document}'
with open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'w') as f:
def set_defaults(nw):
Set up defaults for report formatting.
nw : tespy.networks.network.Network
TESPy Network instance.
rpt : dict
Dictionary containting the default formatting data.
rpt = {
'draft': True,
'latex_body': True,
'include_results': True,
'Bus': {'float_fmt': '{:,.2f}'},
'Connection': {
key: data['documentation'] for key, data in fpd.items()}
classes = [
nw.comps[nw.comps['comp_type'] == cp]['object'].iloc[0]
for cp in nw.comps['comp_type'].unique()
for c in classes:
rpt[c.__class__.__name__] = {'params': []}
if hasattr(c, "parameters"):
param: {'float_fmt': '{:,.2f}'}
for param, data in c.parameters.items()
if isinstance(data, dc_cp)
rpt['Connection']['fluid'] = {
'float_fmt': '{:.3f}', 'include_results': True}
rpt['Connection']['params'] = ['m', 'p', 'h', 'T', 's']
return rpt
def document_software_info(rpt):
"""Get software information.
rpt : dict
Formatting data for the report.
latex : str
LaTeX code for software information.
latex = ''
if rpt['latex_body']:
latex += (
r'\documentclass[]{article}' + '\n'
r'\usepackage{geometry}' + '\n'
r'\geometry{a4paper, left=20mm, top=20mm,}' + '\n'
r'\usepackage{graphicx}' + '\n'
r'\usepackage{float}' + '\n'
r'\usepackage{hyperref}' + '\n'
r'\usepackage{booktabs}' + '\n'
r'\usepackage{amsmath}' + '\n'
r'\usepackage{units}' + '\n'
r'\usepackage{cleveref}' + '\n\n'
r'\usepackage{longtable}' + '\n\n'
r'\newcommand{\iftab}{\fontshape{sl}\selectfont}' + '\n\n'
r'\newcommand{\bftab}{\fontseries{b}\selectfont}' + '\n\n'
r'\begin{document}' + '\n\n')
latex += r'\section*{Software Information}' + '\n\n'
if rpt['draft']:
latex += r'\begin{itemize}' + '\n'
latex += (
r'\item Please check, whether your inputs, the equations '
'applied and the charactersitics are displayed correctly.\n')
latex += (
r'\item You are welcome to send your feedback via '
r'\url{https://github.com/oemof/tespy/issues}.' + '\n')
latex += r'\item \LaTeX packages required are:' + '\n'
latex += r'\begin{itemize}' + '\n'
latex += r'\item graphicx' + '\n'
latex += r'\item float' + '\n'
latex += r'\item hyperref' + '\n'
latex += r'\item booktabs' + '\n'
latex += r'\item amsmath' + '\n'
latex += r'\item units' + '\n'
latex += r'\item cleveref' + '\n'
latex += r'\item longtable' + '\n'
latex += r'\end{itemize}' + '\n'
latex += (
'Additionally, you will need to make the following '
latex += r'\begin{itemize}' + '\n'
latex += r'\item \textbackslash newcommand\{\textbackslash iftab\}'
latex += r'\{\textbackslash fontshape\{sl\}\textbackslash selectfont\}'
latex += '\n'
latex += r'\item \textbackslash newcommand\{\textbackslash bftab\}'
latex += r'\{\textbackslash fontseries\{b\}\textbackslash selectfont\}'
latex += '\n'
latex += r'\end{itemize}' + '\n'
latex += (
r'\item To suppress these messages, call the model '
'documentation with the keyword draft=False in the formatting '
latex += r'\end{itemize}' + '\n\n'
latex += r'\begin{table}[H]' + '\n'
latex += r'\begin{tabular}{ll}' + '\n'
version = check_version().replace('_', r'\_')
latex += r'\bftab General information&\\' + '\n'
latex += r'& \\' + '\n'
latex += 'TESPy Version:&' + version + r'\\' + '\n'
git = check_git_branch().replace('_', r'\_')
except FileNotFoundError:
git = 'Installation from git not found'
latex += 'Commit:&' + git + r'\\' + '\n'
latex += 'CoolProp version:&' + CP.__version__ + r'\\' + '\n'
latex += 'Python version:&' + sys.version + r'\\' + '\n'
timestamp = date.today().strftime('%B %d, %Y')
latex += 'Documentation generated:&' + timestamp + r'\\' + '\n'
latex += r'& \\' + '\n'
latex += r'\bftab Parameter highlighting&\\' + '\n'
latex += r'& \\' + '\n'
latex += r'Variable component parameters:& \iftab italic\\' + '\n'
if rpt['include_results']:
latex += r'Specified input parameter:& \bftab bold\\' + '\n'
latex += r'Results of simulation:& normalfont \\' + '\n'
latex += r'& \\' + '\n'
latex += (
r'\multicolumn{2}{l}{\iftab Equations are displayed for input '
r'parameters only.}\\' + '\n')
latex += r'Specified input parameter:& normalfont \\' + '\n'
latex += r'\end{tabular}' + '\n'
latex += r'\end{table}' + '\n'
latex += r'\newpage'
return latex
def document_connections(nw, rpt):
"""Document connection specifications.
nw : tespy.networks.network.Network
TESPy model.
rpt : dict
Formatting data for the report.
latex : str
LaTeX code for all connections.
ref_data = {'m': [], 'p': [], 'h': [], 'T': []}
cols = nw.results['Connection'].columns
property_cols = [c for c in cols[~cols.isin(nw.all_fluids)] if "unit" not in c]
property_data = nw.results['Connection'].copy().loc[:, property_cols]
fluid_data = nw.results['Connection'].copy().loc[:, list(nw.all_fluids)]
specs = nw.specifications['Connection'].copy()
if not rpt['include_results']:
property_data = property_data[specs]
fluid_data = fluid_data[specs]
# it is possible to exclude fluid results
elif not rpt['Connection']['fluid']['include_results']:
fluid_data = fluid_data[specs]
ref_spec = nw.specifications['Ref']
# get some Connection object for equation generator
c = nw.get_conn(specs.index[0])
for c in nw.get_conn(ref_spec.any(axis=1).index):
for param in ref_spec.columns:
if c.get_attr(param).is_set:
ref_dict = {'label': c.label.replace('_', r'\_')}
c.get_attr(param).val.obj.label.replace('_', r'\_'),
'factor in -': c.get_attr(param).val.factor,
'delta in ' + hlp.latex_unit(
nw.get_attr(param.split("_ref")[0] + '_unit')):
ref_data[param.split("_ref")[0]] += [ref_dict]
latex = r'\section{Connections in ' + nw.mode + ' mode}' + '\n\n'
# if list is empty, all parameters will be included
if len(rpt['Connection']['params']) > 0:
for col in property_data.columns:
if col not in rpt['Connection']['params'] and not any(specs[col]):
property_data[col] = np.nan
df = data_to_df(property_data)
if len(df) > 0:
eqs = df[specs].dropna(how='all').dropna(how='all', axis=1).columns
latex += document_connection_params(nw, df, specs, eqs, c, rpt)
df = data_to_df(fluid_data)
if len(df) > 0:
eqs = df[specs].dropna(how='all').dropna(how='all', axis=1).columns
latex += document_connection_fluids(df, specs, eqs, c, rpt)
for property, data in ref_data.items():
df = data_to_df(data)
if len(df) > 0:
latex += document_connection_ref(df, property, c)
return latex
def document_connection_params(nw, df, specs, eqs, c, rpt):
"""Document parameter specification of connections.
nw : tespy.networks.network.Network
Network object for unit information.
df : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
DataFrame containing the connection parameter data.
specs : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
DataFrame containing information on model input specifications.
eqs : list
List of parameters to generate equations for.
c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection
Connection object, required for LaTeX equation generation.
rpt : dict
Formatting data for the report.
latex : str
LaTeX code for all connections.
if rpt['include_results']:
label = 'Connection specifications and results'
label = 'Specified connection parameters'
latex = r'\subsection{' + label + '}' + '\n\n'
df_out = df.astype(str)
equations = ''
for col in df.columns:
unit = col + '_unit'
if col == 'Td_bp':
unit = 'T_unit'
col_header = (
col.replace('_', r'\_') + ' in ' +
if col in eqs:
col_header += (
r' (\ref{eq:Connection_' + fpd[col]['text'] + '})')
equations += generate_latex_eq(
c, fpd[col]['latex_eq'], fpd[col]['text']) + '\n\n'
for row in df.index:
fmt = rpt['Connection'][col]['float_fmt']
if specs.loc[row, col] and rpt['include_results']:
df_out.loc[row, col] = r'\bftab ' + fmt.format(df.loc[row, col])
df_out.loc[row, col] = fmt.format(df.loc[row, col])
df_out.rename(columns={col: col_header}, inplace=True)
num_col = len(df_out.columns)
latex += create_latex_table(df_out, label, col_fmt='l' + num_col * 'r')
latex += r'\subsection{Equations applied}' + '\n\n'
latex += equations
return latex
def document_connection_fluids(df, specs, eqs, c, rpt):
"""Document fluid specifications of connections.
df : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
DataFrame containing the connection fluid data.
specs : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
DataFrame containing information on model input specifications.
eqs : list
List of parameters to generate equations for.
c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection
Connection object, required for LaTeX equation generation.
rpt : dict
Formatting data for the report.
latex : str
LaTeX code for all connections.
label = 'Specified fluids'
latex = r'\subsection{' + label + '}' + '\n\n'
df_out = df.astype(str)
equations = ''
fmt = rpt['Connection']['fluid']['float_fmt']
for col in eqs:
if col == 'balance':
eq = r'0=1-\sum x_{fl}\;\forall fl\in\text{network fluids}'
equations += generate_latex_eq(c, eq, col) + '\n\n'
eq = (
r'0 = x_\mathrm{' + col + r'} - x_\mathrm{' +
col + ',spec}')
equations += generate_latex_eq(c, eq, col) + '\n\n'
for row in df.index:
if specs.loc[row, col] and rpt['include_results']:
df_out.loc[row, col] = r'\bftab ' + fmt.format(
df.loc[row, col]
df_out.loc[row, col] = fmt.format(df.loc[row, col])
col_header = (
col.replace('_', r'\_') + ' ('
r'\ref{eq:Connection_' + col + '})')
df_out.rename(columns={col: col_header}, inplace=True)
num_col = len(df_out.columns)
latex += create_latex_table(df_out, label, col_fmt='l' + num_col * 'r')
latex += r'\subsection{Equations applied}' + '\n\n'
latex += equations
return latex
def document_connection_ref(df, property, c):
"""Document referenced connection properties
df : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
DataFrame containing the referenced connection data.
property : str
Short name of specified property (:code:`'m', 'p', ...`).
c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection
Connection object, required for LaTeX equation generation.
latex : str
LaTeX code for all connections.
label = fpd[property]['text']
caption = 'Specified reference values for ' + label
latex = r'\subsection{Referenced ' + label + '}' + '\n\n'
latex += create_latex_table(df, caption, col_fmt='llrr')
latex += r'\subsection{Equation applied}' + '\n\n'
eq = (
r'0 = \text{value} - \text{value}_\mathrm{ref} '
r'\cdot \mathrm{factor} + \text{delta}')
latex += generate_latex_eq(c, eq, 'ref') + '\n\n'
return latex
def document_ude(nw, path):
"""Document UserDefinedEquation specifications.
nw : tespy.networks.network.Network
TESPy model.
path : str
Folder for the documentation, default :code:`report`.
latex : str
LaTeX code for all UserDefinedEquations.
if len(nw.user_defined_eq) == 0:
return ''
latex = (
r'\section{User defined equations in ' + nw.mode + ' mode}' + '\n\n')
for label, ude_data in nw.user_defined_eq.items():
eq_label = (
r'(\ref{eq:UserDefinedEquation_' + label.replace(' ', '_') + '})')
latex += (
r'\subsection{Equation for ``' + label + '\'\'' + eq_label +
r'}' + '\n\n')
latex += generate_latex_eq(
ude_data, ude_data.latex['equation'], label.replace(' ', '_'))
figures = []
i = 1
for line in ude_data.latex['lines']:
local_path = (
'figures/UDE_CharLine_' +
ude_data.label.replace(' ', '_') + '_' + str(i) + '.pdf')
figname = path + local_path
label = 'UDE_CharLine_' + ude_data.label + '_' + str(i)
xlabel = '$X$'
ylabel = r'$f\left(X\right)$'
line.plot(figname, '', xlabel, ylabel)
figures += [create_latex_figure(
local_path, 'CharLine ' + str(i) + ' of ' + ude_data.label +
' ' + eq_label, label)]
i += 1
i = 1
for map in ude_data.latex['maps']:
local_path = (
'figures/UDE_CharMap_' +
ude_data.label.replace(' ', '_') + '_' + str(i) + '.pdf')
figname = path + local_path
label = 'UDE_CharLine_' + ude_data.label + '_' + str(i)
xlabel = '$Y$'
ylabel = r'$f\left(Y,\vec{Y},\vec{Z}\right)$'
map.plot(figname, '', xlabel, ylabel)
figures += [create_latex_figure(
local_path, 'CharMap ' + str(i) + ' of ' + ude_data.label +
' ' + eq_label, label)]
i += 1
latex += place_figures(figures)
return latex
def document_components(nw, rpt):
"""Document component specifications.
nw : tespy.networks.network.Network
TESPy model.
rpt : dict
Formatting data for the report.
latex : str
LaTeX code for all components.
latex = ''
for cp in nw.comps['comp_type'].unique():
component_list = nw.comps[nw.comps['comp_type'] == cp]['object']
latex += get_component_mandatory_constraints(
cp, component_list, rpt['path'])
latex += get_component_specifications(nw, cp, rpt)
if latex != '':
latex = (
r'\section{Components in ' + nw.mode + ' mode}' + '\n\n' + latex)
return latex
def get_component_mandatory_constraints(cp, component_list, path):
"""Get latex code for mandatory constraints of component type cp.
cp : str
Classname of the current class.
component_list : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
DataFrame of the components of Class cp.
path : str
Folder for the documentation, default :code:`report`.
latex : str
LaTeX code for mandatory component constraints.
latex = ''
num_mandatory_eq = 0
mandatory_eq = ''
figures = []
for label, data in component_list.iloc[0].constraints.items():
if 'char' in data:
for component in component_list:
local_path = (
'figures/' + cp + '_CharLine_' + label + '_' +
component.label.replace(' ', '_') + '.pdf')
figname = path + local_path
xlabel = r'$X$'
ylabel = r'$f\left(X\right)$'
figname, '', xlabel, ylabel)
figures += [create_latex_figure(
'Characteristics of ' +
component.label.replace('_', r'\_') +
r' (eq. \ref{eq:' + cp + '_' + label + '})',
'CharLine_' + label + '_' + component.label)]
mandatory_eq += data['latex'](label) + '\n\n'
num_mandatory_eq += 1
if num_mandatory_eq > 0:
latex += r'\subsection{Components of type ' + cp + '}\n\n'
latex += r'\subsubsection{Mandatory constraints}' + '\n\n'
latex += mandatory_eq
latex += place_figures(figures)
return latex
def get_component_specifications(nw, cp, rpt):
"""Get latex code for component specifications of component type cp.
cp : str
Classname of the current class.
component_list : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
DataFrame of the components of Class cp.
rpt : dict
Formatting data for the report.
latex : str
LaTeX code for component parameter specification.
figures = []
col_headers = {}
equations = ''
result = nw.results[cp].copy()
specs = nw.specifications[cp]
if not rpt['include_results']:
result = result[specs['properties'] | specs['variables']]
elif len(rpt[cp]['params']) > 0:
for col in result.columns:
if (col not in rpt[cp]['params']
and not any(specs['properties'][col])
and not any(specs['variables'][col])):
result[col] = np.nan
result_out = result.dropna(how='all', axis=1).astype(str)
cols = result.columns.tolist()
for col in cols:
fmt = rpt[cp][col]['float_fmt']
for row in result.index:
if specs['variables'].loc[row, col]:
result_out.loc[row, col] = (
r'\iftab ' + fmt.format(result.loc[row, col])
elif specs['properties'].loc[row, col] and rpt['include_results']:
result_out.loc[row, col] = (
r'\bftab ' + fmt.format(result.loc[row, col])
result_out.loc[row, col] = fmt.format(result.loc[row, col])
group_data = specs['groups'][specs['groups']].dropna(how='all', axis=1)
char_data = specs['chars'][specs['chars']].dropna(how='all', axis=1)
specs = pd.concat(
[specs['properties'] | specs['variables'],
specs['groups'], specs['chars']], axis=1)
df_data = pd.concat([result_out, group_data, char_data], axis=1)
for col in char_data.columns:
for row in char_data.index:
component = nw.get_comp(row)
if char_data.loc[row, col]:
data = component.get_attr(col)
figures += [get_char_specification(
component, col, data, rpt['path'])]
data_dict_gcp = {}
group_elements = []
for col in group_data.columns:
for row in group_data.index:
component = nw.get_comp(row)
if group_data.loc[row, col]:
data = component.get_attr(col)
for element in data.elements:
element_data = component.get_attr(element)
figures += [get_char_specification(
component, element, element_data, rpt['path'],
elements = [el for el in data.elements if el in df_data.columns]
data_dict_gcp[col] = df_data[elements]
group_elements += data.elements
# remove gouped parameters from main parameter list
df_data = df_data[
[col for col in df_data.columns if col not in group_elements]]
if len(df_data.index) == 0:
return ''
# replace column headers
for col in df_data.columns:
if any(specs[col]) and col not in group_elements:
data = nw.get_comp(row).get_attr(col)
if data.latex is None:
df_data[col] = np.nan
col_headers[col] = (
col.replace('_', r'\_') +
r' (\ref{eq:' + cp + '_' + col + '})')
equations += data.latex(col, **data.func_params) + '\n\n'
col_headers[col] = col.replace('_', r'\_')
df_data.dropna(how='all', axis=1, inplace=True)
df_data.rename(columns=col_headers, inplace=True)
if rpt['include_results']:
latex = r'\subsubsection{Specifications and results}' + '\n\n'
latex = r'\subsubsection{Inputs specified}' + '\n\n'
caption = 'Parameters of components of type ' + cp
num_col = len(df_data.columns)
latex += create_latex_table(df_data, caption, col_fmt='l' + num_col * 'r')
# # get parameter groups tables
for param, data in data_dict_gcp.items():
df_data_gcp = pd.DataFrame(data, dtype='object')
if df_data_gcp.size > 0:
for col in df_data_gcp.columns:
col_headers[col] = col.replace('_', r'\_')
df_data_gcp.rename(columns=col_headers, inplace=True)
caption = 'Parametergroup ' + param.replace('_', r'\_')
latex += create_latex_table(df_data_gcp, caption)
# write equations and figures of characteristics applied
if equations != '':
latex += r'\subsubsection{Equations applied}' + '\n\n'
latex += equations
latex += place_figures([fig for fig in figures if fig is not None])
return latex
def document_busses(nw, rpt):
"""Document bus specifications.
nw : tespy.networks.network.Network
TESPy model.
rpt : dict
Formatting data for the report.
latex : str
LaTeX code for all busses.
if len(nw.busses) > 0:
latex = r'\section{Busses in ' + nw.mode + ' mode}' + '\n\n'
return ''
chars_plotted = {}
fmt = rpt['Bus']['float_fmt']
for label, b in nw.busses.items():
if rpt['include_results']:
df = nw.results[label][
['component value', 'bus value', 'efficiency']].copy()
df.loc['total'] = df.sum()
df.loc['total', 'efficiency'] = np.nan
df.loc['total', 'component value'] = (
fmt.format(df.loc['total', 'component value']))
if b.P.is_set:
df.loc['total', 'bus value'] = (
r'\bftab' + fmt.format(
df.loc['total', 'bus value']))
df.loc['total', 'bus value'] = (
fmt.format(df.loc['total', 'bus value']))
df = pd.DataFrame(
columns=['comp eq', 'bus eq', 'eta ref'], dtype='object')
figures = []
for cp in b.comps.index:
if rpt['include_results']:
# format cols
df.loc[cp.label, 'bus value'] = (
fmt.format(df.loc[cp.label, 'bus value']))
df.loc[cp.label, 'component value'] = (
fmt.format(df.loc[cp.label, 'component value']))
df.loc[cp.label, 'efficiency'] = (
fmt.format(df.loc[cp.label, 'efficiency']))
cp_data = b.comps.loc[cp]
char = cp_data['char']
if np.all(char.y == char.y[0]):
if rpt['include_results']:
eta = np.nan
eta = fmt.format(char.y[0])
key = (char, cp_data['base'])
if key in chars_plotted:
eta = (
r'$f\left(X\right)$ (\ref{fig:' +
chars_plotted[key]['label'] + '})')
chars_plotted[key] = {
'figures/Bus_CharLine_' +
cp.label.replace(' ', '_') + nw.mode + '.pdf',
'Bus_CharLine_' + cp.label + nw.mode
figname = rpt['path'] + chars_plotted[key]['path']
if nw.mode == 'design':
xlabel = (
r'Energy flow ratio $X$ ($X=1$ in design mode)')
elif cp_data['base'] == 'bus':
xlabel = (
r'Energy flow ratio $X=\frac{\dot{E}_'
xlabel = (
r'Energy flow ratio $X=\frac{\dot{E}_\mathrm{'
ylabel = r'Efficiency $\eta$'
char.plot(figname, '', xlabel, ylabel)
figures += [create_latex_figure(
'Bus efficiency characteristic',
eta = (
r'$f\left(X\right)$ (\ref{fig:' +
chars_plotted[key]['label'] + '})')
comp_eq = cp.bus_func_doc(cp_data)
if comp_eq is None:
df.loc[cp.label, 'comp eq'] = np.nan
df.loc[cp.label, 'bus eq'] = np.nan
df.loc[cp.label, 'eta ref'] = np.nan
df.loc[cp.label, 'comp eq'] = '$' + comp_eq + '$'
if cp_data['base'] == 'bus':
eq = r'$\frac{\dot{E}_\mathrm{comp}}{\eta}$'
eq = r'$\dot{E}_\mathrm{comp} \cdot \eta$'
df.loc[cp.label, 'bus eq'] = eq
df.loc[cp.label, 'eta ref'] = eta
if all(df['comp eq'].isnull()):
# reorder and rename columns
if rpt['include_results']:
col_order = [
'comp eq', 'component value', 'bus eq', 'bus value',
'eta ref', 'efficiency']
df = df[col_order]
rename_dict = {
'component value': r'$\dot{E}_\mathrm{comp,result}$',
'bus value': r'$\dot{E}_\mathrm{bus,result}$',
'efficiency': r'$\eta_\mathrm{result}$',
'comp eq': r'$\dot{E}_\mathrm{comp}$',
'bus eq': r'$\dot{E}_\mathrm{bus}$',
'eta ref': r'$\eta$'
df.rename(columns=rename_dict, inplace=True)
df = data_to_df(df)
latex += r'\subsection{Bus ``' + label + '\'\'}\n\n'
if b.P.is_set:
latex += (
r'Specified total value of energy flow:'
r' $\dot{E}_\mathrm{bus} = \unit[' +
fmt.format(b.P.val) + ']{W}$\n\n')
eq = r'0=\dot{E}_\mathrm{bus} -\sum_i \dot{E}_{\mathrm{bus,}i}'
latex += generate_latex_eq(b, eq, 'energy_flow_sum') + '\n\n'
latex += 'This bus is used for postprocessing only.\n\n'
num_col = len(df.columns)
latex += create_latex_table(
df, 'Results overview for bus ' + label,
col_fmt='l' + num_col * 'r') + '\n\n'
latex += place_figures(figures)
return latex
def data_to_df(data):
"""Create pandas DataFrame from list of dictionaries, remove nan columns.
data : list
Rows for the DataFrame.
df : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
Polished DataFrame.
if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
df = pd.DataFrame(data, dtype='object')
df = data
to_drop = [n for n in df.columns if n != 'label']
df.dropna(subset=to_drop, how='all', axis=0, inplace=True)
df.dropna(how='all', axis=1, inplace=True)
return df
def create_latex_table(df, caption, col_fmt=None):
"""Create LaTeX table environment from DataFrame df.
df : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
DataFrame to export.
caption : str
Caption for the table.
latex : str
LaTeX code for table.
df['label'] = df.index.astype('str')
df['label'] = df['label'].str.replace('_', r'\_')
df.set_index('label', inplace=True)
df.replace({'nan': '-'}, inplace=True)
except TypeError:
# dataframes with bool data only
longtable = False
if len(df.index) > 60:
longtable = True
with pd.option_context('max_colwidth', 2000):
latex = df.to_latex(
index=True, escape=False, na_rep='-', column_format=col_fmt,
longtable=longtable, caption=caption, position='H')
return latex
def generate_latex_eq(obj, eqn, label):
"""Generate LaTeX code for equations.
obj : object
Object equation is applied for.
eqn : str
LaTeX code of the equation core.
label : str
LaTeX label for the equation.
latex : str
LaTeX code for equation.
latex = (
r'\begin{equation}' + '\n' + r'\label{eq:' +
obj.__class__.__name__ + '_' + label + r'}' + '\n'
latex += eqn + '\n'
latex += r'\end{equation}'
return latex
def create_latex_CharLine(component, param, data, path, group=None):
"""Generate image and create LaTeX code for CharLine documentation.
component : object
Component or Bus object the characteristics are applied on.
param : str
Name of the parameter holding the CharLine information.
data : tespy.tools.data_containers.ComponentCharacteristics
DataContainer holding the CharLine information.
path : str
Basepath of the report.
group : str
Name of the group if the parameter is part of a group, else None.
latex : str
LaTeX code for figure.
cp = component.__class__.__name__
if group is None:
group = param
local_path = (
'figures/' + cp + '_CharLine_' + param + '_' +
component.label.replace(' ', '_') + '.pdf')
figname = os.path.join(path, local_path)
xlabel = (
r'$X=' + component.get_char_expr_doc(
data.param, **data.char_params) + '$')
ylabel = r'$f\left(X\right)$'
data.char_func.plot(figname, '', xlabel, ylabel)
return create_latex_figure(
'Characteristics of ' + component.label.replace('_', r'\_') +
r' (eq. \ref{eq:' + cp + '_' + group + '})',
'CharLine_' + param + '_' + component.label)
def create_latex_CharMap(component, param, data, path, group=None):
"""Generate image and create LaTeX code for CharMap documentation.
component : object
Component or Bus object the characteristics are applied on.
param : str
Name of the parameter holding the CharLine information.
data : tespy.tools.data_containers.ComponentCharacteristicMaps
DataContainer holding the CharMap information.
path : str
Basepath of the report.
group : str
Name of the group if the parameter is part of a group, else None.
latex : str
LaTeX code for figure.
cp = component.__class__.__name__
if group is None:
group = param
local_path = (
'figures/' + cp + '_CharMap_' + param + '_' +
component.label.replace(' ', '_') + '.pdf')
figname = os.path.join(path, local_path)
xlabel = ('$Y$')
ylabel = r'$f\left(Y,\vec{Y},\vec{Z}\right)$'
data.char_func.plot(figname, '', xlabel, ylabel)
return create_latex_figure(
'Characteristics of ' + component.label.replace('_', r'\_') +
r' (eq. \ref{eq:' + cp + '_' + group + '})',
'CharMap_' + param + '_' + component.label)
def get_char_specification(component, param, data, path, group=None):
"""Get CharLine or CharMap plotting latex code.
component : object
Component or Bus object the characteristics are applied on.
param : str
Name of the parameter holding the CharLine information.
data : tespy.tools.data_containers.DataContainer
DataContainer holding the CharMap or CharLine information.
path : str
Basepath of the report.
group : str
Name of the group if the parameter is part of a group, else None.
latex : str
LaTeX code for characteristic figures.
if isinstance(data, dc_cc):
return create_latex_CharLine(component, param, data, path, group=group)
elif isinstance(data, dc_cm):
return create_latex_CharMap(component, param, data, path, group=group)