Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8

"""Module for helper functions used by several other modules.

This file is part of project TESPy ( It's copyrighted
by the contributors recorded in the version control history of the file,
available from its original location tespy/tools/

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import os
import sys
from datetime import date

import CoolProp as CP
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import helpers as hlp
from import ComponentCharacteristicMaps as dc_cm
from import ComponentCharacteristics as dc_cc
from import ComponentProperties as dc_cp
from import fluid_property_data as fpd
from import check_git_branch
from import check_version

[docs] def document_model(nw, path='report', filename='report.tex', fmt={}): """Generate LaTeX documentation for a TESPy model. - The documentation is stored at path/filename - Generated figures are stored at path/figures/ Parameters ---------- nw : Network instance to document. path : str Folder for the documentation, default :code:`report`. filename : str Desired filename for the LaTeX document, default :code:`report.tex`. fmt : dict Dictionary for formatting the report, for sample see respective section in online documentation. """ # prepare filestructure fig_path = os.path.join(path, "figures") # create paths, if non existent os.makedirs(fig_path, exist_ok=True) rpt = set_defaults(nw) rpt = hlp.merge_dicts(rpt, fmt) rpt['path'] = path latex = document_software_info(rpt) latex += document_connections(nw, rpt) latex += document_ude(nw, rpt['path']) latex += document_components(nw, rpt) latex += document_busses(nw, rpt) if rpt['latex_body']: latex += r'\end{document}' with open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'w') as f: f.write(latex) f.close()
[docs] def set_defaults(nw): """ Set up defaults for report formatting. Parameters ---------- nw : TESPy Network instance. Returns ------- rpt : dict Dictionary containting the default formatting data. """ rpt = { 'draft': True, 'latex_body': True, 'include_results': True, 'Bus': {'float_fmt': '{:,.2f}'}, 'Connection': { key: data['documentation'] for key, data in fpd.items()} } classes = [ nw.comps[nw.comps['comp_type'] == cp]['object'].iloc[0] for cp in nw.comps['comp_type'].unique() ] for c in classes: rpt[c.__class__.__name__] = {'params': []} if hasattr(c, "parameters"): rpt[c.__class__.__name__].update({ param: {'float_fmt': '{:,.2f}'} for param, data in c.parameters.items() if isinstance(data, dc_cp) }) rpt['Connection']['fluid'] = { 'float_fmt': '{:.3f}', 'include_results': True} rpt['Connection']['params'] = ['m', 'p', 'h', 'T', 's'] return rpt
[docs] def document_software_info(rpt): """Get software information. Parameters ---------- rpt : dict Formatting data for the report. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for software information. """ latex = '' if rpt['latex_body']: latex += ( r'\documentclass[]{article}' + '\n' r'\usepackage{geometry}' + '\n' r'\geometry{a4paper, left=20mm, top=20mm,}' + '\n' r'\usepackage{graphicx}' + '\n' r'\usepackage{float}' + '\n' r'\usepackage{hyperref}' + '\n' r'\usepackage{booktabs}' + '\n' r'\usepackage{amsmath}' + '\n' r'\usepackage{units}' + '\n' r'\usepackage{cleveref}' + '\n\n' r'\usepackage{longtable}' + '\n\n' r'\newcommand{\iftab}{\fontshape{sl}\selectfont}' + '\n\n' r'\newcommand{\bftab}{\fontseries{b}\selectfont}' + '\n\n' r'\begin{document}' + '\n\n') latex += r'\section*{Software Information}' + '\n\n' if rpt['draft']: latex += r'\begin{itemize}' + '\n' latex += ( r'\item Please check, whether your inputs, the equations ' 'applied and the charactersitics are displayed correctly.\n') latex += ( r'\item You are welcome to send your feedback via ' r'\url{}.' + '\n') latex += r'\item \LaTeX packages required are:' + '\n' latex += r'\begin{itemize}' + '\n' latex += r'\item graphicx' + '\n' latex += r'\item float' + '\n' latex += r'\item hyperref' + '\n' latex += r'\item booktabs' + '\n' latex += r'\item amsmath' + '\n' latex += r'\item units' + '\n' latex += r'\item cleveref' + '\n' latex += r'\item longtable' + '\n' latex += r'\end{itemize}' + '\n' latex += ( 'Additionally, you will need to make the following ' 'definitions:\n') latex += r'\begin{itemize}' + '\n' latex += r'\item \textbackslash newcommand\{\textbackslash iftab\}' latex += r'\{\textbackslash fontshape\{sl\}\textbackslash selectfont\}' latex += '\n' latex += r'\item \textbackslash newcommand\{\textbackslash bftab\}' latex += r'\{\textbackslash fontseries\{b\}\textbackslash selectfont\}' latex += '\n' latex += r'\end{itemize}' + '\n' latex += ( r'\item To suppress these messages, call the model ' 'documentation with the keyword draft=False in the formatting ' 'dict.\n') latex += r'\end{itemize}' + '\n\n' latex += r'\begin{table}[H]' + '\n' latex += r'\begin{tabular}{ll}' + '\n' version = check_version().replace('_', r'\_') latex += r'\bftab General information&\\' + '\n' latex += r'& \\' + '\n' latex += 'TESPy Version:&' + version + r'\\' + '\n' try: git = check_git_branch().replace('_', r'\_') except FileNotFoundError: git = 'Installation from git not found' latex += 'Commit:&' + git + r'\\' + '\n' latex += 'CoolProp version:&' + CP.__version__ + r'\\' + '\n' latex += 'Python version:&' + sys.version + r'\\' + '\n' timestamp ='%B %d, %Y') latex += 'Documentation generated:&' + timestamp + r'\\' + '\n' latex += r'& \\' + '\n' latex += r'\bftab Parameter highlighting&\\' + '\n' latex += r'& \\' + '\n' latex += r'Variable component parameters:& \iftab italic\\' + '\n' if rpt['include_results']: latex += r'Specified input parameter:& \bftab bold\\' + '\n' latex += r'Results of simulation:& normalfont \\' + '\n' latex += r'& \\' + '\n' latex += ( r'\multicolumn{2}{l}{\iftab Equations are displayed for input ' r'parameters only.}\\' + '\n') else: latex += r'Specified input parameter:& normalfont \\' + '\n' latex += r'\end{tabular}' + '\n' latex += r'\end{table}' + '\n' latex += r'\newpage' return latex
[docs] def document_connections(nw, rpt): """Document connection specifications. Parameters ---------- nw : TESPy model. rpt : dict Formatting data for the report. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for all connections. """ ref_data = {'m': [], 'p': [], 'h': [], 'T': []} cols = nw.results['Connection'].columns property_cols = [c for c in cols[~cols.isin(nw.all_fluids)] if "unit" not in c] property_data = nw.results['Connection'].copy().loc[:, property_cols] fluid_data = nw.results['Connection'].copy().loc[:, list(nw.all_fluids)] specs = nw.specifications['Connection'].copy() if not rpt['include_results']: property_data = property_data[specs] fluid_data = fluid_data[specs] # it is possible to exclude fluid results elif not rpt['Connection']['fluid']['include_results']: fluid_data = fluid_data[specs] ref_spec = nw.specifications['Ref'] # get some Connection object for equation generator c = nw.get_conn(specs.index[0]) for c in nw.get_conn(ref_spec.any(axis=1).index): for param in ref_spec.columns: if c.get_attr(param).is_set: ref_dict = {'label': c.label.replace('_', r'\_')} ref_dict.update( {'reference': c.get_attr(param).val.obj.label.replace('_', r'\_'), 'factor in -': c.get_attr(param).val.factor, 'delta in ' + hlp.latex_unit( nw.get_attr(param.split("_ref")[0] + '_unit')): c.get_attr(param)}) ref_data[param.split("_ref")[0]] += [ref_dict] latex = r'\section{Connections in ' + nw.mode + ' mode}' + '\n\n' # if list is empty, all parameters will be included if len(rpt['Connection']['params']) > 0: for col in property_data.columns: if col not in rpt['Connection']['params'] and not any(specs[col]): property_data[col] = np.nan df = data_to_df(property_data) if len(df) > 0: eqs = df[specs].dropna(how='all').dropna(how='all', axis=1).columns latex += document_connection_params(nw, df, specs, eqs, c, rpt) df = data_to_df(fluid_data) if len(df) > 0: eqs = df[specs].dropna(how='all').dropna(how='all', axis=1).columns latex += document_connection_fluids(df, specs, eqs, c, rpt) for property, data in ref_data.items(): df = data_to_df(data) if len(df) > 0: latex += document_connection_ref(df, property, c) return latex
[docs] def document_connection_params(nw, df, specs, eqs, c, rpt): """Document parameter specification of connections. Parameters ---------- nw : Network object for unit information. df : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame DataFrame containing the connection parameter data. specs : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame DataFrame containing information on model input specifications. eqs : list List of parameters to generate equations for. c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection Connection object, required for LaTeX equation generation. rpt : dict Formatting data for the report. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for all connections. """ if rpt['include_results']: label = 'Connection specifications and results' else: label = 'Specified connection parameters' latex = r'\subsection{' + label + '}' + '\n\n' df_out = df.astype(str) equations = '' for col in df.columns: unit = col + '_unit' if col == 'Td_bp': unit = 'T_unit' col_header = ( col.replace('_', r'\_') + ' in ' + hlp.latex_unit(nw.get_attr(unit))) if col in eqs: col_header += ( r' (\ref{eq:Connection_' + fpd[col]['text'] + '})') equations += generate_latex_eq( c, fpd[col]['latex_eq'], fpd[col]['text']) + '\n\n' for row in df.index: fmt = rpt['Connection'][col]['float_fmt'] if specs.loc[row, col] and rpt['include_results']: df_out.loc[row, col] = r'\bftab ' + fmt.format(df.loc[row, col]) else: df_out.loc[row, col] = fmt.format(df.loc[row, col]) df_out.rename(columns={col: col_header}, inplace=True) num_col = len(df_out.columns) latex += create_latex_table(df_out, label, col_fmt='l' + num_col * 'r') latex += r'\subsection{Equations applied}' + '\n\n' latex += equations return latex
[docs] def document_connection_fluids(df, specs, eqs, c, rpt): """Document fluid specifications of connections. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame DataFrame containing the connection fluid data. specs : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame DataFrame containing information on model input specifications. eqs : list List of parameters to generate equations for. c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection Connection object, required for LaTeX equation generation. rpt : dict Formatting data for the report. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for all connections. """ label = 'Specified fluids' latex = r'\subsection{' + label + '}' + '\n\n' df_out = df.astype(str) equations = '' fmt = rpt['Connection']['fluid']['float_fmt'] for col in eqs: if col == 'balance': eq = r'0=1-\sum x_{fl}\;\forall fl\in\text{network fluids}' equations += generate_latex_eq(c, eq, col) + '\n\n' else: eq = ( r'0 = x_\mathrm{' + col + r'} - x_\mathrm{' + col + ',spec}') equations += generate_latex_eq(c, eq, col) + '\n\n' for row in df.index: if specs.loc[row, col] and rpt['include_results']: df_out.loc[row, col] = r'\bftab ' + fmt.format( df.loc[row, col] ) else: df_out.loc[row, col] = fmt.format(df.loc[row, col]) col_header = ( col.replace('_', r'\_') + ' (' r'\ref{eq:Connection_' + col + '})') df_out.rename(columns={col: col_header}, inplace=True) num_col = len(df_out.columns) latex += create_latex_table(df_out, label, col_fmt='l' + num_col * 'r') latex += r'\subsection{Equations applied}' + '\n\n' latex += equations return latex
[docs] def document_connection_ref(df, property, c): """Document referenced connection properties Parameters ---------- df : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame DataFrame containing the referenced connection data. property : str Short name of specified property (:code:`'m', 'p', ...`). c : tespy.connections.connection.Connection Connection object, required for LaTeX equation generation. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for all connections. """ label = fpd[property]['text'] caption = 'Specified reference values for ' + label latex = r'\subsection{Referenced ' + label + '}' + '\n\n' latex += create_latex_table(df, caption, col_fmt='llrr') latex += r'\subsection{Equation applied}' + '\n\n' eq = ( r'0 = \text{value} - \text{value}_\mathrm{ref} ' r'\cdot \mathrm{factor} + \text{delta}') latex += generate_latex_eq(c, eq, 'ref') + '\n\n' return latex
[docs] def document_ude(nw, path): """Document UserDefinedEquation specifications. Parameters ---------- nw : TESPy model. path : str Folder for the documentation, default :code:`report`. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for all UserDefinedEquations. """ if len(nw.user_defined_eq) == 0: return '' latex = ( r'\section{User defined equations in ' + nw.mode + ' mode}' + '\n\n') for label, ude_data in nw.user_defined_eq.items(): eq_label = ( r'(\ref{eq:UserDefinedEquation_' + label.replace(' ', '_') + '})') latex += ( r'\subsection{Equation for ``' + label + '\'\'' + eq_label + r'}' + '\n\n') latex += generate_latex_eq( ude_data, ude_data.latex['equation'], label.replace(' ', '_')) figures = [] i = 1 for line in ude_data.latex['lines']: local_path = ( 'figures/UDE_CharLine_' + ude_data.label.replace(' ', '_') + '_' + str(i) + '.pdf') figname = path + local_path label = 'UDE_CharLine_' + ude_data.label + '_' + str(i) xlabel = '$X$' ylabel = r'$f\left(X\right)$' line.plot(figname, '', xlabel, ylabel) figures += [create_latex_figure( local_path, 'CharLine ' + str(i) + ' of ' + ude_data.label + ' ' + eq_label, label)] i += 1 i = 1 for map in ude_data.latex['maps']: local_path = ( 'figures/UDE_CharMap_' + ude_data.label.replace(' ', '_') + '_' + str(i) + '.pdf') figname = path + local_path label = 'UDE_CharLine_' + ude_data.label + '_' + str(i) xlabel = '$Y$' ylabel = r'$f\left(Y,\vec{Y},\vec{Z}\right)$' map.plot(figname, '', xlabel, ylabel) figures += [create_latex_figure( local_path, 'CharMap ' + str(i) + ' of ' + ude_data.label + ' ' + eq_label, label)] i += 1 latex += place_figures(figures) return latex
[docs] def document_components(nw, rpt): """Document component specifications. Parameters ---------- nw : TESPy model. rpt : dict Formatting data for the report. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for all components. """ latex = '' for cp in nw.comps['comp_type'].unique(): component_list = nw.comps[nw.comps['comp_type'] == cp]['object'] latex += get_component_mandatory_constraints( cp, component_list, rpt['path']) latex += get_component_specifications(nw, cp, rpt) if latex != '': latex = ( r'\section{Components in ' + nw.mode + ' mode}' + '\n\n' + latex) return latex
[docs] def get_component_mandatory_constraints(cp, component_list, path): """Get latex code for mandatory constraints of component type cp. Parameters ---------- cp : str Classname of the current class. component_list : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame DataFrame of the components of Class cp. path : str Folder for the documentation, default :code:`report`. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for mandatory component constraints. """ latex = '' num_mandatory_eq = 0 mandatory_eq = '' figures = [] for label, data in component_list.iloc[0].constraints.items(): if 'char' in data: for component in component_list: local_path = ( 'figures/' + cp + '_CharLine_' + label + '_' + component.label.replace(' ', '_') + '.pdf') figname = path + local_path xlabel = r'$X$' ylabel = r'$f\left(X\right)$' component.get_attr(data['char']).char_func.plot( figname, '', xlabel, ylabel) figures += [create_latex_figure( local_path, 'Characteristics of ' + component.label.replace('_', r'\_') + r' (eq. \ref{eq:' + cp + '_' + label + '})', 'CharLine_' + label + '_' + component.label)] mandatory_eq += data['latex'](label) + '\n\n' num_mandatory_eq += 1 if num_mandatory_eq > 0: latex += r'\subsection{Components of type ' + cp + '}\n\n' latex += r'\subsubsection{Mandatory constraints}' + '\n\n' latex += mandatory_eq latex += place_figures(figures) return latex
[docs] def get_component_specifications(nw, cp, rpt): """Get latex code for component specifications of component type cp. Parameters ---------- cp : str Classname of the current class. component_list : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame DataFrame of the components of Class cp. rpt : dict Formatting data for the report. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for component parameter specification. """ figures = [] col_headers = {} equations = '' result = nw.results[cp].copy() specs = nw.specifications[cp] if not rpt['include_results']: result = result[specs['properties'] | specs['variables']] elif len(rpt[cp]['params']) > 0: for col in result.columns: if (col not in rpt[cp]['params'] and not any(specs['properties'][col]) and not any(specs['variables'][col])): result[col] = np.nan result_out = result.dropna(how='all', axis=1).astype(str) cols = result.columns.tolist() for col in cols: fmt = rpt[cp][col]['float_fmt'] for row in result.index: if specs['variables'].loc[row, col]: result_out.loc[row, col] = ( r'\iftab ' + fmt.format(result.loc[row, col]) ) elif specs['properties'].loc[row, col] and rpt['include_results']: result_out.loc[row, col] = ( r'\bftab ' + fmt.format(result.loc[row, col]) ) else: result_out.loc[row, col] = fmt.format(result.loc[row, col]) group_data = specs['groups'][specs['groups']].dropna(how='all', axis=1) char_data = specs['chars'][specs['chars']].dropna(how='all', axis=1) specs = pd.concat( [specs['properties'] | specs['variables'], specs['groups'], specs['chars']], axis=1) df_data = pd.concat([result_out, group_data, char_data], axis=1) for col in char_data.columns: for row in char_data.index: component = nw.get_comp(row) if char_data.loc[row, col]: data = component.get_attr(col) figures += [get_char_specification( component, col, data, rpt['path'])] data_dict_gcp = {} group_elements = [] for col in group_data.columns: for row in group_data.index: component = nw.get_comp(row) if group_data.loc[row, col]: data = component.get_attr(col) for element in data.elements: element_data = component.get_attr(element) figures += [get_char_specification( component, element, element_data, rpt['path'], group=col)] elements = [el for el in data.elements if el in df_data.columns] data_dict_gcp[col] = df_data[elements] group_elements += data.elements # remove gouped parameters from main parameter list df_data = df_data[ [col for col in df_data.columns if col not in group_elements]] if len(df_data.index) == 0: return '' # replace column headers for col in df_data.columns: if any(specs[col]) and col not in group_elements: data = nw.get_comp(row).get_attr(col) if data.latex is None: df_data[col] = np.nan else: col_headers[col] = ( col.replace('_', r'\_') + r' (\ref{eq:' + cp + '_' + col + '})') equations += data.latex(col, **data.func_params) + '\n\n' else: col_headers[col] = col.replace('_', r'\_') df_data.dropna(how='all', axis=1, inplace=True) df_data.rename(columns=col_headers, inplace=True) if rpt['include_results']: latex = r'\subsubsection{Specifications and results}' + '\n\n' else: latex = r'\subsubsection{Inputs specified}' + '\n\n' caption = 'Parameters of components of type ' + cp num_col = len(df_data.columns) latex += create_latex_table(df_data, caption, col_fmt='l' + num_col * 'r') # # get parameter groups tables for param, data in data_dict_gcp.items(): df_data_gcp = pd.DataFrame(data, dtype='object') if df_data_gcp.size > 0: for col in df_data_gcp.columns: col_headers[col] = col.replace('_', r'\_') df_data_gcp.rename(columns=col_headers, inplace=True) caption = 'Parametergroup ' + param.replace('_', r'\_') latex += create_latex_table(df_data_gcp, caption) # write equations and figures of characteristics applied if equations != '': latex += r'\subsubsection{Equations applied}' + '\n\n' latex += equations latex += place_figures([fig for fig in figures if fig is not None]) return latex
[docs] def document_busses(nw, rpt): """Document bus specifications. Parameters ---------- nw : TESPy model. rpt : dict Formatting data for the report. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for all busses. """ if len(nw.busses) > 0: latex = r'\section{Busses in ' + nw.mode + ' mode}' + '\n\n' else: return '' chars_plotted = {} fmt = rpt['Bus']['float_fmt'] for label, b in nw.busses.items(): if rpt['include_results']: df = nw.results[label][ ['component value', 'bus value', 'efficiency']].copy() df.loc['total'] = df.sum() df.loc['total', 'efficiency'] = np.nan df.loc['total', 'component value'] = ( fmt.format(df.loc['total', 'component value'])) if b.P.is_set: df.loc['total', 'bus value'] = ( r'\bftab' + fmt.format( df.loc['total', 'bus value'])) else: df.loc['total', 'bus value'] = ( fmt.format(df.loc['total', 'bus value'])) else: df = pd.DataFrame( columns=['comp eq', 'bus eq', 'eta ref'], dtype='object') figures = [] for cp in b.comps.index: if rpt['include_results']: # format cols df.loc[cp.label, 'bus value'] = ( fmt.format(df.loc[cp.label, 'bus value'])) df.loc[cp.label, 'component value'] = ( fmt.format(df.loc[cp.label, 'component value'])) df.loc[cp.label, 'efficiency'] = ( fmt.format(df.loc[cp.label, 'efficiency'])) cp_data = b.comps.loc[cp] char = cp_data['char'] if np.all(char.y == char.y[0]): if rpt['include_results']: eta = np.nan else: eta = fmt.format(char.y[0]) else: key = (char, cp_data['base']) if key in chars_plotted: eta = ( r'$f\left(X\right)$ (\ref{fig:' + chars_plotted[key]['label'] + '})') else: chars_plotted[key] = { 'path': 'figures/Bus_CharLine_' + cp.label.replace(' ', '_') + nw.mode + '.pdf', 'label': 'Bus_CharLine_' + cp.label + nw.mode } figname = rpt['path'] + chars_plotted[key]['path'] if nw.mode == 'design': xlabel = ( r'Energy flow ratio $X$ ($X=1$ in design mode)') elif cp_data['base'] == 'bus': xlabel = ( r'Energy flow ratio $X=\frac{\dot{E}_' r'\mathrm{bus}}{\dot{E}_\mathrm{bus,design}}$') else: xlabel = ( r'Energy flow ratio $X=\frac{\dot{E}_\mathrm{' r'comp}}{\dot{E}_\mathrm{comp,design}}$') ylabel = r'Efficiency $\eta$' char.plot(figname, '', xlabel, ylabel) figures += [create_latex_figure( chars_plotted[key]['path'], 'Bus efficiency characteristic', chars_plotted[key]['label'])] eta = ( r'$f\left(X\right)$ (\ref{fig:' + chars_plotted[key]['label'] + '})') comp_eq = cp.bus_func_doc(cp_data) if comp_eq is None: df.loc[cp.label, 'comp eq'] = np.nan df.loc[cp.label, 'bus eq'] = np.nan df.loc[cp.label, 'eta ref'] = np.nan continue df.loc[cp.label, 'comp eq'] = '$' + comp_eq + '$' if cp_data['base'] == 'bus': eq = r'$\frac{\dot{E}_\mathrm{comp}}{\eta}$' else: eq = r'$\dot{E}_\mathrm{comp} \cdot \eta$' df.loc[cp.label, 'bus eq'] = eq df.loc[cp.label, 'eta ref'] = eta if all(df['comp eq'].isnull()): continue # reorder and rename columns if rpt['include_results']: col_order = [ 'comp eq', 'component value', 'bus eq', 'bus value', 'eta ref', 'efficiency'] df = df[col_order] rename_dict = { 'component value': r'$\dot{E}_\mathrm{comp,result}$', 'bus value': r'$\dot{E}_\mathrm{bus,result}$', 'efficiency': r'$\eta_\mathrm{result}$', 'comp eq': r'$\dot{E}_\mathrm{comp}$', 'bus eq': r'$\dot{E}_\mathrm{bus}$', 'eta ref': r'$\eta$' } df.rename(columns=rename_dict, inplace=True) df = data_to_df(df) latex += r'\subsection{Bus ``' + label + '\'\'}\n\n' if b.P.is_set: latex += ( r'Specified total value of energy flow:' r' $\dot{E}_\mathrm{bus} = \unit[' + fmt.format(b.P.val) + ']{W}$\n\n') eq = r'0=\dot{E}_\mathrm{bus} -\sum_i \dot{E}_{\mathrm{bus,}i}' latex += generate_latex_eq(b, eq, 'energy_flow_sum') + '\n\n' else: latex += 'This bus is used for postprocessing only.\n\n' num_col = len(df.columns) latex += create_latex_table( df, 'Results overview for bus ' + label, col_fmt='l' + num_col * 'r') + '\n\n' latex += place_figures(figures) return latex
[docs] def data_to_df(data): """Create pandas DataFrame from list of dictionaries, remove nan columns. Parameters ---------- data : list Rows for the DataFrame. Returns ------- df : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame Polished DataFrame. """ if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): df = pd.DataFrame(data, dtype='object') else: df = data to_drop = [n for n in df.columns if n != 'label'] df.dropna(subset=to_drop, how='all', axis=0, inplace=True) df.dropna(how='all', axis=1, inplace=True) return df
[docs] def create_latex_table(df, caption, col_fmt=None): """Create LaTeX table environment from DataFrame df. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame DataFrame to export. caption : str Caption for the table. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for table. """ df['label'] = df.index.astype('str') df['label'] = df['label'].str.replace('_', r'\_') df.set_index('label', inplace=True) try: df.replace({'nan': '-'}, inplace=True) except TypeError: # dataframes with bool data only pass longtable = False if len(df.index) > 60: longtable = True with pd.option_context('max_colwidth', 2000): latex = df.to_latex( index=True, escape=False, na_rep='-', column_format=col_fmt, longtable=longtable, caption=caption, position='H') return latex
[docs] def create_latex_figure(path, caption, label): """Create LaTeX figure environment. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the figure. caption : str Caption of the figure. label : str LaTeX label for the figure. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for figure. """ latex = '' latex += r'\begin{figure}[H]\begin{center}' + '\n' latex += r'\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{' + path + '}' + '\n' latex += r'\caption{' + caption + '}' + '\n' latex += r'\label{fig:' + label + '}' + '\n' latex += r'\end{center}\end{figure}' + '\n\n' return latex
[docs] def generate_latex_eq(obj, eqn, label): """Generate LaTeX code for equations. Parameters ---------- obj : object Object equation is applied for. eqn : str LaTeX code of the equation core. label : str LaTeX label for the equation. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for equation. """ latex = ( r'\begin{equation}' + '\n' + r'\label{eq:' + obj.__class__.__name__ + '_' + label + r'}' + '\n' ) latex += eqn + '\n' latex += r'\end{equation}' return latex
[docs] def create_latex_CharLine(component, param, data, path, group=None): """Generate image and create LaTeX code for CharLine documentation. Parameters ---------- component : object Component or Bus object the characteristics are applied on. param : str Name of the parameter holding the CharLine information. data : DataContainer holding the CharLine information. path : str Basepath of the report. group : str Name of the group if the parameter is part of a group, else None. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for figure. """ cp = component.__class__.__name__ if group is None: group = param local_path = ( 'figures/' + cp + '_CharLine_' + param + '_' + component.label.replace(' ', '_') + '.pdf') figname = os.path.join(path, local_path) xlabel = ( r'$X=' + component.get_char_expr_doc( data.param, **data.char_params) + '$') ylabel = r'$f\left(X\right)$' data.char_func.plot(figname, '', xlabel, ylabel) return create_latex_figure( local_path, 'Characteristics of ' + component.label.replace('_', r'\_') + r' (eq. \ref{eq:' + cp + '_' + group + '})', 'CharLine_' + param + '_' + component.label)
[docs] def create_latex_CharMap(component, param, data, path, group=None): """Generate image and create LaTeX code for CharMap documentation. Parameters ---------- component : object Component or Bus object the characteristics are applied on. param : str Name of the parameter holding the CharLine information. data : DataContainer holding the CharMap information. path : str Basepath of the report. group : str Name of the group if the parameter is part of a group, else None. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for figure. """ cp = component.__class__.__name__ if group is None: group = param local_path = ( 'figures/' + cp + '_CharMap_' + param + '_' + component.label.replace(' ', '_') + '.pdf') figname = os.path.join(path, local_path) xlabel = ('$Y$') ylabel = r'$f\left(Y,\vec{Y},\vec{Z}\right)$' data.char_func.plot(figname, '', xlabel, ylabel) return create_latex_figure( local_path, 'Characteristics of ' + component.label.replace('_', r'\_') + r' (eq. \ref{eq:' + cp + '_' + group + '})', 'CharMap_' + param + '_' + component.label)
[docs] def place_figures(figures): """Generate LaTeX code for figure placement. Parameters ---------- figures : list List holding LaTeX code of individual figures to be placed in document. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for figure alignment. """ latex = '' num_per_row = 2 num_rows = len(figures) // num_per_row + 1 for row in range(num_rows): for figure in figures[num_per_row * row:num_per_row * (row + 1)]: latex += ( r'\begin{minipage}{' + str(1 / num_per_row) + r'\textwidth}' + '\n') latex += figure latex += r'\end{minipage}' + '\n' latex += '\n' return latex
[docs] def get_char_specification(component, param, data, path, group=None): """Get CharLine or CharMap plotting latex code. Parameters ---------- component : object Component or Bus object the characteristics are applied on. param : str Name of the parameter holding the CharLine information. data : DataContainer holding the CharMap or CharLine information. path : str Basepath of the report. group : str Name of the group if the parameter is part of a group, else None. Returns ------- latex : str LaTeX code for characteristic figures. """ if isinstance(data, dc_cc): return create_latex_CharLine(component, param, data, path, group=group) elif isinstance(data, dc_cm): return create_latex_CharMap(component, param, data, path, group=group)